14 Oct 2014

Burn Parliament Burn - The BBC Sucks O Cocks News

"Banksters rule the world. Debt, Destruction and Death!" The Artist Taxi Driver

'Revolution' First Reading By Russell Brand

"We have become like living cutlets, sanitised into cellular ineptitude. ...if there was a power cut, within three days we'd be roaming the streets like pampered savages. ...we've allowed them to turn us into waddling pipkins! - Here's a first look at me reading an extract from my new book 'Revolution'." Russell Brand

A Problem For The MHRM

666 - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert host episode 666! The mark of the beast? Or the mark of the financial regulator Nero’s fiddling while markets burn? They discuss the IMF warnings on the speculative bubbles caused by zero percent interest rates but the chaos that could ensue if rates return to ‘normal.’ Whatever that is.

Sexual Abuse Of Men And Boys: Lynne MacDonell’s Talk At U Of T

By On October 9, 2014, the University of Toronto’s Men’s Issues Awareness Society hosted a talk by Lynne MacDonell, who spoke about sexual abuse of men and boys, in particular abuse of boys within the penal system. The talk was sponsored by the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE, pronounced café). CAFE is a non-profit charity that seeks to address issues of gender inequality in society, with a focus at this time on issues faced by men and boys. The event went well, despite a couple of setbacks beforehand, such as a police presence being required and a venue change.

Crack Undercover 'Reporter' Infiltrates Completely Open Public Meeting

By : As we reported in a recent article, during last month’s hugely successful Melbourne meetup, we assembled some great and highly dedicated MHRAs and achieved a great deal. It was a privilege to have the opportunity to meet with them face to face, and an enjoyable time was had by all. What we did not report, however, was that after about half of us had said our farewells and left for the afternoon, the group began discussing the slightly odd behaviour of one of the attendees, a young man going by the pseudonym “Jordan Jennings.” We suspected he’d been less than straight with us and perhaps had ulterior motives but concluded that that seemed unlikely because who would go to the trouble of “infiltrating” an open public meeting? The truth is, the meetup in Melbourne had been open to anybody who wanted to come–even feminists–providing they agreed to be civil. The fact that “Jordan” had contacted us out of the blue claiming to want to get involved in activism while having no known posting history on any men’s rights forum or blog, his clichéd “backstory,” his readily apparent lack of knowledge of any men’s issues, his reluctance to engage in discussion, his lack of interest in the people present, and his rapid departure seemed quite out of place to us.
So when VICE Magazine published an article entitled I Infiltrated a Men’s Rights Group,” we were not particularly surprised.
Now, I should point out that we actually don’t mind at all that he attended. It’s not like we were hiding anything, and as mentioned above, it was a completely public meeting. The main question I have is “Why?” Why would anyone bother to “infiltrate” a meeting that he would have been more than welcome to attend anyway had he simply asked?

Woman Abusing Man In Sri Lanka - DISPOSABLE MALE

Via AVfM: It’s still Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2014, and we noticed that this particular video seems to be appearing and disappearing from various parts of the internet. So we thought we’d save a copy for people to see here.
What more can you say? Most men will not hit women, even in circumstances like this, and yet we live in a cultural mileau which behaves as if “violence against women” is the primary scourge of the world.

Italian Nurse Serial Murderess Killed 38 Patients Who Irritated Her

Angelo: Any further information on this loon's links to feminist sites like Jezebel etc. would be much appreciated. ;)
RT: Italian police have arrested a nurse suspected of being a feminist and of killing at least 38 of her patients because they, or their relatives, or other staff were irritating her. The officials also found a selfie, with the psycho nurse giving a thumbs-up in front of a recently deceased patient.
Feminist Daniela Poggiali, 42, a hospital nurse was arrested in her native town of Lugo in the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, a province of Ravenna, reported Corriere della Sera, an Italian daily newspaper.
The police suspect her of the murder of an elderly patient, Rosa Calderoni, 78, who was taken to hospital with a routine illness. Tests showed that Calderoni died of an injection of potassium chloride, a medical substance, which can trigger cardiac arrest.
Potassium leaves no traces in the patient’s bloodstream after a few days and it makes it more difficult to investigate the case, the prosecutors told Corriere della Sera.
The investigation revealed that the nurse was not only culpable of Calderoni’s death but also the deaths of at least 38 patients. All of them were reportedly murdered in 2014. At least 200 witnesses gave testimonies against ‘the worst nurse.’
Police officers also found a scandalous selfie of the nurse smiling and giving a thumbs-up in front of a recently deceased patient, Chief Prosecutor Alessandro Mancini told a press conference.
“I can assure you in that in all my professional years of seeing shocking photos, there were few such as these,” added Manchini,

274 UK MPs Pass Motion To Recognize Palestine As A State - 12 Against

RT: Despite continuing arms sales to JSIL the British parliament voted in favour of a symbolic move to recognise Palestine as an official state, answering impassioned pleas by pro-Palestinian ministers and activists.
The vote, which took place on Monday evening, saw 274 MPs come out in support of the motion, while 12 voted against.

"This House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel as a contribution to securing a negotiated two-state solution," the motion reads.

A number of politicians chose to abstain from the final vote, including Prime Minister David Cameron and Respect MP George Galloway.

I Lost My Brother To His Abusive Wife, Part 1

: It is day 13 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2014. Today’s In Her Own Words is an all too common tale of a loving family torn apart by an abusive wife. “LostMyBroshares the first part of her story about how her sister-in-law estranged her brother from their family.
Who ever thought a dress could cause so many problems?
My brother met his wife less than a year and a half ago. When he met her, I thought she’d be another girl who’d stick around for a few months and we’d never see her again. That was his pattern at the time. A year prior, he had just ended a six-year long relationship with his ex-fiancé. He dated a few women during that year, but none of them seemed to be what he was looking for, except for “Katie.”