7 Aug 2017

Speakers' Corner - Zeb, Muslim, Condemns MGM + Christian Supports MGM, Death Penalty 4 Homosexuals, Adultresses...

Mike Buchanan: Zeb was one of a number of Muslim men at Speakers' Corner who agreed with our position on MGM, and we thank him for his willingness to be filmed for our YouTube channel. We found him a very engaging, insightful, compassionate and articulate man.

Fake News A Lame-Stream Media Speciality

The American media specializes in fake news. Indeed, since the Clinton regime the American media has produced nothing but fake news.
By Paul Craig Roberts: Do you remember the illegal US bombing and destruction of Yugoslavia? Do you remember “war criminal” Slobodan Milosevic, the Serbian president branded “the butcher of the Balkans,” who was compared to Hitler until Hillary passed the title on to the President of Russia? Milosevic, not Bill Clinton, was arrested and placed on trial at the International Criminal Tribunal. He died in prison, some say murdered, before he was cleared of charges by the International Criminal Tribunal. http://www.globalresearch.ca/milosevic-and-the-destruction-of-yugoslavia-unpleasant-truths-no-one-wants-to-know/5540873
Do you remember the destruction of Iraq justified by the orchestrated propaganda, known by the criminal George W. Bush regime to be an outright lie, about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” weapons that the UN arms inspectors verified did not exist? Iraq was destroyed. Millions of Iraqis were killed, orphaned, widowed, and displaced. Saddam Hussein was subjected to a show trial more transparent than Stalin’s trial of Bukharin and then murdered under the pretext of judicial execution.
Do you remember the destruction of Libya based entirely on Washington’s lies and the criminal misuse of the UN no-fly resolution by turning it into a NATO bombing of Libya’s military so that the CIA-armed jihadists could overthrow and murder Muammar Gaddafi? Do you remember the killer bitch Hillary gloating, “we came, we saw, he died!”

Angry Zio-Fascist Jews Violently Attack UK Jazz Audience

By Gilad Atzmon: Drummer Will McClure (73) who attended my concert last night was subject to an attack outside my concert by some anti Atzmon hooligans. He was injured in his eye and suffered a shock.  
A week ago, Oxford Albion Beatnik Book Shop that hosted my concert received a threatening letter from Stephen Silverman (CAA). Silverman hinted that something may happen unless the club surrendered to his demand and cancelled the concert.  Tonight we saw the first violent attack against Jazz audience. Will was bleeding from his eye for an hour.  
We had a packed room in Oxford, I can assure you, they were not impressed.  Brits do not like to see their little cosy Oxford turning into a battle zone. If the CAA is genuinely concerned with antisemitsm it better go out of its way to make sure that such an event never occurs because as things stand, the Campaign Against Antisemitsm (CAA) together with other Jewish organisations such as Jewdas are introducing violence and hooliganism to British arts scene. This is unacceptable and it won’t be tolerated! 
I should mention that the Jewish members of the audience were devastated and embarrassed by it all, They insisted to disassociate themselves from this unfortunate event. ..The police are involved

Imperial Folly Brings Russia And Germany Together

By Pepe Escobar: The Empire of Whiners simply can't get enough when it comes to huff, puff and pout as the Empire of Sanctions. 
With an Orwellian 99% majority that would delight the Kim dynasty in North Korea, the "representative democracy" Capitol Hill has bulldozed its latest House/Senate sanctions package, aimed mostly at Russia, but also targeting Iran and North Korea.
The White House's announcement — late Friday afternoon in the middle of summer — that President Trump has approved and will sign the bill was literally buried in the news cycle amidst the proverbial 24/7 Russia-gate related hysteria.
Trump will be required to justify to Congress, in writing, any initiative to ease sanctions on Russia. And Congress is entitled to launch an automatic review of any such initiative.
Translation; the death knell of any possibility for the White House to reset relations with Russia.

Cafe Where Men Pay More For Being Guilty Of Having A Penis

6oodfella: Maybe she should beat up every 7th woman that comes into the shop, in order to make the assault stats more equal between men and women. ..Just a thought.