A Fascinating New Interview With Wikileaks’ Julian Assange

SPIEGEL: Who uses these methods? 
Assange: The British GCHQ has its own department for such methods called JTRIG. They include blackmail, fabricating videos, fabricating SMS texts in bulk, even creating fake businesses with the same names as real businesses the United Kingdom wants to marginalize in some region of the world, and encouraging people to order from the fake business and selling them inferior products, so that the business gets a bad reputation. That sounds like a lunatic conspiracy theory, but it is concretely documented in the GCHQ material allegedly provided by Edward Snowden…
SPIEGEL: What does this “colonization” look like? 
Assange: These corporations establish new societal rules about what activities are permitted and what information can be transmitted. Right down to how much nipple you can show. Down to really basic matters, which are normally a function of public debate and parliaments making laws. Once something becomes sufficiently controversial, it’s banned by these organizations. Or, even if it is not so controversial, but it affects the interests that they’re close to, then it’s banned or partially banned or just not promoted.
– From the recent Spiegel interview of Julian Assange
Ever since I read the lengthy and extremely interesting discussion between Google’s Eric Schmidt and Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, I always try to make an effort to hear what the man has to say from his forced asylum in Ecuador’s London embassy.

Fathers4Justice Write To Steve Brine MP About The Death Of Haydn Burton

By Matt O’Connor: Dear Steve,
I am writing to you concerning the recent death of a father’s rights campaigner, Haydn Burton, who was found hanged in HMP Winchester last week.
I understand Mr Burton was your constituent and had sought your help with regard to contact issues with his children and allegations surrounding child abuse in Hampshire.
Fathers4Justice are currently establishing the facts surrounding Haydn’s death and would be grateful for your answers to the following questions:
1. What support was offered to Mr Burton ref his case?
2. What support was offered to Mr Burton ref his general welfare given we understand he was a vulnerable, homeless person? As PPS to Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, I am sure this is something you would have been acutely aware of.
3. What issues did Mr Burton raise with you ref child abuse and police corruption in Hampshire?
4. Mr Burton was arrested following a protest at your offices on 12th May, where his mobile and dictaphone were seized by Police. We understand the protest was entirely peaceful. Why were the Police called?
5. We understand that Mr Burton then appeared at Aldershot Magistrates court on 27th May and was remanded in custody to HMP Winchester, where he was subsequently stabbed by another prisoner, before being found hanged. We understand he later died from his injuries in hospital.

Former High Ranking U.S. Senator Wants To “Hang Edward Snowden On The Courthouse Square”

We need to hang him on the courthouse square as soon as we get a hold of him.
– Former vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Saxby Chambliss, on Edward Snowden

By Michael Krieger: It appears the past few days have represented a sort of coming out party for formerly powerful players in the U.S. government to showcase their fascist tendencies. Earlier today, I highlighted General Wesley Clark’s clear suggestion during a MSNBC interview that Americans who are “disloyal” should be forcibly separated from the “normal” general population through the use of WWII style internment camps.
In the latest display, video has emerged of former Republican Senator, and ex-vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, saying that Edward Snowden should be hanged in the courthouse square. What ever happened to fair trials?

From the Hill:

The U.S. should publicly hang leaker Edward Snowden if and when he falls into the government’s hands, according to the former top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
“We need to hang him on the courthouse square as soon was we get our hands on him,” retired Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

US General Suggests Putting “Disloyal Americans” In Internment Camps

"How do we fix self raducalised lone wolves domestically?" Asks MSNBC frontman. "If these people are radicalized and don’t support the United States and they’re disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principal that’s fine, that’s their right. It’s our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict."
– General Wesley Clark in a MSNBC interview
By Michael Krieger: Noting that the recent tyrannical, entirely anti-American comments made by General Wesley Clark during a MSNBC interview are statist and disturbing would be the understatement of the century.

Athens Warzone: Front Line View Of The July 15 Riot Against New Austerity Measures

Action in Athens on 15 July 2015: While inside the Greek parliament MPs were voting for new austerity measures that will annihilate the people in Greece, in the streets of Athens outside the people were sending their own message, this is Class War. Reacting to the dynamic protest of the people, the Riot Police of the self proclaimed left government of SYRIZA was giving protesters a taste of what’s to come. Not only you will go hungry, you will be beaten up and asphyxiated with gas too if you dare to demand or fight for dignity.

Auschwitz 'Bookkeeper' Gets Jewish Justice

"Not a single gas chamber has been proven to have existed at Auschwitz or any of the work camps. Maybe a few cans of Zyklon B but no gas chambers. Even presumed devices for the infusion of Zyklon B have yet to be found. He's dubbed the bookkeeper of Auschwitz, yet his only crime was checking in clothes and money of Jews before being hauled off to those gas chambers by the hundreds of thousands. Chambers or not, no matter, it's all about Jewish justice. ...How about hard evidence that mass murders even took place? Nah, don't confuse Jews with facts. Instead the fairy tails live on."

Statement Of Palestinian Groups And Individuals In The Occupied Homeland, Refugee Camps And The Diaspora About The Global War On Syria

We are Palestinians and Palestinian organizations that declare our solidarity with the Syrian people in their historic struggle for survival, now in its fifth year.  We are in a unique position to understand and appreciate the challenges facing our Syrian brothers and sisters, because we face the same challenges.
We understand what it means to have our lands and our property taken by foreign usurpers.  We understand what it means for millions of our people to be driven out of their homes and to be unable to return.  We understand what it means for our interests and our national rights to become the plaything of the most powerful nations on earth.  We understand what it means to suffer and die in defense of our sovereignty and human rights.
We do not pretend to tell Syrians what is right for Syria, just as Syria has respected the Palestinian right to liberate Palestine since the time of the Nakba.  However, we declare that the enemies of Syria are the enemies of Palestine, and those who bear arms against the Syrian people and the Syrian army – regardless of their names and affiliations – are mere pawns that serve Israel and its project to divide and control the Arab region.  The people who abduct, murder and slaughter in Syria are the enemies of the Arab nation, just like Israel, with which they share goals and criminal nature.

A Male-Centered Approach To Disability – Part 2: Institutional Gynocentrism

By : As with parenting and school education, the disability sector is overwhelmingly managed and staffed by women. They are the nurses, community support workers, personal care assistants, physiotherapists, guidance counselors and so on. That domination ensures women’s views about gender govern the provision of services for most disabled men. Before discussing the problems created by this skewed situation, let’s begin with a look at the rise of the disability rights movement.
Although disability issues received varying levels of attention throughout history, they became an international cause célèbre from 1960s, this on the tail of the black civil rights movement in America, and coinciding with the rise of second wave feminism. This generated nothing short of a revolution in awareness about the lives and needs of people with disabilities.
The disability rights movement helped to secure greater access to the social and physical environment, as well as opportunities for independent living, employment, education, and housing. It also promoted freedom from abuse, neglect, and other violations, and the establishment of civil rights legislation to secure these opportunities and rights.
So far so good. However in recent years the movement’s mission has suffered mission-creep into the arena of gender politics. We are now more likely to hear about domestic violence and sexual assault against disabled women, their wage discrimination and other forms of double-disadvantage, while contrasting them with the depravity, privilege, rapiness and violence-proneness of disabled men — a narrative fostering denial of vulnerabilities men may face along with a demonizing of men to boot.

Anita Sarkeesian & GamerGate

Sarkeesian has never cared about gaming. She is an academic feminist who stumbled upon a way to create the mythical patriarchy by manipulating media. Feminism LOL