MHRM's Coming Home - ICMI 2018 At Birmingham City FC

By : We’ve just announced the outstanding venue of the 2018 conference on the ICMI18 website. We need to ensure the financial viability of the event well in advance, so we’re repeating the process we used in relation to the 2016 conference, asking people to make a £22.00 deposit on their ticket(s), fully refundable in the unlikely event the conference doesn’t go ahead.
ICMI18 will be the biggest, most interactive, and simply the best conference in the series to date. We look forward to meeting you in Birmingham.
Angelo: Great disabled access at BC FC, so hope I'll see you all there!

David Leyonhjelm Part 3: Domestic Violence & Diversity

Independent Man: This is Part 3 of an interview with Leader of the Australian Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm. One more segment to come later this week.

Here’s Why You Are Uneasy With Star Trek: Discovery, Anita Sarkeesian

By : Spoilers ahead. For the New York Times review, see here
Anita Sarkeesian fancies herself a fan of Star Trek but in a recent video review of the new vagina-washed series Star Trek: Discovery, (hereafter ST: Diss) Anita expressed unclear misgivings about the new series available only by subscription to the pricey CBS All Access streaming service. Don’t be alarmed – I watched it so you don’t have to.
As a feminist booster it is a moral imperative for me to step in and mansplain to Anita the sources of her inarticulate unease. To her credit or perhaps shame, Anita was able to speak her hatred for a black girl’s hair – she and a friend “Ebony” (no kidding) nattered on and on about it being not nappy enough for their tastes – but there are other, deeper features of the pilot episode that Anita seems to have missed.
It is no small irony that after decades of complaining how women in power are judged and commented on their looks, the very first place Anita and Ebony go is right down the same track.
Stereotype one. The opening scene depicts an Asian woman, Captain Phillipa, wandering aimlessly in a desert – the woman is even depicted walking in literal circles. I wish I were kidding about this but as Anita often says, one has to always point out such stereotypes.  One would think that the trope of a clueless Asian woman driver would be familiar to Anita.

Man Incensed By Brainwashed Morons Supporting Male Infant Ritual Genital Mutilation - Soft Name Circumcision

Bonobo3D: At the Bloodstained Men & Their Friends protest of the AAP Convention in Chicago (Sept. 16, 2017) Steven Barendregt raged against the sexual abuse and medical fraud he endured as an infant and continues to suffer from as an adult. Interviewed following his angry outburst he discusses broken relationships and how he copes with the harm of sexual mutilation. Please share widely and help me thank Steven for his courageous public stance and good work with the Bloodstained Men to help end this atrocity.

Why Do You Eat Bacon And Eggs?

'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.' Wrote Edward Bernays. 
corbett: Because the Beech-Nut Packing Company told you to, that's why. But don't take it from me, take it from the man who engineered the campaign himself, Edward Bernays.

Meet Yvonne Felcara - Feminist Antifa Leader Arrested After Scuffle In Berkeley

Nikita Vladimirov: Prominent feminist anti-fascist leader Yvonne Felarca was arrested Tuesday following a rowdy AntifaVictory Marchin Berkeley, California.
Felarca, a 47-year-old middle school teacher who leads the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality by Any Means Necessary (BAMN), was arrested following a scuffle with demonstrators who had turned out for a Patriot Prayer rally.
Images and video obtained by Campus Reform appear to show Felarca being surrounded by numerous police officers in riot gear in the middle of the street. According to an eyewitness on the ground, the activist was then taken to the back of a police car that promptly left the scene.
Felarca, an organizer of many anti-fascist demonstrations in Berkeley, has a history of publically advocating for violence against her political opponents.
Earlier in the summer, Felarca was arrested and charged with inciting a riot after she openly punched a member of a white nationalist organization who was peacefully protesting in the street.
According to numerous reports, the video of the incident showed Felarca punching the man in the stomach while shouting “get the fuck off our streets.”

NFL Gynocentrism And Protests

Men Are Good!: Right before our eyes we have been seeing the transformation of the NFL from a masculine organization to something more gynocentric and politically correct. Now we have players wearing pink. We have owners being duped by feminist lies about domestic violence and focusing on breast cancer while turning a blind eye to prostate cancer. Can you say GYNOCENTRISM?


DoctorRandomercam: Now you have to figure out what the pterodactyls are and what the mole rat is. No, it's not that. Or that. Not even close. Best of luck. [twirls neckbeard]