The Fourth International Conference On Men And Boy’s Issues Will Be Held In Birmingham, UK, 13-15 July 2018

Note from Paul Elam: After the rousing successes of the first three ICMIs, we push forward again with the next conference being held in Birmingham, UK. ICMI has quickly become an institution of an event for the human rights of men and boys, as well as an annual oasis for the red pill adherents of the world. The event is social, political, cultural and a hell of a lot of fun for attendees and speakers. I hope you will be able to put this on your calendar and secure your place at the event right away. By doing so you will be joining hundreds of other past and present attendees who were glad they did. I look forward to seeing you there! 
By IMPORTANT: Please do not book travel or accommodation until we’ve officially stated (on this website) that the conference is definitely going ahead.

JSIL Jewish State Of Israel In The Levant’s Machinations - The Barzani Clan And Kurdish "Independence"

By Moon of Alabama: The Kurdish region in Iraq held a "referendum" about splitting off from Iraq to form an independent state. The referendum was highly irregular and the outcome was assured. That such a referendum was held now had more to do with the beleaguered situation of the illegitimate regional president Barzani than with a genuine opportunity to achieve independence. The referendum was non-binding. It is now onto Barzani to declare independence or to set the issue aside in exchange for, essentially, more money.
We first wrote about the Kurdish problem and Kurdish ambitions in Iraqi back in December 2005(!). The problems of an independent Kurdish region we then pointed out are still the same:

A landlocked Kurdish state of some kind could produce a lot of oil, but how would this oil reach the markets, especially Israel? The neighbors Turkey, Iran and Syria all have Kurdish minorities and have no reason to help a Kurdish state to enrich itself and see that money funneled to their unruly minorities.

Teaching Kids Left Wing Propaganda

"Apparently Dr. Seuss is racist!"
Barbara4u2c: I went a bit internet mad.

North Korea Seen Moving Missiles As US Admits For First Time It Is In "Direct Contact" With Pyongyang

By Tyler Durden: North Korea has again been observed moving several missiles from a rocket facility in the capital Pyongyang, according to a report late on Friday by South Korea’s Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) rising speculation that the North is preparing to take more provocative actions. The last time a similar report emerged was at the start of September, which was followed just days later by a ballistic missile launch which flew over Japan.
Officials did not say where the missiles were being moved, nor the make: according to Reuters, the missiles could be either intermediate range Hwasong-12 or intercontinental ballistic Hwasong-14 missiles, according to the report, though the missile facility at Sanum-dong has been dedicated to the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
As previously reported, South Korean official have speculated that the North could launch another nuclear or missile test to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of its communist party on Oct. 10, or possibly when China holds its Communist Party Congress on Oct. 18.

Germany And Russia's Bond Of War & Peace

'Europe has paid a heavy price for its
transatlantic thrall to Washington.'
By Finian Cunningham: No other countries on the Eurasian continent suffered so much from war than Germany and Russia. But perhaps out of this mutually painful experience of horror and loss, the two powerhouses can in partnership forge a new geopolitical direction.
A new direction that would turn simmering conflict and saber-rattling into plowshares in order to cultivate international peace and prosperity.
Nazi Germany's aggression towards the Soviet Union inflicted at least 27 million deaths during the 1941-45 war; Germany was likewise laid to ruins, with up to six million of its military personnel — some 90 percent of its total war losses — killed by the resurgent Soviet forces.
Death, disease, destitution and mass starvation scarred both nations. More than any other country, Russia and Germany know the full horror and suffering of war. Therefore, it is incumbent on both to do everything to ensure that such violence should never be repeated.
This week, Germany's ambassador to Russia, Rudiger von Fritsch renewed the bond of friendship between the two nations.

