21 Dec 2014

It’s Time For The Manosphere To Mend Bridges With The MHRM

By : As part of the filming process for The Sarkeesian Effect, Jordan Owen and I attended the Kennesaw State University’s Men’s conference, Male Students in Peril, in November—and to be honest, I was mildly skeptical going in.
The split between the manosphere and the Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) occurred several years ago, and while I haven’t held the same level of vitriol for A Voice for Men (AVfM) as others within the manosphere, I’ve remained generally skeptical. I’ve been supportive of them in our mutual fight against the social justice/feminist left, but for the most part I haven’t been keeping up on their activities.
After what I saw at the Male Students in Peril conference, I should have been.
Before we get into that, however, it’s worth revisiting where this split came from—not to rehash the past but to re-examine it through the eyes of a historian.

"Mr Juncker, you are competent, dangerous and doomed to fail" + EU Stoking Flame of Conflict Yet Again

Transcript: Nigel Farage MEP - Mr Juncker you're here with your Commission presenting your new work plan, but I can see you've been busy with the PR consultants. You've been busy trying to spend a pretty penny or two, you've been trying to rebrand the European Commission and you've come up with a slogan- A new start for Europe, I mean you couldn't invent it could you? We do it every five years.

We should get our money back, I even noticed on the Berlaymont building last week a great big banner with your face on it and the rest of the Commission team. 'A new start for Europe under team Juncker'. Well I don't know about new. This commission has got five former Prime Ministers in it, its got 4 former Prime Ministers in it, its got 19 former government ministers in it, its got 7 former Commissioners in it. I don't know about some bright new fresh start for Europe, it looks a bit more like the knackers yard for failed domestic politicians.

Ruble’s Baptism By Fire - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with Liam Halligan

Rubles, sanctions and diversifying the economy with some technology investments.

What Does Mens Rights Look Like? C.O.C.K.!


Spain Takes A Giant Step Backward, Towards Its Dark Past

By Don Quijones: Thousands of protestors, both young and old, took to the streets and central plazas of some thirty Spanish cities today to protest for the right to protest. It is a right that should be respected in any self-respecting democracy.
But not in Spain, thanks to new legislation which is on the verge of becoming law. Under the Orwellian-titled Law for Citizen Security, or more aptly named Gag Law,” virtually all forms of political protest, including all non-violent forms, will soon be criminalized. But not with penal charges – most criminal cases brought against non-violent political demonstrators are promptly thrown out of court – but administrative ones. That way, the government can circumvent the traditional checks and balances of the criminal justice system while pocketing millions in administrative fines.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the financial sanctions the government seeks to impose (and, of course, collect upon) for acts of political protest or disobedience:
• Surrounding a government building: €30,000
• Criticizing or insulting the country, government or head of state during a protest or on social media: €30,000
• Participating in a demonstration that does not have the government’s prior approval: €100 – €1,000

Turkish Lira Punished For Russian Gas Pipeline

"Ukraine is Russia's red line. ...there's a whole other universe of reality going on behind the scenes." Joaquin

Fat Chance: Fructose 2.0 + Sugar: The Bitter Truth

UCTV: Dr. Robert Lustig, UCSF Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, updates his very popular video "Sugar: The Bitter Truth." He argues that sugar and processed foods are driving the obesity epidemic, which in turn affects our endocrine system.