28 Oct 2016

Breaking WikiLeaks Revelations & US Pipeline Protests

The newest and dirtiest Wikileaks revelations and what they mean. Lee Camp interviews investigative journalist Jordan Chariton of The Young Turks. Then watch Lee uncover evidence that Big Oil is creating fake online personas to fight against the water protectors in North Dakota, USA.

Alice Fraser, Australian ‘Comedian’, Seeks To Discredit ‘The Red Pill’ With The Relative Occurrences Of ‘He’ And ‘She’ In Australian News Articles. Predictably, An Epic (And Unfunny) Failure

Via Tom, J4MB: For some time it’s been reliably clear that any woman who describes herself as a ‘comedian’ won’t be funny, and will probably survive financially in small or large measure on money extracted from taxpayers or licence fee payers (Kate Smurfwit and the BBC come to mind).
At least with ‘comediennes’ there’s a chance they might be funny e.g. Katherine Ryan, a Canadian. Now her Wikipedai page describes her as a comedian, but we’d like to think that was the result of editing by a hatchet-faced feminist who chews on a thick slice of lemon first thing every morning, to set her expression for the day. Katherine’s own website is a delight – a masterpiece of comic writing, with a quotation of just six words.
If you feel in need of some light relief after reading the piece – or instead of reading it – we recommend this (video, 4:45) by Jim Jefferies, one of our favourite Australian comedians. It contains the immortal line:

That’s why gay guys are happy, and lesbians are fucking miserable.

Climate Of Fear

By : The Washington Post’s headline was grim: “Hundreds of colleges had zero rape reports and that could be worrisome.”
That was in 2014 when the hysteria over “the rape culture” in American colleges was just starting to take hold. Madness ensued. College and university presidents, embarrassed by zero rape reports, scrambled to explain why their campuses made the newspaper’s list. “We always operate under the assumption that zero does not really mean zero,” said a California State University spokesman defensively. “Under-reporting will happen.”
Two years on and this is the new norm on American campuses while the hysteria over sex risks grows ever more strident. What’s frightening is just how little time it took for one of the world’s leading education systems to be captured by a gender-based culture war.
Given that Australia is so clearly heading in the same direction it is instructive to see how this all happened. In the US it started with a 2007 Campus Sexual Assault Study commissioned by the US Department of Justice. The study claimed 1 in 5 college students were sexual assault victims. Although the respondents to the web-based study were self-selected and the definitions of sexual assault that were used were dubious, most media sources dutifully reported this astonishing claim.
Within a few years, universities across America were introducing “yes means yes” regulations that require students to give “enthusiastic” consent every step of the way in sexual activity.

Hillary’s Harpies Stumble In Search Of Work-Drink Balance

By Kathy Gyngell: What a wonderful world it is. Equality is a great thing isn’t it? We have much to thank it for, we really do. On one side of the pond, we see women so intoxicated with power they emulate the worst of the opposite sex. On this side we see women getting, well, just straight intoxicated.
Seeing the avid feminist and Clinton groupie, Senator Elizabeth Warren, on the news yesterday warning Donald Trump just how nasty women could be – as if he did not already know – brought me up short. "Nasty women vote', she shrieked through my TV screen from a Clinton campaign rally, as if it was something to be proud of. So that how America’s top female democrat behaves. Wow!
There they were, two women seeking high office on the grounds they can be and are as nasty as the nastiest man. Out and proud. That is where forty years of feminism has brought us. Thanks a lot. What a great virtue! The founding fathers must have been turning in their graves.
“Donald Trump disrespects – aggressively disrespects – more than half the human beings in this country”, Warner bawled as Hillary leered and gloated in appreciation, her thighs ‘woman spreading’ on a stool behind. What fun they were all having, showing they could get as down and dirty as the best (or worst) of them? Yeah – we can bully as much as the next man. Cheers and clapping.

An Article About ‘The Red Pill’ In The Daily Telegraph (Australian Edition)

Via Tom, J4MB: The piece was written by a smug male columnist, a former ‘student socialist’. An extract:
Personally, I’m not really into the whole men’s rights thing. [That’s it, ignore men’s rights, they’ll go away. Oops, they already have, and you’re too stupid to have noticed.]
Most “advocates” strike me as a little bit sad and a little bit obsessive. [I imagine the same could have been said about “advocates” for an end to slavery, improved rights for black people in the US, an end to apartheid in South Africa…]
A few are just plain creepy. [This is journalism of the lowest order. Would he not be more at home at the Australian edition of The Guardian?]
Still, from what I gleaned in the trailer — which of course I also never would have seen had the film not been banned — they didn’t seem like towering tyrants of patriarchal oppression.
Maybe that’s what upset the censors so much.

Feminists Are Choking On The Red Pill

"All the batshit crazy that the movie is inspiring in feminists."

Academic Totalitarianism

Professor Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses the emergence of totalitarianism in academia.