My [Zionist Jew Run] Facebook Was Deleted After Exposing Election Fraud In #KurdistanReferendum - Update 3rd October: YouTube Joins In The Whitewash

Angelo Agathangelou: We are disgusted by the treatment that Syrian Girl has received at the hands of the Jewish Zionist controlled Facebook and now also YouTube. It seems that all Syrian Girl's excellent content that we have posted over the years often offering insider video views of conflicts and pointing out with first rate interviews often with the subjects concerned the propaganda we in the West are constantly subjected to in order to smooth the passage of perpetual wars in the Middle East, all that great content has been taken down, whitewashed or perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it Jew-washed. Disgraceful! We have posted below all the content we could find that remains on Syrian Girl's site and we are leaving up the covers of the removed video's that were of much interest to us and that we posted here, as a stark reminder that the no longer 'soft fascist powers that be' are now waging full on propaganda war against alternative media, a full on war to sensor the content they don't want us to see. Fuck the Jewish controlled lame-stream media.

US Scientists Are Developing A Technique To Control The Weather With Frickin Laser-Beams

By Tyler Durden: In a breakthrough that could permanently ameliorate the threat of thinning water supplies in California and much of the western US, a team of scientists says it will soon be able to induce rainfall and lightning storms by firing high-energy laser beams into the heavens.
Express reports that the breakthrough involves manipulating the static electricity present in clouds – which, after all, are just balls of condensation, triggering rainfall, according to experts at the University of Central Florida and the University of Arizona.
A six year drought in California was finally declared over this year but the threat for the south-western state as well as other locations in the world remains the same.
But scientists may now be able to induce rain and lightning storms using high energy lasers in a breakthrough that could potentially eradicate droughts throughout the globe.
The possibility of condensation, lightning and storms are ever present in the clouds and are containED through high amounts of static electricity.
Experts from the University of Central Florida and the University of Arizona believe that by firing a series of laser beams, they can activate the static electricity and induce rain and storms.

Generations Of Uncertainty

The Electronic Intifada: Ahmad, a young merchant living in the Egyptian city of El-Arish, was nursing a recent heartbreak.
Stateless Palestinian refugees in Egypt are banned from studying and working in several professions. Pan Chaoyue Xinhua
Less than a month ago, he asked for an Egyptian woman’s hand in marriage. He was rejected, he said, because he is a Palestinian carrying a refugee travel document.
Yet his family have resided in Egypt for the better part of a century.
Ahmad’s family is originally from al-Maghar in central Palestine. They were forced out when the village was ethnically cleansed by Jewish Zionist forces in May 1948, the month the state of Israel was declared.
The family were among the estimated 11,600 Palestinians who fled to Egypt that year. There the authorities issued them refugee travel documents but not citizenship.
Unlike refugees who ended up in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, Palestinians who fled to Egypt did not have access to relief services from UNRWA, the United Nations agency for Palestine refugees, as Egypt prevented it from operating in the country.

Don’t Become A Right-Wing Snowflake

But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg…Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error. Give a loose rein to them, they will support the true religion by bringing every false one to their tribunal, to the test of their investigation. - Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia
By Michael Krieger: Here’s a prediction. Right-wing snowflake culture will expand exponentially in the coming years, and its rise will be cynically and intentionally fueled by Donald Trump himself. Having proved himself a fake populist on most issues that actually matter, Trump has no choice but to move more enthusiastically into the culture war to deflect away from his obvious betrayal on economic populism and keep his diehard supporters in heat.

Men Are Rejecting Western Women

MGTOW 101: Men Are Rejecting Western Women. A BRITISH dating expert has delivered a scathing critique of English women – and strongly recommended that blokes date Eastern European girls instead. Richard La Ruina, 37, from Cambridge has been named “one of the country’s top pick-up artists” in the past.

"The Challenge Of Jewish-Zionist Power"

"One person who has spoken candidly about the real reason for the United States support for Israel is bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa who was awarded the 1984 Nobel peace prize. Addressing an audience in Boston he said. "But you know as well as I do that somehow the Israeli government is placed on a pedestal in the United States and to criticise it is to be immediately dubbed anti-Semitic. People are scared in this country to say wrong is wrong, because the Jewish lobby is powerful, very powerful." Bishop Desmond Tutu spoke the truth." Said historian, publisher, activist and organiser Mark Weber.

