24 Oct 2017

Rochester LGBTQ 'Gun Group' Prepares For The Next American Civil War, ...Against White Men

"They have one clear message and one queer clear message only, this is a quote..."
SBA: Division in America has become so evident in the past few years that many people including Rochester LGBTQ group can foresee what is coming: American Civil War 2.0. 

Brohibition Now!

HoneyBadgerRadio: Men are pursuing bromances to avoid being regulated by and for women? REGULATE THE BROMANCE!
"Men are damned if they do damned if they don't!"

The Harmful Effects Of Antifa

By Diana Johnstone: An historic opportunity is being missed. The disastrous 2016 presidential election could and should have been a wakeup call. A corrupt political system that gave voters a choice between two terrible candidates is not democracy.
This should have been the signal to face reality. The U.S. political system is totally rotten, contemptuous of the people, serving the corporations and lobbies that pay to keep them in office. The time had come to organize a genuine alternative, an independent movement to liberate the electoral system from the grip of billionaires, to demand a transition from a war economy to an economy dedicated to improving the lives of the people who live here. What is needed is a movement for the pacification of America, at home and abroad.
That is a big order. Yet this approach could meet with wide support, especially if vigorous young people organized to stimulate popular debate, between real live people, from door to door if necessary, creating a mass movement for genuine democracy, equality and peace. This is as revolutionary a program as possible in the present circumstances. A moribund left should be coming back to life to take the lead in building such a movement.
Quite the opposite is happening.

If You Want To Understand The Next 10 Years, Study Spain

By Michael Krieger: Some of you may be confused as to why a U.S. citizen living in Colorado has become so completely obsessed with what’s going on in Spain. Bear with me, there’s a method to my madness.
I believe what’s currently happening in Spain represents a crucial microcosm for what we’ll see sweep across the entire planet over the next ten years. Some of you will want to have a discussion about who’s right and who’s wrong in this particular affair, but that’s besides the point. It doesn’t matter which side you favor, what matters is that Madrid/Catalonia is an example of the forces of centralization duking it out with forces of decentralization.
Madrid represents the nation-state as we know it, with its leaders claiming Spain is forever indivisible according to the constitution. Madrid has essentially proclaimed there’s no possible avenue to independence from a centralized Spain even if various regions decide in large number they wish to be independent. This sort of attitude will be seen as unacceptable and primitive by increasingly large numbers of humans in the years ahead. Catalonia should be seen as a canary in the coal mine. The forces of decentralization are rising, but entrenched centralized institutions and the bureaucrats running them will become increasingly terrified, panicked and oppressive.

Russians Have Invented Flying Motorbikes - The Dubai Police Use Them

The Dubai Police Force has just bought them and will introduce them into their operations.

Wannabe MP Rachel Eden And The Jewish Zombie Book Burning Alliance

By Gilad Atzmon: I was invited to speak about my new book Being in Time - A Post Political Manifesto at Reading International Festival on October 22 2017. Zionist organisations were outraged. They mounted pressure on the venue and the council. They demanded the event cancelled. They mobilised a Rabbi to terrorise the resilient peace loving solidarity campaigners. Nothing worked. But one Labour Councillor was willing to do the Sabbos Goy job. Rachel Eden didn't bother to check who I am or what I stand for. She wants to be an MP, and she needs the paymasters at the LFI to approve her loyalty. I wish her luck.