25 Jul 2017

Introducing Bettina Arndt

Studio Brulé: It was sex that made Bettina Arndt famous. As one of Australia's first sex therapists and editor of Forum magazine, Bettina spent ten years talking about sex on television and radio. A trained clinical psychologist, she taught medical students, doctors and other professionals and talked endlessly about this fascinating subject to audiences all over Australia and overseas.

Doth Thou Think-eth 911 An Inside Job

"If thou think-est 911 was-t an inside job,
thou is-t probably right, but who give-eth a fuck.
The world moved on and the truth don't count,
if you don't believe me, take a look about.
...Economic lies are there to fool the masses,
While they bend us over and fuck us in the assets.
911 is-t a lie and some can see,
others don't mind, coz sports on TV.
911 like the death of Kennedy,
is now just another piece of irrelevant history.
Iraq and Afghanistan invaded in error,
so bankers can profit from-eth the war on terror.
Oh 911's a lie I think you'll find,
most people know, but they just don't mind.

Making Politics Great Again?

Max and Stacy talk to former mayor of Pittsboro, NC, Randy Voller, about how to Make Politics Great Again. Voller offers up solutions to our democratic deficit. In the second half they talk to John Titus about how to make the financial system great again and whether or not there is a way for the ordinary citizen to force the laws to be applied against banking crimes.

What!? I Am A Feminist Now!?

Jordan at The Screen: In today's episode I become an intersectional feminist and cringe like fuck whilst doing so.

False Accusations And The Denial Of Men's Emotional Pain

Men Are Good!: The false rape accusations of males take a terrible toll. The man's emotional pain is ignored while simultaneously he is viewed as a criminal. Much has been done to study and aid the victims of rape but little is done to aid men, young or old, who are falsely accused of rape. This video takes a quick look at what this experience might be like.

Supreme Court Hands Fathers Tool To Fight The Biased Family Law System

[Under American laws] women have the right to children but men have to fight for children. – Dr. Warren Farrell

By : On any given day, tens of thousands of men are fighting in family courts to remain in their children’s lives. They argue their cases before biased judges, who apply biased laws, in a system built around that idea that mothers are the more important parent, and that fathers’ proper familial role is limited to mailing a child-support check. Many men lack the financial resources to even fight, as legal expenses can easily run into the thousands before even a single court date.

Married Men Also Opting For Sex Dolls!

Raging Golden Eagle: When a man's wife stops putting out, he really only has a choice of either cheating on her or masturbating. Some of them simply choose to take masturbation to the next level!

"Come With Me If You Want To Live"

You can't save those that don't want to be saved
Going MGTOW the hard way.

Zio-Jewish War On Mojo ~ Say NO To Book/Music Burners

A Statement by Gilad Atzmon: "The criminalisation of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the west.” Glenn Greenwald 19.7.2017
Together with veteran Pink Floyd star Roger Waters and many other artists and thinkers worldwide, I am being subjected to an international smear campaign, orchestrated and promoted by various Zionist institutions that attempt to silence every form of legitimate dissent of Zionism and Israeli politics.