6 Dec 2016

Additional Thoughts On “Fake News,” The Washington Post, And The Absence Of Real Journalism

The European Commission looked into whether the tech giants were meeting a pledge to remove hate speech within 24 hours of it being reported.
Only 40% of reports of hate speech are being removed within a day, it found. 
The pledge was made in May when the firms signed up to a “code of conduct” brokered by the Commission.
“The last weeks and months have shown that social media companies need to live up to their important role and take up their share of responsibility when it comes to phenomena like online radicalisation, illegal hate speech or fake news,” said Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova in a statement.
– From today’s BBC article: EU Criticizes Tech Firms for Slow Action on Hate Speech
By Michael Krieger: On November 25, 2016, for the first time in my life, I became a part of the news as opposed to reporting on it. Of course, what I am referring to is the slanderous and amateurishly researched article published in The Washington Post claiming Russia used “fake news” websites to promote government propaganda during the U.S. Presidential election. The article was appropriately savaged by several of America’s leading political thinkers and writers, including Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept and Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone.

MRA 101: Why Don’t MRAs Work With Feminists?

By I am covering a lot of bases on this one. Hold on, and I will likely get to you.
Thinking about attending ICMI 17 on the Gold Coast of Oz, but unsure or uneasy about the issues on the minds of the women and men who will be there? This article should fill in some gaps, but there is more.
This article is also directed at newcomers to Men’s Human Rights Advocacy who may have misunderstandings about a facet of the movement. There is not much new here but I also hope even experienced MRAs can mine this article for concise talking points when engaging those outside our ranks, be they feminists or neutral observers.
From time to time I hope to add other MRA 101 articles, but for now, let’s jump right into the meat of how feminists treat men’s equality issues.
  • In the 1970’s Erin Pizzey, the founder of domestic violence refuges in England was ejected from both feminism and the refuges she started after she insisted that domestic violence refuges should work with victims of both genders. 
  • In the 1980’s, Karen DeCrow, President of NOW, was ejected from feminism for advocating that men deserved reproductive rights the same as women.

Restoring Faith In Capitalism

Max and Stacy discuss restoring faith in capitalism with executive pay curbs as the ‘let them eat cake’ of the neoliberal era. In the second half Max continues his interview with Lyle Estill, president and co-founder of Piedmont Biofuels and author of Small is Possible, to talk about a world in which small is big business.

International Men's Day March And Protest - 19 Nov. 2016

We also took the opportunity to protest yet again about Male Genital Mutilation. We were delighted to support father's rights campaigners on a march from the Royal Courts of Justice to Parliament Square on International Men's Day. The organizers' Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/12097...

Blockchain Technology - What Is It And How Will It Change Your Life?

By @Skoylesy: For those of you who follow anything to do with blockchain and blockchain technology,  you will know that the space has had its ups and downs in the last couple of weeks.
The exciting news is that two major players in the gold market, the Royal Mint and CME Group have announced a blockchain-backed gold project, and the surprising news is that the R3CEV consortium is apparently under threat.
Making a mint on the blockchain
The Royal Mint and CME Group have announced that they are working on a blockchain project together. The project will see the creation of Royal Mint Gold (RMG) digital tokens which will each be backed by 1g gold.

Cherie Blair Steps Up Her Cruel Vendetta Against Mothers And Fathers

By Kathy Gyngell: Cherie Blair will not be happy, it seems, until the words mother and father are redacted from the English dictionary and men are made to have babies and do whatever childcare the State doesn’t provide.
Not content with the revolution in women’s work and childcare that has taken place in her work lifetime, Mrs B is now dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. The era of mothers and fathers must end at home as well as in the public sphere.
‘They' must call themselves parents instead. And, in case of doubt, fathers (if they exist) should play a more hands on role in bringing up their children while employers need to do still more to promote the rights of mothers in the workplace.
The revolution is unfinished and will be until the private sphere falls in with already compliant public sphere and adopts this depersonalised and dehumanised nomenclature. Change the terminology and you change how people behave and then – how they think.
Cherie has form. A few years ago she was directing her censorious fire at spoilt ‘yummy mummies’. How could educated women want to bring up their children themselves?
This last outburst left me thinking about her motivation.