23 Feb 2017

Feminist Assaults Man Then Plays The Victim

Feminist rapper (yes, feminist rapper) Princess Nokia recently headlined a a charity event at Cambridge University in England. Thee songs into her set, she thought she saw a guy in the crowd mouth 'show us your tits' ... guess what happened next. Regards, Bearing.

Israel Joins The Ranks Of India And Sweden

And Israeli men do their part to enable all the insanity they can.
MGTOW 101: Feminist Country Where Men Are Legally Attacked by Women

China-US Trade War

"A guy smoking crack over at Bloomberg! ...They're floating into the cyber-news-o-sphere some dog poo poo!" Max and Stacy discuss the ‘bad news’ and ‘grave concerns’ in the eurozone leading to big gold buying. In the second half, Max interviews Dan Collins of TheChinaMoneyReport.com about the trade war with China that America has already lost. They also discuss North Korea and what the assassination of Kim Jong-nam means for the region.

US Soda Tax Leads To 30-50% Plunge In Sales, Mass Layoffs

When Philadelphia became the first US city to pass a soda tax last summer, city officials were eagerly looking forward to the surplus-tax funded windfall to plug gaping budget deficits (and, since this is Philadelphia, the occasional embezzlement scheme). Then, one month ago, after the tax went into effect on January 1st we showed the tax applied in practice: a receipt for a 10 pack of flavored water carried a 51% beverage tax. And since  PA has a sales tax of 6% and Philly already charges another 2%, the total sales tax was 8%. In other words, a purchase which until last year came to $6.47 had overnight become $9.75.
What happened next? Precisely what most expected would happen: full blown sticker shock, and a collapse in purchases.
According to Philly.com reports, two months into the city’s sweetened-beverage tax, supermarkets and distributors are reporting a 30% to 50% drop in beverage sales and - adding insult to injury - are now planning for layoffs.
One of the city's largest distributors told the Philadelphia website it would cut 20% of its workforce in March, and an owner of six ShopRite stores in Philadelphia says he expects to shed 300 workers this spring. “People are seeing sales decline larger than anything they’ve seen up to this point in the city,” said Alex Baloga, vice president of external relations at the Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association.
Since all of this is taking place as previewed in a recent post: "The 'Soda Police' Just Learned A Valuable Lesson About Taxes", we doubt it would come as a surprise to anyone, although we are confident that Philadelphia city workers will be amazed by these unexpected developments.
Sure enough, in response instead of admitting the tax was a bad decision, the city lashed out by launching the latest "fake news" campaign, when it questioned the legitimacy of the early figures and predicted that customers responding to the initial sticker shock by shopping outside the city would return.

CBS News (New) Slogan is "Real News" (Seriously)

Mark Dice: The new slogan for CBS News is “Real News.” (Seriously, it is. How pathetic.) In the wake of wide spread accusations that they are just another fake news network, they seem to be getting pretty defensive. “Real News.” Really? Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

How The Corporate Media Continues To Use The Russia Scapegoat As A Distraction From Status Quo Failure

By Michael Krieger: Countless observers have noted the obvious fact that the corporate media’s all-encompassing obsession with anti-Russia hysteria is partly just a shameless campaign to prevent change within the Democratic Party by blaming its loss on an outside enemy as opposed to the oligarch-coddling, corrupt disaster it nominated. While true, the strategy is far bigger than that. So called Western elites have failed miserably across the globe, and the only way to retain their undeserved positions of power (many should be in jail), is to create and promote a mindless, highly emotional, non-domenstic distraction. Enter Russia.
Ken Wilber perfectly articulated the failure of our discredited status quo in his recent ebook, which I quoted extensively from in my recent post, How a Breakdown in Liberal Ideology Created Trump – Part 1. He noted:
The problem very quickly became what Integral Metatheory calls a “legitimation crisis,” which it defines as a mismatch between Lower-Left (or cultural) beliefs and the Lower-Right systems (or actual background realities, such as the techno-economic base).

The Anti-Millennials: Generation Z Is Looking Bright

Raging Golden Eagle: One of the factors behind social change is when the old "stuck in their ways" farts die off and thus their position loses the votes and popular support needed to stay relevant. But if the current batch of old farts die off, we are stuck with the SJWs running the show right? Well, if what I am seeing in Generation Z is widespread, there may be hope yet!

FINALLY The Biggest Moment Of Truth On MSM

The latest comments by MSNBC Mike Brzezinski on today's morning joe program where she extensively said that its the MSM job to control what people think. This statement could have been a slip of the tongue or a miss statement by the daughter of one of the top globalists but regardless of that fact we wanted to present you the evidence of its validity through this video.