"SJW" Gender Studies: FOR KIDS!

Shoe0nHead: Join lindsay, teddy and my half dead corpse on this magical journey of cringe and confusion. i think her heart is in the right place, but heCK was paved with good intentions yaknowwattameen.

Why I Am Not A Feminist

By : I am genetically and socially male. I was raised almost exclusively by women. My biological father vanished from my life before I was old enough to remember him; the stepfather I acquired at age three had little to do with me, and was gone before I turned nine. Throughout my childhood, when I wasn’t with my mother, I was with my grandmother or aunt. My only male role models were a very few male teachers, and so I saw the world largely through the feminine perspective of my family caretakers. As a result, I was acutely conscious of many of the ways male-dominated society oppressed women in latter twentieth century America; although, like that of my caretakers, my awareness of the manifold forms female oppression continued to grow, at an ever-accelerating pace, as I grew older.
I remember being resentful of many male behaviors: how a man would often lead a woman about by holding her elbow, for example, or make disparaging remarks about female drivers, as well as innumerable other offenses. I was resentful, too, of the obvious male assumption that men were in charge of everything. When I got a little older, and began to realize that I was eventually going to turn into a man, I became embarrassed for my sex, and even more resentful of the rotten behavior of men.

Trump Tweetstorm Promises Full Hacking Report In 90 Days - Slams "Guilty As Hell" Hillary

By Tyler Durden: As President Obama drops ever more chaos into the path of Donald Trump's presidency with everything from troop movements to trade disputes, it appears the president-elect had a lot to get off his chest this morning.
It began with some confident crowing about his cabinet appointments and their hearings...

But then quickly snapped to the "intelligence" lies and fake news of the media. As The Hill reports, President-elect Donald Trump struck a new blow in his war of words with the intelligence community on Friday, tweeting that the IC “probably” leaked new reports against him “even knowing there is no proof.”

Wimmin-Only Workspaces Are Glorified Salons

By Laura Perrins: Can someone please tell me where the local, Wimmin-Only office space is, so I never have to go there? Supposedly they are the latest thing: co-working spaces where ‘no boys are allowed.’ I think they mean men – but let’s just let that one slide for now.
Goodness, can you imagine anything worse than a women-only office space? Think of all the chatter, the bitching and the incredibly unproductive working day, and yes you don’t have to mention it but I know what you are thinking - the synchronisation. God save us from the synchronisation.
We are told, “But female-focused spaces have become a niche in the industry as a response to contemporary feminism and a reaction against fratty venues that advertise kegs and pingpong. “Women are craving community, connection, and confidence, and that’s what we’re going to give them,” says Stacy Taubman, 38, founder of Rise Collaborative, which is set to open in St. Louis this month and will offer members networking events, a book club, and a chance to mentor teens.”
Once you break it down though, there does not seem to be that much working going on. They certainly are not making anything. I think the men and working class women are doing that in some God forsaken place the sisters never have to visit.

Philip Davies Makes His Debut On Equalities Committee

Written by James Millar: Philip Davies has previously questioned whether the women and equalities select committee should exist but yesterday he made his first contribution as a member.
Describing himself as the parliamentary spokesman of the campaign against political correctness he questioned how important gender equality is and whether the general public were bothered by it.
Committee chair Maria Miller slapped him down for veering from the remit of the inquiry and Sam Smethers, chief executive of feminist campaign group The Fawcett Society, found herself explaining the meaning of the word 'important' to him.
His appearance at the committee will confirm concerns raised when he was elected unopposed to join it last month that he would seek to derail its work. Davies has previously suggested 'feminsist zealots really do want women to have their cake and eat it' and in December he spoke for over an hour in an effort to talk out a backbench bill calling on the government to ratify an international treaty on domestic violence.
The committee is holding an inquiry into how well the government is pursuing its stated aim of achieving "gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls".

Jewish Terror Regime Jets Bomb Damascus Airport; Syria Vows It Will Respond To "Flagrant Israeli Terror Attack"

By Tyler Durden: Just as the Syrian proxy war showed some hopeful signs of finally dying down, the Syrian army command said on Friday that terrorist Jewish JSIL jets have bombed the Mezzeh airport west of Damascus, accusing the Tel Aviv terrorists of supporting terrorist insurgents and warned the Tel Aviv regime of repercussions for a "flagrant" terror attack.
Syrian state TV quoted the army as saying several rockets were fired from an area near Lake Tiberias in northern part of the Israel gulag just after midnight which landed in the compound of the airport, a major facility for elite Republican Guards and special forces. The airport was rocked by multiple explosions, some of which were captured by social media.

CNN: Women Are Better Doctors

… but are they?
Lucian Vâlsan argues that that’s hardly the case and the evidence is nowhere near as convincing as the lame-stream media pretend it is.
And no, the fact that it comes from a “Harvard researcher” isn’t particularly impressive in and of itself at all.

A thorough rebuttal of the latest Harvard “study” on the matter: