15 Feb 2015

How The News Works - A Reminder

Tyler Durden's picture News - it's how they do propaganda these days... (and for that matter always).

Impact Of Fatherlessness

Jackie Brewton shares an experience from the classroom where 8th grade girls were sobbing as a result of their fathers not being actively engaged in their lives.

Spanish Judge Violates Global Rule, Makes Bank President & Former IMF Chief Pay For Financial Crimes

By Don Quijones: Bankers never go to jail. This is one of the unwritten new laws to which most of us have grown wearily accustomed in this new post-crisis reality. Also begrudgingly taken for granted is the fact that a banker’s fortune will never be seized or confiscated by the authorities; in today’s new Gilded Age a banker’s gains, whether ill-gotten or not, are his or hers until death do them part.
However, nobody seems to have told any of this to Fernando Andreu, the Spanish judge investigating Bankia’s allegedly fraudulent and for investors disastrous 2011 IPO. On Friday 13th, he ordered Bankia, its parent company BFA, the bank’s former chairman, Rodrigo Rato, its former deputy chairman, José Manuel Olivas, and former Bankia board members Francisco Verdú and José Manuel Fernández to pay an €800 million civil liability bond for signing off on the bank’s 2010 financial statements – financial statements that were included in the IPO brochure and “whose veracity is questioned with solid and well-founded evidence”.

Zio-Nazi Netanyahu Urges European Jews To Move To JSIL

Via RT: Benjamin 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu, terrorist apartheid JSIL's lunatic Prime Minister, has urged European Jews to immigrate to the Jewish State of Israel following the apparent shooting dead of a Danish Jew outside a Copenhagen synagogue on Sunday. Netanyahu announced the government will discuss Sunday a $46 million plan to encourage Jewish migration from Belgium, France and Ukraine and said at the start of a cabinet meeting that Israel is the home of all Jews [aka the chosen people].
The shooting at the Krystalgade synagogue that killed a 38-year old Jewish security guard came just hours after another deadly shooting at a free-speech event featuring an artist who had caricatured the Prophet Muhammad.
Five Danish police officers were also wounded in the shootings. Police said Sunday they had shot and killed the man who had carried out both the attacks. 
“We send our condolences to the Danish people, and also to the Jewish community in Denmark. Once again Jews are murdered on the soil of Europe just for being Jews. This wave of terror attacks is expected to continue, including these murderous anti-Semitic attacks,” said Netanyahu, who recently ordered the wholesale slaughter of over 500 little Semitic Palestinian children and thousands of older civilians.

Zio-Nazis Under Attack In The Social Media - Denmark Shooting For The Fabricated Message

It's a constant weekly don’t criticize Zio-Nazis in legislation and their terrorist JSIL land theft. "They are controlling our minds! ..They are fulfilling agenda 21. It's right out of aminal farm." Morris

Ape Culture (Cenk Uygur v Karen Straughan) - Honey Badgers

"Well. I floated the idea in a comment, and it got over 900 likes. The people get what the people want." DoctorRandomercam

Nuclear Specter Returns: 'Threat of War Is Higher than in the Cold War'

The Ukraine crisis has dramatically worsened relations between NATO and Russia. With cooperation on nuclear security now suspended and the lack of a "red telephone," experts at the Munich Security Conference warn any escalation in tensions could grow deadly.
By : The scientists had no idea that their experiment could spell the end of civilization. On Jan. 25, 1995, Norwegian and American researchers fired a rocket into the skies of northwestern Norway to study the Northern Lights. But the four-stage rocket flew directly through the same corridor that American Minuteman III missiles, equipped with nuclear warheads, would use to travel from the United States to Moscow. 
The rocket's speed and flight pattern very closely matched what the Russians expected from a Trident missile that would be fired from a US submarine and detonated at high altitude, with the aim of blinding the Russian early-warning system to prepare for a large-scale nuclear attack by the United States. The Russian military was placed on high alert, and then President Boris Yeltsin activated the keys to launch nuclear weapons. He had less than 10 minutes to decide whether to issue the order to fire. Yeltsin left the Russian missiles in their silos, probably in part because relations between Russian and the United States were relatively trusting in 1995. But if a similar incident occurred today, as US arms expert Theodore Postol warned recently, it could quite possibly lead to nuclear catastrophe.

White Ribbon Australia Ambassador Challenges The Sisterhood - Is Slated For Reeducation Camp

By Dr. Tanveer Ahmed is an esteemed psychiatrist, author, media regular and an ambassador to the White Ribbon Australian Campaign. He recently penned an excellent article on the subject. Unfortunately he was critical of the feminist model and talked about an indifference to men as victims that he said needed to be corrected in his article, “Men Forgotten in Violence Debate.
Only now it seems that it is Dr.Ahmed is the one who is going to be corrected, with some reeducation from people who are light years behind him in expertise. Libby Davies, CEO of White Ribbon Australia, the one who wants to send Dr. Tanveer Ahmed for reeducation, is herself only qualified/educated as Bachelor of Arts in Social Science, and some qualification in Secondary Education and Teaching. Ahmed is facing assessment by his ideological controller, not an academic peer.
Ahmed has apparently agreed to submit to some Davies’ help getting his mind right.
Officials from Erin Pizzey’s whiteribbon.org secured quick approval from Ahmed to repost the original in its entirety, which you can read here.
It would be easy to jump the gun and criticize Tanveer Ahmed for what could be considered caving. I hope he stays in because most people who can see the truth can’t unsee it. He could be part of a new and better culture in the DV field, even if he has to listen to a substitue high school teacher.

Suck It Up Buttercup Janet Bloomfield And 6oodfella

Janet Bloomfield talks with 6oodfella about housework, rape culture and why feminists are ugly. Paul Elam

Video Released Showing US Police Paralyzing Elderly Indian Grandfather; Officer Arrested

By Shaun King: The video was just released of an elderly grandfather being slammed to the ground so hard by an Alabama police officer that it severed his vertebra and paralyzed the man. As you will see in the video, the police then attempt to force the man to walk and believe he's resisting arrest when his legs won't work—not knowing that they broke his neck.
It's despicable.
According to AL.com:

Madison police officer Eric Parker today turned himself in to face assault charges, following the severe injuries to an Indian citizen who was walking down the street outside his son's new home. Chief Larry Muncey told a small press conference in Madison that he also recommended that Parker be fired for his use of force against a man who committed no crime, did not speak English and could not understand the commands. Muncey said "I found that Officer Eric Parker's actions did not meet the high standards and expectations of the Madison City Police Department."