30 May 2017

Three Women Rape Man, 23, For THREE Days

...after drugging and kidnapping him when he climbed into the back of a communal taxi in South Africa
By Luke Barnes: A South African man was left traumatized after being drugged and raped 'numerous' times over three days by three female assailants.
The 23-year-old's ordeal began when he hailed down a communal taxi in eastern Pretoria on Friday - which had three young women inside.
The taxi began to change direction and the man was ordered to sit in the front.
He was then injected within an unknown substance and passed out, TimesLive reported.
South African Police Service Captain Colette Weilbach said: 'He stated that he woke up in an unfamiliar room on a single bed.
'The female suspects then allegedly forced the man to drink an energy drink before taking turns raping him numerous times a day.
'The South African Police Service take all sexual offences seriously regardless of gender.


By Paul Craig Roberts: The brainwashed and insouciant French electorate has voted to abolish the French nation. In five years France will exist only as a geographical location, a province in “Europe,” itself a province in global capitalism.
The French had a last chance to save their nation, but they could not do it because the French have been convinced that to be French is to be fascist and racist. Therefore, the French electorate defeated Marine Le Pen, the leader of the only political party that stands for France.
After five years under Macron, nothing will be left of France. Macron, the choice of Washington and the international bankers, represents, in the words of Diana Johnstone, “the trans-Atlantic elite totally committed to ‘globalization,’ using whatever is left of the power of national governments to weaken them still further, turning over decision-making to ‘the markets’—that is, to international capital managed by the major banks and financial institutions, notably those located in the United States, such as Goldman-Sachs.” Read Johnstone’s assessment here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/all-power-to-the-banks-the-winners-take-all-regime-of-emmanuel-macron/5591208
Macron defines himself as a “diversityite,” declaring that there is no such thing as French culture.”

Radical? Zionist Book Burner More Likely

By Gilad Atzmon: For some days now I’ve been feeling a little bored because my new book Being in Time didn’t seem to be attracting any real opposition. My arch-enemy Alan Dershowitz declined calls to disrupt my USA tour which, in fact, was a great success and all-in-all, the launch of the book seemed to be going smoothly, on the verge of going snooze-ly. 
But seemingly everything changed. 
Yesterday, on my way to the event in Cluny, Newcastle I learned that the music venue had capitulated to the Zionist lobby's pressure. Cluny’s manager, Joel Thomson, told me over the phone that they had received two emails and had decided to withdraw. It took a local friend around five minutes to trace a new location. However, when I arrived at The Cluny around 6.30 PM (to divert the traffic to the new location), I ran into some appalling behaviour by staff members and the owner.
But the Cluny wasn’t a big surprise. Two days ahead of our Edinburgh literary event, David Scott and myself received a cancelation email from Mairi, the owner of the Lighthouse ~ Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop.
Now, before I go on, let me assure you, we are still, as planned, meeting this evening at 7.30PM near the Lighthouse ~ Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop. From there, we will then walk to a new venue that tolerates intellectual exchange - something contemporary ‘radicals’ seem to struggle with.

Manchester Bomb Victims

RIP Philip Tron (32), Liam Curry (19), Martyn Hett, Marcin Klis (42), John Atkinson (26), as well as the 17 female victims
By Mike Buchanan, J4MB: At the start of the Channel 4 programme May v Corbyn Live: The Battle for Number 10 yesterday morning – Jeremy Corbyn was asked a terrorism-related question. Within seconds he expressed sympathy for the ‘young women and girls’ who lost their lives in the recent Manchester suicide bombing. He didn’t consider the loss of (five) men’s lives even worth mentioning. What would it have taken for him to show sympathy for the ‘men, women, and children’ who died in the blast?

‘NIRP Fugees’

"Central banks, barf!"
Max and Stacy discuss ‘NIRP refugees’ and ‘reverse Yankees’ as a consequence of what the central banks have wrought. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Craig Hemke of TFMetalsReport.com about bitcoin, yen, dollar and gold.

Russia Calls US House Bill An “Act of War.” Will The Senate Block H.R. 1644?

By Gar Smith: Top Russian officials are concerned that a bill passed by the US Congress will do more than increase sanctions on North Korea. Moscow claims H.R. 1644 violates its sovereignty and constitutes an “act of war.”
On May 4, 2017, House Resolution 1644, the innocently named “Korean Interdiction and Modernization of Sanctions Act,” was quickly passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 419-1 – and it was just as quickly labeled an “act of war” by a top Russian official.
Why was Konstantin Kosachev, chair of the Russian Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, so alarmed about a US law ostensibly aimed at North Korea? After all, there had been no blistering partisan debate preceding the vote. Instead, the bill was handled under a “suspension of the rules” procedure usually applied to noncontroversial legislation. And it passed with only one dissenting vote (cast by Republican Thomas Massie of Kentucky).
So what did H.R. 1644 call for? If enacted, the bill would amend the North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of 2016 to increase the president’s powers to impose sanctions on anyone in violation of certain United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding North Korea.

Salon Is Wrong About The Conceptual Penis

StudioBrule: Recently Salon magazine denounced the “The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct,” saying the prank article blew up in the authors’ faces.

'End Our Silence' Children 4 Justice UK Film - Replay

Five children from Children 4 Justice explain in their own words how they lost their fathers (and in some cases sisters), in the UK family courts and why they want the law to change to give children a right to see their fathers.

Fine Byzantine Invective: Mazaris To His Friend Holobolos In Hades

: While enduring disgrace in Constantinople in 1414, Mazaris found himself translated to Hades. Byzantines educated in the classics typically went to Hades only after they died. The misplaced Mazaris encountered in Hades his friend the recently deceased imperial secretary Manual Holobolos. Holobolos advised Mazaris to move from Constantinople to the Peloponnese (a region in southern Greece) to become famous and wealthy. When Mazaris returned to his proper place in the upper world, he followed his friend Holobolos’s advice.
Holobolos’s advice led Mazaris to misery. Moving from Constantinople to the Peloponnese would have been like moving from cosmopolitan New York City to the rural hollows of Appalachia. In the Peloponnese, Mazaris experienced even greater poverty and obscurity than he had endured in Constantinople. With bitter invective, he complained about the diverse mixture of Laconians, Italians, Peloponnesians, Slavs, Albanians, Gypsies, and Jews in the Peloponnese: