10 Jul 2015

Top Computer Security Expert Warns – David Cameron’s Plan to Ban Encryption Would “Destroy the Internet”

BUSINESS INSIDER: What was your immediate reaction to Cameron’s proposals?
Bruce Schneier: My immediate reaction was disbelief, followed by confusion and despair. When I first read about Cameron’s remarks, I was convinced he had no idea what he was really proposing. The idea is so preposterous that it was hard to imagine it being seriously suggested. But while Cameron might not understand what he’s saying, surely he has advisers that do. Maybe he didn’t listen to them. Maybe they aren’t capable of telling him that what he’s saying doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand UK politics sufficiently well to know what was going on in the background. I don’t know anything about Cameron’s tech background. But the only possibly explanation is that he didn’t realize the full extent of what he was saying.
Then I wondered why he would even wish for such a thing? Does he realize that this is the sort of thing that only authoritarian governments do? Again, my knowledge of the UK is limited, but I assume they are a free country that champions liberty.
– From the Business Insider article: David Cameron’s Proposed Encryption Ban Would ‘Destroy the Internet’
By Michael Krieger: I’ve discussed UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s idiotic, futile and extremely dangerous scheme to ban encryption previously here at Liberty Blitzkrieg. Most recently, in the post, Britain’s “War on Terror” Insanity Continues – David Cameron Declares War on Encryption, in which I explained how Cameron immediately seized upon the terrorist attacks in France to propose more fascist nonsense:

The Henpecked Club

Many a good man of the Henpecked Club has to be on his good behaviour in order to keep on anything like peaceable footing with his better half – (1860)1

By : The Henpecked Club is a very real organization, global in scope, that has been in continuous operation for at least the last 200 years. It served the needs of married men who faced domestic abuse from wives, and served young bachelors who might later have to deal with the same issues when they married.
Essentially a project for creating ‘Good Men,’ the Henpecked Club consisted of an international network of meeting-places where men came for support, especially if enduring emotional and physical abuse from wives. In this aspect the club is similar to Al-Anon, the modern support-movement for spouses of alcoholics. The clubs actively encouraged husbands to tolerate wives’ abuse, with the strategy of placating them with any means necessary to moderate abusive behaviours.
The key word there is placate, which the men did in spades.

Combating Islamism With... Thought Police Over Gay Issues?

LGBT, an ideology backed by the British state. "Children who speak out against homosexuality to be considered terrorists!" Lucian

MGTOW Meetup; Report From The Field

"Brothers reached out to help other brothers. The BBC is making a documentary, MGTOW may be going main stream. ...I could hear typing upstairs. The level of anger and frustration in her eyes! We are not going to be understood, the message was definitely hated by the one female who was there." CS MGTOW

The Response Of The CPS To J4MB's FoI Request On MGM

By Mike Buchanan: Four weeks ago we sent a letter to Alison Saunders, Director of Public Prosecutions. With it, we included an article by William Collins.
Our FoI request was very simple:

What is the legal basis, if any, on which non-therapeutic MGM may be carried out in the UK?
If there is no legal basis, MGM must be a criminal offence – grievous bodily harm, at least – so why does the criminal justice system not prosecute those who carry out the crime?
We’ve just received the CPS’s response. The key text:

You also asked about the circumcision of infant boys. There is no legislation criminalising the practice, however where the police refer a surgical procedure resulting in injury or death to the CPS for consideration, it is for the prosecutor to carefully consider any evidence of failings by an individual carrying out the procedure, to determine whether or not they should be prosecuted. Specific offences would depend on the circumstances of a case and we would consider these on an individual basis.
As we anticipated, the CPS has evaded the key question.

Why Do People Hate #Feminism? #5 - Hashtag Hate Group

There's no avoiding the issue any longer: online feminist groups have become hate mobs. When driven to it, they will happily spew abuse and threats at even their most valuable allies. Sargon of Akkad

Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy


How We [UK Local Government] Are Being Fleeced By Barclays And RBS Banksters On £15bn ‘LOBO’ Loans

Joel Benjamin: Debt Resistance UK (DRUK) are initiating a local authority debt audit campaign to demonstrate how the framework of local government finance has been co-opted to work in the interests of private banks, and not in the interests of taxpaying citizens experiencing harsh austerity cuts, for a banking crisis they did not cause.
On Monday 06 July Channel 4 Dispatches in “How Councils Blow Your Millions” presented C4’s analysis of 18 months of Debt Resistance UK – an issue we hope UK citizens will take up as a campaign issue with their local council.
More than three hundred FOI requests were sent by DRUK to 250 UK local authorities, via What Do They Know? to learn the full extent and unnecessary cost of £15 billion of private bank debt imposed on UK taxpayers via an obscure type of “teaser rate” loan known as Lender Option, Borrower Option (LOBO) loans sold to UK councils, housing associations and universities.
Inspired by citizen debt audits in Spain (PACD Municipal Debt Audit movement), debt audits in the global south (notably Ecuador 2008), and the public debt ‘truth commission’ in Greece, DRUK have been working on a UK local government debt audit campaign to highlight systemic failures and odious debt in the UK financial system.