9 Sept 2017

Kushner Finally Breaks Silence

"Change only Jewish banksters can believe in. ...The new crusade in America is the damnation of national memory and the elimination of significant blocks of American history from the public sphere. Everyone was reconciled to the chronicling of the civil war and the reunion, including its memorials and symbols, but now confederate flags, monuments and named places have become the new heresy. The recent removals of the confederate flag in South Carolina and the monument of Robert E. Lee in Louisiana are just the beginning of our national disintegration. Behind it all are two powerful Jewish organisations, the Southern Poverty Law Center SPLC and the Anti Defamation League the ADL." Said ex-Jew Brother Nathanael.

Laughing On The Way To Armageddon

'It is safe to say that the least represented
in the [US] government are the citizens themselves
who don’t have any lobbyists working for them.'
By Paul Craig Roberts: The United States shows the world such a ridiculous face that the world laughs at us.
The latest spin on “Russia stole the election” is that Russia used Facebook to influence the election. The NPR women yesterday were breathless about it.
We have been subjected to ten months of propaganda about Trump/Putin election interference and still not a scrap of evidence. It is past time to ask an unasked question: If there were evidence, what is the big deal? All sorts of interest groups try to influence election outcomes including foreign governments. Why is it OK for Israel to influence US elections but not for Russia to do so? Why do you think the armament industry, the energy industry, agribusiness, Wall Street and the banks, pharmaceutical companies, etc., etc., supply the huge sum of money to finance election campaigns if their intent is not to influence the election? Why do editorial boards write editorials endorsing one candidate and damning another if they are not influencing the election?
What is the difference between influencing the election and influencing the government? Washington is full of lobbyists of all descriptions, including lobbyists for foreign governments, working round the clock to influence the US government. It is safe to say that the least represented in the government are the citizens themselves who don’t have any lobbyists working for them.

Listen To Heavy Rock? You Might Be In A Hate Group!

Raging Golden Eagle: The more things change, the more they stay the same. In the past listening to rock or heavy metal simply made you a devil worshiper. Now it means you are a Nazi!

RIP, Petrodollar?

Max and Stacy ask, RIP, Petrodollar?” China readies a yuan-priced oil benchmark backed by gold. Is this the final nail in the dollar’s coffin? In the second half, Max interviews Michael Pento of PentoPort.com to discuss the oil-gold-yuan futures contract, North Korea, hurricanes and coming market meltdowns.

Stiff Upper Elephant

DoctorRandomercam: We all like to help where we can. But we love to help where we can't. Having said that, I'd like to thank the academy.

The "Real" Vampire Squid

Authored by Lance Roberts: First, it was Hurricane “Harvey” and an expected $180 billion in damages to the Texas coastline. Now, “Irma” is speeding her way to the Florida coastline dragging “Jose” in her wake. Those two hurricanes, depending on where they land will send damages higher by another $100 billion or more in the weeks ahead.
The immediate funding needed for relief to Americans is what you would truly deem to be “emergency measures.”
But that is not what I am talking about today.
Nope, I am talking about Central Banks.
On Thursday, Mario Draghi, of the ECB, announced their latest monetary policy stance:

“At today’s meeting, the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.00%, 0.25% and -0.40% respectively.

York University Tories Under Fire For Inviting “The Most Misogynistic MP” To Campus

The University of York Conservative and Unionist Association has been criticised for inviting a “misogynistic” Member of Parliament to speak on campus in a forthcoming academic term.
The society, better known as the York Tories, has received criticism on social media for extending an invitation to Philip Davies, the MP for Shipley, to speak on campus.
A former member of the 1922 Committee, Davies has represented his constituency of Shipley for over ten years. He has been a vocal supporter of the case for leaving the European Union. Davies was returned to his seat in the most recent election, albeit with a smaller majority.
The York Tories announced yesterday that Davies had been invited to speak on the 9th of February 2018. However, some students reacted with anger at the group’s decision to welcome him to the campus.
One student described Davies as “the most misogynistic MP”. Huw James, a Liberal Democrat and Chief News Reporter of York Vision, stated on Facebook that he and “many others” intended to attend the event and question Davies on his views.