21 Oct 2017

Gynocentrism’s Love Affair With Gender Differences

By : PragerU are being very intelligent about how they peddle their version of chivalry and service to the damsels. Some years ago, they approached us on face book to run some of their “Man up and get married” material.
Blunt and rude story short, we said “No!”
They now have a much more insidious program going forward to incentivize young boys to run to the plantation in gynocentric service.
It is our belief they intend to make good gains for traditional gynocentrism out of the work of the men’s rights movement and antifeminism over the last decade and that is definitely not in the best interests of men and boys.
In this recent video by PragerU we have a neotenous blonde pearl-clutching over violence against women as if she was a feminist… but coming at it from the traditionalist perspective. Listen for the incongruous statements, opening with, “It is now OK for a man to hit a woman!” appearing on to the screen calling you to fight to protect the ladies.

Catalan President Slams "Spanish State Coup" As 450,000 People Take To Barcelona's Streets

By Tyler Durden:
Update: Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont addressed Catalans, Spaniards, and the rest of Europe on TV saying that the Spanish states' imposition of Article 155 means "liquidation of our self-government and cancellation of the democratic will of Catalans".
"The [central] government has launched the worst attack on the institutions of Catalonia since the military dictator Francisco Franco",

Advice From @hels On How To Be A Better Man

6oodfella: While you're watching this, I'll be supporting women by masturbating without watching porn. Enjoy.

Atzmon Once Again

By Gilad Atzmon: I learned from the Jewish Chronicle  today that Berkshire Jews are “horrified” because yours truly has “challenged Holocaust denial legislation.” What caused the present outbreak of Pre Traumatic Stress? Apparently, my Sunday book launch at the Reading International Festival.
First, I am sorry to hear that my questioning of Jewish identity politics and culture have created a state of Jewish collective horror. I would be pleased if any Berkshire Jews would bravely dare to attend my talk on Sunday, they may discover that they agree with most of my observations.
But what is it in my new book Being in Time – A Post Political Manifesto that inflicts ‘horror’ on Berkshire Jews and other Jewish institutions? No one knows. The book has been well-reviewed and no one has yet found any factual mistakes or a methodological flaws in the text. Ifthey want to burn it then you certainly want to own a copy.
In the last few days, British Jewish institutions have used every trick in the Hasbara book in an attempt to cancel my coming talk.  The notorious CAA and the ultra Zionist Board of Deputies of British Jews mounted pressure on the venue, they contacted the local council, they harassed local politicians; they even attempted to recruit ‘LGBT activists’ who were asked to pursue thevenue.
The Jewish Chronicle reports that Rabbi Zvi Solomons of the Jewish Community of Berkshire said that Mr Atzmon is “a notorious antisemite.

Washington: The Bleeder Of The ‘Free World’

By Finian CUNNINGHAM: Among the many self-flattering epithets it gives itself, the US has always claimed to be the “leader of the free world”. It’s a rather patronizing notion that America views itself as a selfless protector and benefactor of its European allies and others. This fairytale depiction of the world is coming to a rude awakening as American power buffets against the reality of a multi-polar world. 
Less a world leader and more like a blood-sucking leech on international relations. 
We got a clear view of the contradiction in America’s narcissistic mythology with US President Donald Trump’s announcement that he was disavowing the multinational nuclear accord with Iran last Friday.
Trump didn’t axe American participation in the deal just yet, but he has put it on notice that he or the US Congress may terminate the accord over the next two months. How’s that for high-handed arrogance?
However, there was near-unanimous push back around the world to Trump’s disparagement of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which was originally signed in July 2015 by the US, Russia, China, European Union and Iran. All the signatories uniformly rebuked Trump’s attempt to undermine the deal, which is supposed to lift international economic sanctions off Iran in return for curbs on Iran’s nuclear program.

Yanis Varoufakis Blows The Lid On Europe's hidden agenda

EFN: What happened in Greece during the crisis? And what happens when you take on the establishment? In this extensive interview, former finance minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis, talks about his new book Adults In The Room – My battle with Europe's deep establishment. Interview by Katrine Marçal.