Jewish Zuckerberg's Facebook Blocks SyrianGirl's Account After Criticism Of Kurds.

RI: SYRIANGIRL, the Australian activist Youtuber and social media powerhouse tweeted on Thursday evening (EST) that her Facebook account has been blocked for her exposure of fraud during the Kurdistan referendum.

She had recently been saying that the Kurds were intimidating voters to support the referendum, and that it wasn't a fair vote.

The US Military Is Quietly Building SkyNet

By Tyler Durden: Maybe Elon Musk had a point…
The US’s military leaders have agreed on a strategy to guarantee the US military retains its global dominance during the twenty-first century: Connect everything with everything, as DefenseOne describes it. The result? An unimaginably large cephapoloidal nervous system armed with the world’s most advanced weaponry, and in control of all military equipment belonging to the world’s most powerful army.
Sound familiar? It should...
A networked military – an extreme take on the “internet of things” - would connect everything from F-35 jets to the Navy’s destroyers to the armor of the tanks crawling over the land to the devices carried by soldiers – every weapon would be connected.  Every weapon, vehicle, and device connected, sharing data, constantly aware of the presence and state of every other node in a truly global network.

AVfM A Voice For Men Radio - Austraila's International Men's Day Takeover By Feminists

Paul Elam and Tom Golden discuss events surrounding the movement of the Australian Women's Network to co-opt International Men's Day into a feminist agenda.

Jeremy Corbyn Will Stop Brexit And "Build New And Progressive [Feminist/SJW] Relationship With Europe"

Corbyn vowed that Labour would not give a “green light to a reckless Tory Brexit agenda that would plunge Britain into a Trump-style race-to-the-bottom”. 

ICH: Transcript - Conference, thank you for that.  We meet here this week as a united Party,  advancing in every part of Britain, winning the confidence of millions of our fellow citizens, setting out our ideas and plans for our country’s future, that have already inspired people of all ages and backgrounds.

MHRM's Coming Home - ICMI 2018 At Birmingham City FC

By : We’ve just announced the outstanding venue of the 2018 conference on the ICMI18 website. We need to ensure the financial viability of the event well in advance, so we’re repeating the process we used in relation to the 2016 conference, asking people to make a £22.00 deposit on their ticket(s), fully refundable in the unlikely event the conference doesn’t go ahead.
ICMI18 will be the biggest, most interactive, and simply the best conference in the series to date. We look forward to meeting you in Birmingham.
Angelo: Great disabled access at BC FC, so hope I'll see you all there!

David Leyonhjelm Part 3: Domestic Violence & Diversity

Independent Man: This is Part 3 of an interview with Leader of the Australian Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm. One more segment to come later this week.

Here’s Why You Are Uneasy With Star Trek: Discovery, Anita Sarkeesian

By : Spoilers ahead. For the New York Times review, see here
Anita Sarkeesian fancies herself a fan of Star Trek but in a recent video review of the new vagina-washed series Star Trek: Discovery, (hereafter ST: Diss) Anita expressed unclear misgivings about the new series available only by subscription to the pricey CBS All Access streaming service. Don’t be alarmed – I watched it so you don’t have to.
As a feminist booster it is a moral imperative for me to step in and mansplain to Anita the sources of her inarticulate unease. To her credit or perhaps shame, Anita was able to speak her hatred for a black girl’s hair – she and a friend “Ebony” (no kidding) nattered on and on about it being not nappy enough for their tastes – but there are other, deeper features of the pilot episode that Anita seems to have missed.
It is no small irony that after decades of complaining how women in power are judged and commented on their looks, the very first place Anita and Ebony go is right down the same track.
Stereotype one. The opening scene depicts an Asian woman, Captain Phillipa, wandering aimlessly in a desert – the woman is even depicted walking in literal circles. I wish I were kidding about this but as Anita often says, one has to always point out such stereotypes.  One would think that the trope of a clueless Asian woman driver would be familiar to Anita.

