6 Aug 2017

Rebecca Reid And Online Harassment

Jordan at The Screen: Earlier last week, resident-idiot at Metro Online Rebecca Reid decided to write an article titled Should feminists stop shaming men on the internet? – Straight off the bat she is openly admitting that feminists are abusive and harassing.
For those who recognise the name, Rebecca Reid is the feminist who got utterly destroyed by Milo Yiannopoulos some two years ago in Bristol Uni. That was a fun demolition to watch. What’s the term? Oh yeah, Schadenfreude! Alas, she has not learned her lesson.

Roots And Culture

GlobalFaction: Ancient Kushites [Ghana] feat. Raiz Sativa Band [Chile]

Man Hating Melbourne Cafe That Makes Sure Women Die Single and Lonely

MGTOW 101: Man Hating Melbourne Cafe That Makes Sure Women Die Single and Lonely

Rape Culture: Menace Or Myth?

battleofideas: The speakers in this debate are: Ian Dunt editor, Politics.co.uk; political editor, Erotic Review - Susan Edwards dean of law, University of Buckingham - Christina Hoff Sommers, writer and resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute, host, weekly video series, The Factual Feminist - Kaitlynn Mendes lecturer in media and communication, University of Leicester, author, SlutWalk: feminism, activism and media. - The chair is Luke Gittos solicitor, legal editor, spiked, convenor, London Legal Salon, author, Why Rape Culture is a Dangerous Myth: From Steubenville to Ched Evans.

The End Of The Nation-State

'My view is that the institution of the state itself is a
bad thing. It’s not a question of getting the right people into the government; the institution itself is hopelessly flawed and necessarily corrupts the people that
compose it, as well as the people it rules.'
By Doug Casey: There have been a fair number of references to the subject of “phyles” in Casey Research publications over the years. This essay will discuss the topic in detail. Especially how phyles are likely to replace the nation-state, one of mankind’s worst inventions.
Now might be a good time to discuss the subject. We’ll have an almost unremitting stream of bad news, on multiple fronts, for years to come. So it might be good to keep a hopeful prospect in mind.
Let’s start by looking at where we’ve been. I trust you’ll excuse my skating over all of human political history in a few paragraphs, but my object is to provide a framework for where we’re going, rather than an anthropological monograph.

Philando Castile, Justine Damond And The Automatic In-Group Bias Toward Women

By : Author’s note: This article is deadly serious.  If you are a white woman in Minneapolis, this short test could save your life. Information at the bottom of this article could also save the lives of countless Australian Children.  Disclaimer: I make some somewhat funny or shocking statements and occasionally use inappropriate language, to make important information digestible.  The lives of women and children are at risk. Please read and share.
This article is difficult. It ends a series that began a month ago because I wanted to explain the phenomena of Minnesota-generated and spread worldwide moral panics. I’ve observed these my entire life. I was noticing the same kind of behavior in response to the Red Pill Movie in Australia.

Apartheid Israel: South Africa Marks 12 Years BDS Successes

By Kwara Kekana and Muhammed Desai: South Africa has been described by Israeli lame-stream media as the “mothership” of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. While we as a country have made remarkable strides, we are only but one partner in this growing international human rights movement, a movement that proudly turned 12 this year.
In 2005, Palestinians called on the international community to support a campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions against the government of Israel until it abides by international law.
The BDS movement, as it has come to be known, is inspired by the successful boycott of apartheid South Africa and has grown to include millions of allies globally. It has wide-reaching support in South Africa. The largest protest in South African history, after all, was the National Coalition 4 Palestine’s 2014 #SAMarch4Gaza in support of the Palestinian struggle.
BDS successes, which are registered on a monthly basis across the country and globe, motivate peace-loving peoples around the world. They are a practical form of solidarity that sends a clear and concrete message to Israel that there is a price to pay for its crimes.

Response - Allegations Of Domestic Abuse In Child Contact Cases

Jordan at The Screen: A response to the cafcass and women's aid "report".
Last week, Women’s Aid and CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) released their joint report ‘Allegations of Domestic Abuse in Child Contact Cases’. Anyone with any knowledge or history of involvement with either of these two organisations will instantly recognise this as a terrible decision.