21 Mar 2015

Some Extraordinary Women Support J4MB UK - Here Are Two Of Them

"I don't see some of my grandchildren, it's like a living bereavement. ...It's almost as if men don't feel pain, men don't bleed, men don't hurt. I'm a grandmother of boys as well as girls and I think what is the future?"

Spiegel Goes There: "Hitler's Hordes" Respond To Greece, Send The Nazis, And Merkel, To The Acropolis

Tyler Durden's picture Just over a week ago, when the bipolar, schizoid relationship between Greece and Germany was in the "we demand reparations for Nazi crimes" stage, we reported that the Greek Prime Minister threatened the seizure of German assets in response forcrimes of Third Reich and Hitler’s hordes."
We noted that it was only a matter of time before Germany's peculiar sense of humor struck back (and not just with a fake video explaining how the allegedly fake Varoufakis middle finger was faked), and sure enough here comes Spiegel with "How Europeans look at the Germans — The German Superiority" or ""The German Übermacht", in which Spiegel decided to send over Merkel along with Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch and a a few other nazis right in the middle of the Acropolis.
Of course, the purpose of the article is not to suggest that the "Fourth Reich" is back and is taking over Greece: Spiegel merely summarizes the case that Greece is trying to make, which as we previously reported, Athens will use it Wehrmacht archives (which are over 400,000 pages), to support country’s claim for war reparations from Germany for damages inflicted during World War II in period 1941-1944, Greek Defense Ministry says in e-mailed statement.

Whop, Whop, Ponzi Style!

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss nations joining the anti-dollar alliance as those on the hamster wheel of debt grow tired of working, working, working to pay the interest to those in early on the global debt pyramid scheme.

Louis Theroux Documentary On Single Dads After Divorce/Separation

By F4J: The BBC is making a one hour observational film about the experiences of dads after a separation or divorce to be presented by Louis Theroux. Louis’s recent work ranges from filming in a school for autistic children in New Jersey to producing a film about end of life care in a hospital in Los Angeles. Now back in the UK, our aim for his new series, as is in these recent films, is to explore the experiences of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.

For many people a divorce or separation will be one of the biggest emotional upheavals they will ever experience. Our aim is to produce a sensitive documentary which spends time with fathers who have gone through this experience and are doing their best to maintain happy and healthy relationships with their children. We would like to hear from dads from all walks of life who feel they have a story to tell.

At this stage all conversations are confidential, are for research purposes only and do not commit anyone to taking part in the documentary.

Untold History Of The United States: Bush, Obama And The Age Of Terror

Bush, Obama and the Age of Terror is the concluding episode of Oliver Stone's brilliant 10-part documentary: The Untold History of the United States. Stop the War Coalition

An Introduction To The Men’s Rights Movement

The Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) also sometimes known as the Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) is a pluralistic movement of men and women who have identified certain problems facing men and boys. It is comprised of many organisations and individuals that are loosely affiliated. Despite this, participants within the MRM maintain a largely consistent position on men’s rights. The movement accepts robust and frank internal discussions, which are generally conducted in public. Individuals within the MRM are sometimes known as Men’s Rights Activists or Men’s Rights Advocates (MRAs).  While the MRM has existed for a long time, it is only in recent years that it has been growing rapidly and receiving significant media attention.
The movement started to significantly increase in membership around 2010. The MRM has many detractors. Some who want to discredit the MRM claim it is a violent movement. This could not be further from the truth. The MRM goes out of its way to be non-violent. The most popular online sites within the movement such as A Voice for Men and the MensRights sub on Reddit actively censure and ban people who make threats of violence or advocate violence.
The MRM is a movement concerned about problems facing men and boys and focuses on bringing attention to the problems in the wider community as well as discussing ways to alleviate and resolve these problems. This article mainly focuses on western countries, where the MRM has its roots, but we want to help men and boys all around the world.

MGTOW: Is Gynocentrism Biological?

I contend that it is not, and present my case here. However, I do acknowledge that the sex drive (which is biological) can be manipulated by a society to instill gynocentric behavior in men. Turd Flinging Monkey

JSIL Peace Process Is Just A Lie

"There is no peace process in Israel. Israel doesn't want peace." Says Ry Dawson.

Doing God’s Work - San Francisco Church Sprays Homeless Men With Water To Keep Them Away

By Michael Krieger: I’ve covered the plight of the homeless men in America in recent years as another manifestation of the erosion of decency, empathy, morality and kindness throughout much of our culture. As a society, we’ve become increasingly obsessed with youth, materialism, power and short-termism, tossing aside wisdom, real joy, soulfulness and connectivity. One of the symptoms of this unfortunate transformation can been seen in how we treat the least fortunate and most vulnerable around us, particularly the homeless.Of all the institutions you’d hope to take a different stance toward the weak and struggling, places of worship would be at the top of the list. Not so for Saint Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco, which admittedly sprays sleeping homeless people with water in order to keep them away.
From CBS: SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) — KCBS has learned that Saint Mary’s Cathedral, the principal church of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, has installed a watering system to keep the homeless from sleeping in the cathedral’s doorways.

Nice But Bonkers German Couple Pays Greeks €875, i.e. Their Share Of WWII Reparations

By KTG: Eight hundret seventy five euro. This is the amount German nationals Ludwig Zacaro and partner Nina Lahge handed over to Greeks. That was their share in reparations for the WWII damages caused to Greece by the German National Socialists in World War II.
The money was not just distributed to every Greek they met around but it was given to local charity “Culture Gate” in Nafplion, in Eastern Peloponnese.
€875 divided by two, would mean €437.5 per person…. That means each German owes Greece €437.5 in WWII reparations? It’s not that simple!
Zacaro and Lahge told local media that they made their calculations only with reference to the”enforced loan” of 1942. The enforced loan of 476 million Reichmark (estimated €11 billion) could be nice  €70 billion currently, interest included.

€70 billion enforced loan : 80 million German citizens = €875