Man Incensed By Brainwashed Morons Supporting Male Infant Ritual Genital Mutilation - Soft Name Circumcision

Bonobo3D: At the Bloodstained Men & Their Friends protest of the AAP Convention in Chicago (Sept. 16, 2017) Steven Barendregt raged against the sexual abuse and medical fraud he endured as an infant and continues to suffer from as an adult. Interviewed following his angry outburst he discusses broken relationships and how he copes with the harm of sexual mutilation. Please share widely and help me thank Steven for his courageous public stance and good work with the Bloodstained Men to help end this atrocity.

Why Do You Eat Bacon And Eggs?

'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.' Wrote Edward Bernays. 
corbett: Because the Beech-Nut Packing Company told you to, that's why. But don't take it from me, take it from the man who engineered the campaign himself, Edward Bernays.

Meet Yvonne Felcara - Feminist Antifa Leader Arrested After Scuffle In Berkeley

Nikita Vladimirov: Prominent feminist anti-fascist leader Yvonne Felarca was arrested Tuesday following a rowdy AntifaVictory Marchin Berkeley, California.
Felarca, a 47-year-old middle school teacher who leads the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality by Any Means Necessary (BAMN), was arrested following a scuffle with demonstrators who had turned out for a Patriot Prayer rally.
Images and video obtained by Campus Reform appear to show Felarca being surrounded by numerous police officers in riot gear in the middle of the street. According to an eyewitness on the ground, the activist was then taken to the back of a police car that promptly left the scene.
Felarca, an organizer of many anti-fascist demonstrations in Berkeley, has a history of publically advocating for violence against her political opponents.
Earlier in the summer, Felarca was arrested and charged with inciting a riot after she openly punched a member of a white nationalist organization who was peacefully protesting in the street.
According to numerous reports, the video of the incident showed Felarca punching the man in the stomach while shouting “get the fuck off our streets.”

NFL Gynocentrism And Protests

Men Are Good!: Right before our eyes we have been seeing the transformation of the NFL from a masculine organization to something more gynocentric and politically correct. Now we have players wearing pink. We have owners being duped by feminist lies about domestic violence and focusing on breast cancer while turning a blind eye to prostate cancer. Can you say GYNOCENTRISM?


DoctorRandomercam: Now you have to figure out what the pterodactyls are and what the mole rat is. No, it's not that. Or that. Not even close. Best of luck. [twirls neckbeard]

27 Sept 2017

Flanders Today: Ethics Committee Rules Against Male Infant Ritual Genital Mutilation - Soft Name Circumcision

After three years, the government’s Committee for Bio-Ethics has ruled that a child’s right to bodily integrity is more important than its parents’ religious faith. As circumcision is irreversible and therefore a radical operation, we find the physical integrity of the child takes precedence over the belief system of the parents,” the committee chair Marie-Geneviève Pinsart pronounced.
By Alan Hope: The federal government’s Committee for Bio-Ethics has ruled against the circumcision of infant boys for reasons other than medical necessity. Its ruling states that bodily integrity is more important than religious faith.
The committee was ruling on a question posed in 2014 by Brussels doctors, who asked whether carrying out ritual circumcision of infant boys was ethically correct. The process is irreversible, has no medical justification in most cases, and is performed on minors unable to give their own permission.

Justin Trudeau Wants All Men To Be Feminist

Barbara4u2c: "The lost truths" is a new series of videos that will be out every week, covering the events that sparked my interest but were swept under the rug of major media so this is a way they get heard and known. The symbol of this series is a Phoenix that represents what I believe in and this Youtube era we live in - just like a phoenix, so do we rise from the ashes numerous times and continue what we're doing no matter how many times we get burned.

Miko Peled At Fringe Labour Conference - "Holocaust Yes Or No"?

