25 Jun 2017

Red Pill Isolation

By : It’s not going to come as any great surprise to red pill men that the red pill life isn’t all roses. We enjoy the freedom that comes with it; the escape from chivalry, hypergamy and other artifacts of gynocentrism. We enjoy the fact that we are not bound to knee-jerk white knighting and slobbering endorsement of whatever glory du jour is being lavished on women because they can tie their shoes as well as a man. Most of us know that we will never, or at least never again, face the perils of family court and that we won’t be sweating the bills to support women who think that showing up with a vagina is the only requirement they have in a relationship.
Even those of us in relationships, if our red pill dosage is sufficient, never worry about the hysterical wrath of a woman scorned, and we don’t bother ourselves satisfying a woman’s childish demands. We are perfectly prepared to invite her to seek that kind of satisfaction elsewhere, from someone else self-loathing enough to bend to that kind of infantile pressure. We don’t sleep on sofas because a woman is displeased, and we don’t retreat into a doghouse for anyone. In short, as far as lives go, it’s a pretty good one.
If you sense a but coming, you do so correctly.

Male Psychology Conference 2017

By MRA-UK: This was the fourth Male Psychology Conference, held at UCL 23-24 June 2017. Credit to John Barry and Martin Seager for organising the event (again), under the auspices of The Male Psychology Network. In my opinion this was the best conference yet, and was also the best attended (around 80 people, though some came for just one of the two days).
If you don’t want to read the whole review, just scroll down to Naomi Murphy.
And after that to Paul Apreda.
The first Keynote speaker, the Right Hon. Norman Lamb MP, was late to arrive so Martin Seager made an impromptu extended introduction which usefully set the tone, making reference to the litany of male disadvantages and society’s current lack of recognition thereof.
The Right Hon. Norman Lamb MP, has a long record of speaking up for mental health issues in parliament and as a Minister, particularly as regards its lack of funding. He discovered from his own experience with his son, who suffers from OCD, that the legal right of choice regarding place of treatment does not apply to mental health. He injected a note of realpolitik in respect of the role of NHS targets in driving where the money goes. The Secretary of State and senior officers pore over the data on NHS performance against targets weekly – so if your thing, e.g., mental health, has no target, it gets no focus and hence little funding.

We Should All Be Feminist

Weird feminists complain about totally legitimate - Regards, Bearing.

Former Mossad Agent Describes Falsely Accusing Any And All Israel Critics Of "Anti-Semitism"

"So what you do is get in touch with a guy in the station in New York or in the station in Washington and tell the guys at B'nai B'rith to label him. And of course the campaign starts and before you know it the guy is labeled, and he is an anti-Semite, because that is what we say he is. That is one stain that you cannot wash. It shames me as a Jew to tell you that. But that is the fact, and it is wrong." Said Victor Ostrovsky.

June 8 Was The 50th Anniversary Of The Vicious Jewish State Of Israel's Attack On USS Liberty, Killing 34 American Men

David Duke: June 8, 1967 is a day that lives in infamy. It is the day that a foreign enemy attacked the American military, and then the American president and the American secretary of defense engages in a disgraceful cover up in order to protect the Jewish oligarchy that rules America. The following videos make an iron-clad case, including the testimony of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, CIA Director Richard Helms, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer, all of whom contradict the official story that Israel attacked the USS Liberty by accident. Please watch and share the following videos.

Grenfell Tower: Corporate Greed

Vanessa Beeley: Aamer Anwar, human rights lawyer and Rector of the Glasgow University on #GrenfellTower

A Feminist Reviews The Red Pill Movie

Gary Orsum: Tanishka The Moon Woman seems nice enough, but she doesn't understand men.

Athens Versus Jerusalem - A Book Review By 'Plato's Guns'

GA: The following is an incredibly clever book review by one of my favourite political commentators. Taxi sees in Being in Time an expose of  the 'Athens vs. Jerusalem struggle.' Taxi is absolutely right - this is a battle  for our survival. It is far from being an easy one, We are both infiltrated and run over.
Athens versus Jerusalem
By Taxi: A review of ‘Being in Time: A Post-Political Manifesto’ – by Gilad Atzmon/Skyscraper Publication
First, I must make stern objection to the subtitle of this book: “A Post-Political Manifesto“.  No, dearest reader, this is no manifesto at all.  A manifesto is usually instructive and Atzmon’s book is actually reflective.  A manifesto is imbibed with strict political dogma, whereas Atzmon’s book is charged with a free-flowing, philosophical energy.  The book is, in fact, an astute and remarkable comment on the metaphysics of our current political condition: using the age-old blueprint of Athens versus Jerusalem to unravel the dark and twisted marvels of our current political dystopia.
For over two thousand years, a war between rationalist Athens and messianic Jerusalem has ensued, but not to clear conclusion.