16 May 2017

Trump's ' Buy American ' Hoax

Ex Jew Nathanael: This is a very important topic and Everyone should know it.

Wanted - Truly Conservative Manifesto

By Kathy Gyngell: Picking up The Guardian last Friday, curious to see how the organ of the left had responded to the most expensive suicide note in history, I discovered two things. One was that though Gordon Brown would have choked before acknowledging Mrs May as his true heir, he couldn’t bring himself to mention Mr Corbyn at all. The second was that Polly Toynbee, Gordon’s past cheerleader, had no such qualms. Turning herself into a veritable Boudicca of Corbyn’s Marxist Momentum movement she announced, ‘There is nothing wrong at all with Corbyn’s vision for Britain – it’s a veritable cornucopia of delights’. Britain could be so much better and the leak proves it!
I haven’t had such a good laugh in a long time
It is of course no laughing matter. What this tells us is how the tectonic plates of British politics have shifted. Not to the right, as the ‘Remoaners’ and the ‘Far Right’ Tourettes sufferers at the BBC would have us believe. No, the new fault line, or split, that the BBC is so singularly reluctant to explore, falls between the regressive (I refuse any longer to call it ‘progressive’) Left and the far (Marxist/Stalinist) Left.

Belt And Road Initiative

Max and Stacy ask the trillion-dollar question: what is the Belt and Road Initiative? In the second half, Max interviews Josh Crumb of Goldmoney.com about financialization and how it got us to where we are.

North Yorkshire Makes Misogyny A Hate Crime

By William Collins: When Nottinghamshire police made (so-called) misogyny a hate crime last July it was inevitable that the contagion would spread. Sue Fish, Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire, had been in post only 3 weeks when Nottinghamshire police decided to enhance public harmony in this manner (see The Law Is A Joke). Now it’s the turn of North Yorkshire to give the latest blow to the wedge being driven between the sexes by following Nottinghamshire’s lead and declaring ‘misogyny’ to be a hate crime. I’m sure it’s just coincidence that the Police & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire is a woman, Julia Mulligan, and that the deputy Chief Constable is also a woman, Lisa Winward, who took up her post only at the start of the year – oh, and that the Assistant Chief Constable is a woman, Amanda Oliver, who has been in post only since February.
Certainly these women led the charge for this change to the de facto law. They express the hope that the rest of country will adopt the same policy soon. I’m sure they will.
The PCCs and Police Forces do not act unilaterally in this matter. No, I don’t mean they are responding to changes in the law as properly sanctioned by our legislature or judiciary. I mean they act after being directed (“trained”) by those of suitable ideological authority – by which I mean the all-pervasive feminist priesthood.

Laci Green's Sketchy Red Pill

Feminism LOL: What kind of rabbit hole is Laci Green offering to anti-feminists? I talk to JtO about the sincerity of Laci's new "Red Pill" Project.

Why Do "Incredible" Women Suck At Dating?

Raging Golden Eagle: I'm not gonna lie, a lot of these are actually good reasons. But just for laughs, let's treat them the same way the media would treat a guy giving the same reasons!

Cassie Jaye's Presentation At Institute Of Noetic Sciences

Cassie Jaye: Director of The Red Pill, Cassie Jaye, gives a talk at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - May 2017