'Unfortunately, Miko Peled, AZZs and Zionists share the same attitude towards elementary liberties. They see it as a set of limitations, a  Jerusalemite realm of correctness, an extension of the 10 commandments. How sad...'
By Gilad Atzmon: The Mirror reports today that the Labour party faces a fresh anti-Semitism row after a speaker at a party conference fringe event called for “free speech to extend to holocaust denial.”
Let me assure you, this is not what Anti Zionist Zionist  Naomi Wimborne-idrissi had in mind when she invited Miko Peled to speak at the Free Speech on Israel Labour fringe event.
What the Labour Jews mean by freedom of speech on Israel has little to do with freedom, speech or freedom of speech. What they mean is that a few Labour Jews should be the ones who define the boundaries of freedom to criticise Israel in accordance with their understanding of Jewish interests. Wimborne Idrissi calls it ‘giving a kosher stamp.’

Marriage Is Mathematically Offensive

"Don't worry, social justice nonsense and political correctness is confined to the humanities, the hard sciences are fine, STEM fields are safe, or are they?" Said Independent Man.

JPMorgan Banksters Ordered To Pay Over $4 Billion To Widow And Family

"Surviving stage 4 lymphoma cancer was easier than dealing with this bank and its estate administration"
By Tyler Durden: A Dallas jury ordered JPMorgan Chase to pay more than $4 billion in damages for mishandling the estate of a former American Airlines executive.
Jo Hopper and two stepchildren won a probate court verdict over claims that JPMorgan mismanaged the administration of the estate of Max Hopper, who was described as an airline technology innovator by the family’s law firm. The bank, which was hired by the family in 2010 to independently administer the estate of Hopper, was found in breach of its fiduciary duties and contract. In total, JP Morgan Chase was ordered to pay at least $4 billion in punitive damages, approximately $4.7 million in actual damages, and $5 million in attorney fees.
The six-person jury, which deliberated a little more than four hours starting Monday night and returned its verdict at approximately 12:15 a.m. Tuesday, found that the bank committed fraud, breached its fiduciary duty and broke a fee agreement, according to court papers.
"The nation's largest bank horribly mistreated me and this verdict provides protection to others from being mistreated by banks that think they're too powerful to be held accountable," said Hopper in a statement.

Was Facebook Pressured Into Finding ‘Something’ To Implicate Russia?

By Michael Krieger: Robert Parry of Consortium News just published an extremely important article picking apart The Washington Post’s latest attempt to convince readers that Russia influenced the 2016 U.S. election. In this case, by purchasing a measly $100,000 of Facebook ads.
The Washington Post, which has a history of falsely claiming certain alternative media websites work for the Kremlin, is owned by Slaver family billionaire Jew Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, which has a $600 million contract with the CIA. When it comes to Russia hysteria, the paper is in a class of its own.
What follows are some key excerpts from Parry’s piece, WPost Pushes More Dubious Russia-bashing. You should read the entire thing and share. 
Some people are calling the anti-Russian hysteria being whipped up across the U.S. mainstream news media a new “golden age of American journalism,” although it looks to me more like a new age of yellow journalism, prepping the people for more military spending, more “information warfare” and more actual war.

Aw, Women Who Think They're Better Than Men Can't Find Love

6oodfella: The reason women end up alone, childless, and bitter, is because they're better than you. If you were as smart as them, you'd already know that.

Credit Freeze

Max & Stacy ask what happens when a nation of consumers goes into cold state credit freeze? And is Warren Buffett’s Dow 1,000,000 possible in such a state? Max interviews Charles ‘Chuck’ Johnson of about how his operation managed to take down the billions-of-dollars establishment candidates and media empires in this latest US election series. He also reveals who his deep political sources claim is the source of funding for the Steele dossier.

