28 Feb 2016

ICMI 2016 In London Just Ahead

The second International Conference on Men’s Issues, this time in London, is now just a few months away. 20 speakers from around the world will participate in the three-day event. - That will be the topic today as Paul Elam launches a series of hangouts leading up to the conference. Today, he will be joined by conference host Mike Buchanan of Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them).

“She Wants You To Be Her Prisoner”

She wants you to be her prisoner.
She wants to have your body
For herself, not even your heart
To be free.” “Surely,”
he answered,
“I agree. I’ve no objections.
I want to be her prisoner.” [1]
: So said the knight Yvain in the late-twelfth-century Arthurian romance Yvain: The Knight with the Lion. Yvain had killed the lady’s husband in a foolish bid for knightly glory. He then fell madly in love with the grieving lady.
At great risk to himself, Yvain sought out a meeting with the lady. He surrendered himself completely to her:

“Lady! Rather than beg
For your mercy, I’ll thank you for anything
You wish to do with me.
Nothing you do could displease me.”
“Really? And what if I kill you?”
“Lady! Your will be done.
You’ll never hear me complain.”
The repeated, exclamatory address “Lady!” emphasizes Yvain’s desperate desire to serve the lady.

The Inner Circle's "Rom Wills Explains Female Fuckery!"

The Inner Circle's comment, as follows: "How many likes can I give to a post like this? What you and Rom stated is dead on, a bullseye on the mark. Because we have lived in a society that has been puritanical in nature for so long, speaking about such issues is shunned upon, especially in the black community. As you mentioned earlier, a lot of us were fed a ton of BS growing up that was based on fairy tales and the cultures of generations' past; Steve Harvey waxing poetically about a man 'needing to earn a woman's time' by courting her for months on end is a prime example of that.

If Men Behaved Like These Silly, Self-Important Wimmin There Would Be An Outcry

The Women’s Leadership Association (Empower Yourself, Empower Others) has just emailed me to inform me that my 2016 membership with The International Women's Leadership Association has been approved! And I didn’t even know that I had applied. It is truly wonderful. Beth Johnston, the Executive Director of the IWLA, tells me that I have been considered for this honour based on my outstanding leadership skills, commitment to my profession (what’s that I wonder?) and contributions to my community.
Well who would have known? And there was me thinking that the feminists hated me! Now all I have to do, they tell me, is to make one click to register to take my place among other remarkable women. “You have earned it and you deserve it!” Beth assures me.
Well fancy that! The thing is that the IWLA recognises women from around the world - from aspiring professionals to the most accomplished! I wonder which I am - aspiring or accomplished?!
It doesn’t matter does it? Inclusion in The IWLA is a privilege shared by thousands of women throughout the world. And that should be good enough for all of us. The message is clear, isn’t it?

Comedy Festival Discriminates Against Straight Men

So once again, discrimination is deemed OK as long as it isn't against a "protected group". Raging Golden Eagle

How Society Controls You, Faux PUA Sasha Daygame

Luke Rudkowski interviews pick up artist Sasha Daygame about how society conforms and controls our minds from actually achieving true happiness and love. We go over the stereotypes of PUA and how we can be our worst enemies with limiting beliefs.

A Commentary On The Shared Parenting Myth

By : There continues to be a growing trend toward shared parenting time arrangements throughout the United States, and New Jersey is no different. The theory behind shared parenting is that the children benefit from the ongoing, consistent contact with both parents. Sounds good. However, depending on the age of the children, this is very hard to implement and very hard to manage. Even in traditional homes where two parents live together with their children, keeping the house rules clear and what the household expectations are is very hard. Imagine this in two different homes, where the parents are often at complete odds with each other. Who sets the rules? What if the rules are not followed? How confusing is it for the child?

Is Male Infant Ritual Genital Mutilation [Soft Name Circumcision] Legal? Does It Matter?

By : Does the law protect the right of every adult, child, or infant to bodily integrity?
There is mounting evidence that this is so, and has been argued by Mike Buchanan of Justice for Men and Boys, and now also by Peter Adler’s “Is Circumcision Legal?
To answer the question, I’ll discuss Adler’s work and also discuss aspects of the well-known Chase Heronimus lawsuit to prevent the forced circumcision of 4 yr. old Chase against his mother’s will.
First, an excerpt from “Is Circumcision Legal?,” italics mine:

Origins of circumcision
Almost all mammals have foreskins. The male and female genitalia, which are identical in early gestation, have evolved to function together during sexual intercourse over sixty-five to one hundred million years.
Male and female circumcisions have been practiced for thousands of
years, usually for religious, cultural, and personal reasons. Male
circumcision has been performed as a religious ritual, a painful obligatory rite of passage, to mark or brand slaves and members of religious or tribal groups, and to suppress sexuality.