22 Dec 2016

Randomercam At BAM: Day 3

DoctorRandomercam: Everyone else is doing that Fun-Size Racist MTV Christmas present. But I'm here to remind you that it's not just the internet. The same shit is still going on in any given soil sample. - Someone might win, but at this point nobody is winning.

White Nationalism Is Scary

That Guy T: I make these videos not only for your enjoyment but also to engage with viewers. Sharing your ideas is the best contribution you could make to this channel.

The Scandal Of ‘Human Rights’

Studio Brulé: Canada's Social Justice Tribunals work on the principle that you can force people to respect others by punishing them over even trivial misunderstandings or honest expressions of opinion. Professor Fiamengo analyses two typical cases adjudicated by the Social Justice Tribunal of Ontario.

Philip Davies CRASHES Feminist Equality Committee

Rekt Feminist Videos: Philip Davies crashes a parliamentary committee that scrutinises issues linked to women’s rights and equality. Look at her face when he says that gender is irrelevant and he believes in equality.

How We Become Slaves Of ‘The System’

By Almost everything you think and do is against your best interest and you don’t even realize it. It’s planned that way.
The state seeks absolute control of your mind, body and spirit. Can the state succeed? It has, but only a precious few ever know.
Your mind and your thoughts are not your own. Almost every thought you have channels you toward the state.
By the time a child grows up and goes through the public (non)education system, he or she has no thoughts of his or her own. By the time that person is finished with college, the system has sealed his or her thought processes so that nothing is questioned. The imperative to inquire beyond what comes from the propaganda media and our leaders is gone.
Our minds are so smug in darkness and organized confusion that we are complete automatons. Our ego, our individuality, is completely excised and we are completely transferred into the state organism and group thought. Any deviation from the system by anyone is met with hostility by friends and neighbors.

A Conflict Of Visions

To this guy for whom we kicked down the door – ‘You’re welcome!’ Suz McCarley
By : Every once in a while something comes along and catches my attention. You know that thing where men and women in the MHRM and MGTOW communities can find common ground, yet seem to talk over each other without an inkling of understanding of the nuance each group within the manosphere holds.
Recently, Heartbern, a MGTOW Youtube commentator, uploaded a video titled The Problem With Men (Especially MRA’s) | MGTOW which illustrates this point. And within the spirit of his preamble: “always a good thing for men to check each other. That’s male culture. We don’t have enough of that anymore.” here we go.
Heartbern starts out in his commentary calling all men out, particularly men in his comment section who sees themselves as powerless, victims of circumstance who in his opinion do not see themselves as men and taking personal responsibility. He then goes on to talk about the fall of Alpha males in society and the emergence of Beta males with a RoK…esk flair.

Sophie Walker - Women’s Equality Party: Philip Davies’s Place On The Equalities Committee Is A Victory For Misogyny

By Mike Buchanan, J4MB: Our thanks to Kevin for pointing us to a silly piece in today’s Guardian, concerning Philip Davies’s appointment to the Women and Equalities Committee. An early paragraph:

His appointment has doubtless prompted much punching of the air among his other backers, an outfit calling itself Justice 4 Men and Boys that gives out monthly awards for lying, whiny and toxic [and ‘gormless’] feminists and posts articles explaining why women lie about rape. [It’s true, we do, including:
6 dangerous rape myths (Hannah Wallen)
10 reasons false rape allegations are common (Jonathan Taylor)
13 reasons women lie about being raped (Janet Bloomfield)…]
Davies – who has distanced himself from the group – recently told its conference: “Feminist zealots really do want women to have their cake and eat it.”

Saudi Arabia Funding Extremist Islamist Groups In Germany

A newly-leaked German intelligence report says Saudi Arabia and other friends of Israel are among several countries funding extremist Islamic groups in Germany.
By Codi Robertson: A newly-leaked German intelligence report states Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar are funding extremist Islamic groups in Germany. 
The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and Northern German public radio broadcaster  Norddeutscher Rundfunk saw the brief and raised concern regarding a reported increase in Salafism, an ultra-conservative movement within Sunni Islam, within Germany.
The report, compiled by German domestic intelligence agency Bft and Federal Intelligence Agency (BND) allegedly accuses Saudi Arabia and the two Gulf nations of funding various Islamic institutions including mosques and religious schools, as well as individual strict preachers and conversion, or “dawah” groups.