26 Sept 2017

The Killing Of History

John Pilger tells the Americans about themselves.
It is not a pretty picture.
By John Pilger: One of the most hyped “events” of American television, The Vietnam War, has started on the PBS network. The directors are Ken Burns and Lynn Novick.  Acclaimed for his documentaries on the Civil War, the Great Depression and the history of jazz, Burns says of his Vietnam films, “They will inspire our country to begin to talk and think about the Vietnam war in an entirely new way”.
In a society often bereft of historical memory and in thrall to the propaganda of its “exceptionalism”, Burns’ “entirely new” Vietnam war is presented as “epic, historic work”. Its lavish advertising campaign promotes its biggest backer, Bank of America, which in 1971 was burned down by students in Santa Barbara, California, as a symbol of the hated war in Vietnam.
Burns says he is grateful to “the entire Bank of America family” which “has long supported our country’s veterans”.  Bank of America was a corporate prop to an invasion that killed perhaps as many as four million Vietnamese and ravaged and poisoned a once bountiful land.

The Extreme Incompetence Of The CIA

By Mark Boden: Now here is something you would never see in the Lame Stream Media. This segment from the main Russian evening news exposes the Central Incompetence Agency for their cruelty, their greed, and their sheer stupidity. This is standard fare for Russian TV evening news - it might be enlightening to Americans.
Watch this 6 minute report - Full transcript follows below.
Some ideas touched on in the video:
Donald Trump begins his day with a report from 17 intelligence agencies, and Americans love them. It was these geniuses that exposed how Russia rigged the election. They should know, they’ve been doing it to other countries for 70 years. But wait...aren’t these the same morons that said Iraq had WMDs? Well one million deaths later, they are still at the forefront of the US Political machine.

UK's Bath Spa University Goes Full Politically Correct Retard, Bars Research Into Transgender Surgery Regrets

BBC: A therapist says he is "astonished" by a university's decision to stop him studying people who decide to reverse gender reassignment operations.
James Caspian [left] wanted to write a thesis on "detransition" as part of his master's degree in counselling and psychotherapy at Bath Spa University.
He said it was rejected by the university's ethics committee because it could be "politically incorrect".
The university said it couldn't comment until after an internal investigation.
Mr Caspian, a counsellor who specialises in therapy for transgender people, told Radio 4: "I was astonished at that decision.
"I think that a university exists to encourage discussion, research - dissent even, challenging perhaps ideas that are out of date or not particularly useful."
He says he wanted to study people who had swapped gender and then changed their minds after coming across evidence of a growing number of people who regretted having the surgery and finding no research had been done into the subject.

Horse v Mule: Burnel Recognized Value Of Seminal Action

In twelfth-century England, the donkey Burnel thought himself destined to become a bishop. Burnel had a traumatic childhood and low masculine self-esteem. Yet a donkey could offer more in love than could a man. Recognizing the value of seminal action, Burnel imagined himself being a bishop acting as a horse rather than as a mule.
A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. A mule thus indicates a male donkey’s sexual broad-mindedness and vigor. Wrongly stereotyped as being stubborn, scientific testing suggests that mules are more flexible learners than are donkeys, horses, or dogs.[1] Male mules, however, are sterile. No matter how much erection labor a male mule performs for a female, the female will not get pregnant. Mules thus cannot become biological fathers.[2]
The donkey Burnel had no interest in becoming a spiritual father like a mule. In considering the role of bishop, Burnel pondered the two-horned bishop’s hat known as a mitre. In medieval Europe, an abbot could also wear a mitre. An abbot, however, lacked the sacramental capabilities of a bishop.[3] Burnel respected only fully capable fatherly horns:

Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict With Russia

By Paul Craig Roberts: Russia has provided evidence that Washington is collaborating with [Israeli Mossad's] ISIS in attacks on Russian forces.
In one Washington-directed attack, ISIS tried to capture 29 Russian military policemen. However, Russian special forces entered the fray, and the result was spectacular losses for ISIS.
In another attack Washington-directed attack, Russian General Valery Asapov and two Russian colonels were killed in an attack that violated agreements.
Sooner or later it will dawn on the Russian government that Washington is not a rational government with which diplomacy can be practiced, peace pursued, and agreements reached. Sooner or later it will dawn on the Russian government that far from being rational, Washington is a criminally insane collection of psychopaths in thrall to the military/security complex which, in turn, is in thrall to its massive profits.
In other words, for the powerful interest groups that control the US government, war is a profit center. No amount of Russian diplomacy can do anything about this fact.

The Daily Men & Boys' Human Rights Show

"[US] schools still have to investigate sexual assault under title nine and if you look at it, there's all this hysteria around it about, rolling back rights, which it's really not, because the culture came along with the guidance and made the guidance so much worse, because the culture surrounding sexual assault is now so much on the side of believe the accuser who is automatically labelled as a victim before any investigation has taken place. ...The Obama system didn't help accusers, it didn't help true victims, ...because schools could still screw up, because they don't have the tools"

25 Sept 2017

The Exit Strategy Of Empire + Thoughts On Trump, Fake Patriotism And ‘Taking A Knee’

The Roman Empire never doubted that it was the defender of civilization. Its good intentions were peace, law and order. The Spanish Empire added salvation. The British Empire added the noble myth of the white man’s burden. We have added freedom and democracy. - Garet Garrett, Rise of Empire
By The first step in creating Empire is to morally justify the invasion and occupation of another nation even if it poses no credible or substantial threat. But if that’s the entering strategy, what is the exit one?
One approach to answering is to explore how Empire has arisen through history and whether the process can be reversed. Another is to conclude that no exit is possible; an Empire inevitably self-destructs under the increasing weight of what it is — a nation exercising ultimate authority over an array of satellite states. Empires are vulnerable to overreach, rebellion, war, domestic turmoil, financial exhaustion, and competition for dominance.
In his monograph Rise of Empire, the libertarian journalist Garet Garrett (1878–1954), lays out a blueprint for how Empire could possibly be reversed as well as the reason he believes reversal would not occur.

Being Nice To Women Is Sexist - Cosmo Cringe

Shoe0nHead: "Yes, men and women are biologically different. Women need more sleeps! Not at work though! You can't be like, 'women should get nappy breaks at work' and then also be like, 'm-wage gap!'"

Life Of Saints Chronicled Man’s Sexual Deprivation And Suffering

About 1700 years ago in Antioch in present-day Turkey, a wealthy, well-educated man of high birth loved a beautiful, young woman. Her name was Ioustina. His name was Aglaïdas. Aglaïdas didn’t merely have the high masculine social status that typically attracts amorous attention from women. Aglaïdas {᾽Αγλαïδας} in ancient Greek means “beautiful, splendid.”[1] Aglaïdas, like Ioustina, was also physically beautiful.
Men’s great love for women often makes men vulnerable to sexual harassment by women. So it was for Aglaïdas:

seeing often the virgin {Ioustina}, when she passed by on her way to the house of God, he was fiercely stricken by her beauty as if by an arrow — even though, with fasting and prayer, she did everything in her power to make her beauty wither and disappear as if it were a perilous and dangerous thing. Still, with his lascivious eyes, at first he would watch the streets and wait for her; and when he came face to face with her, he would shower praises on her, extol her beauty, and laud her good fortune.

People Ignore Facts That Contradict Their False Beliefs

By Eric ZUESSE: The more people there are who ignore facts that contradict their beliefs, the likelier a dictatorship will emerge within a given country. Here is how aristocracies, throughout the Ages, have controlled the masses, by taking advantage of this widespread tendency people have, to ignore contrary facts: 
What social scientists call “confirmation bias” and have repeatedly found to be rampant,* is causing the public to be easily manipulated, and has thus destroyed democracy by replacing news-reporting, by propaganda — ‘news' that’s false — in a culture where lies which pump the agendas of the powerful (including lies pumped by the billionaire owners of top ‘news’media and of the media they own) are almost never punished (and are often not even denied to be true). Thus, lies by those powerful liars almost always succeed at enslaving the minds of the millions, to believe what the top economic-and-power class want those millions of people to believe no matter how false it might happen actually to be.