6 Nov 2017


Feminism KEK: How #MeToo is like a John Carpenter film. If sexual harassment in the workplace is so rampant why do women prefer to work with men?

Sex Scandal At Westminster? No, An Attempted Coup

By Laura Perrins: If this is the best the papers can dredge up against Conservative and Labour MPs, can I please have a job in Westminster because it looks like one of the safest places to work.
First, we had Mark Garnier MP asking his secretary to purchase a sex toy and calling her ‘sugar t*ts'. Then we heard that one minister had placed his hand on the knee of a female journalist ‘repeatedly’ and allegedly lunged for a kiss at another 29-year-old after a slightly boozy lunch. These claimed grave wrongdoings by Sir Michael Fallon occurred about 15 and 14 years ago respectively. The reporter at whom Sir Michael allegedly lunged, Jane Merrick, herself says ‘as a political journalist, I went out for lunch with MPs as often as three times a week. It was part of the job. But, over the hundreds of these encounters over my 14 years in the lobby, this was the only time an MP crossed the line – and that is why I remember it so vividly.’ So that’s 14 years in the lobby, and she was mistreated in this way once.
Then there was an alleged glancing touch of Kate Maltby’s knee by Damian Green. The Sunday Times revealed that Green also might have had some legal porn on a computer. We know this because a discredited former police officer said he found out about the porn during a dodgy raid staged on Green’s parliamentary office nine years ago, and now the information has been leaked to the paper. This porn is legal. (I’m not saying it is moral.) These are allegations that are strenuously denied by Mr Green.

Fascist Judge Convicts US Marine General For Defending Guantanamo Bay Detainees’ Rights

Brigadier General John Baker protested the government’s surveillance of Guantanamo Bay defense lawyers. And that got him sentenced to 21 days in confinement. 
The Guantanamo Bay military tribunals on Wednesday won their first conviction without a plea deal since 2008. Only it wasn’t a terrorist who was convicted – it was a one-star Marine general sticking up for the rights of the accused to have a fair trial.
In defending the principle that attorneys ought to be able to defend their clients free from government surveillance, Brigadier General John Baker was ruled in contempt of court and sentenced to 21 days in confinement. He also must pay a $1000 fine. 
Baker is a senior officer within in the highly controversial military commissions process: the Chief of Defense Counsel. Maj. Ben Sakrisson, the Pentagon spokesman for detentions, confirmed that Baker is being confined in his quarters – at Guantanamo Bay.
“The military commissions are willing to put people in jail for defending the rule of law,” Jay Connell, who represents another Guantanamo detainee facing a military commission, told The Daily Beast. “If they’re willing to put a Marine general in jail for standing up for a client’s rights, they’re willing to do just anything.”

Medieval Scholar At University Of Paris Wretched Like Courtly Lover

By late in the twelfth century, the nascent University of Paris was attracting ambitious scholars. These scholars devoted themselves to pursuing knowledge just as courtly lovers devoted themselves to pursing women. The labors of ambitious scholars and courtly lovers bore mainly wretchedness. Seeking learning or women as a means of external validation implies mistaken reasoning or disordered desire.
According to the Architrenius, a long Latin poem finished in 1184, Paris is the best of all places for gods and scholars:

Paris, the second palace of Phoebus, Delphic in its citizenry, Chrysaean {gold-bearing} in its wealth, a Greece in libraries, an India in its schools, a Rome for poets, an Attica for philosophers; the flower of the world, the balm of creation, a Sidon for its splendor, its feasts and its drinking.
{ altera regia Phebi,
Parisius, Cirrea viris, Crisea metallis,
Greca libris, Inda studiis, Romana poetis,
Attica philosophis, mundi rosa, balsamus orbis,
Sidonis ornatu, sua mensis et sua potu }

Soros & The Myth Of European Democracy: A Shocking Revelation

By Alex GORKA: It’s an open secret that the “Soros network” has an extensive sphere of influence in the European Parliament and in other European Union institutions.
The list of Soros has been made public recently. The document lists 226 MEPs from all sides of political spectrum, including former President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, former Belgian PM Guy Verhofstadt, seven vice-presidents, and a number of committee heads, coordinators, and quaestors. These people promote the ideas of Soros, such as bringing in more migrants, same-sex marriages, integration of Ukraine into the EU, and countering Russia. There are 751 members of the European Parliament. It means that the Soros friends have more than one third of seats.
George Soros, a Hungarian-American investor and the founder and owner of Open Society Foundations NGO, was able to meet with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker with “no transparent agenda for their closed-door meeting”, and pointed out how EU proposals to redistribute quotas of migrants across the EU are eerily familiar to Soros’s own self-published plan for dealing with the crisis.

Laughter Of Cuckolds Hides Contempt For Men, Beauty And Humanity

This, my praise for her, and the praise of humanity,
To you, cuckold, are drops of sperm on your head. [1]

The Ḥikāyat Abī al-Qāsim {The Imitation Abū al-Qāsim}, a work of Arabic literature from early eleventh-century Baghdad, is highly learned and deeply cultured. Its author explained:
The kind of literature I am inclined to select are the speeches of the Bedouins and old Arabic poetry, followed by the fantastic and flowery imaginings of well-read scholars, as well as the marvelous innovations born of the genius of the prominent modern poets. These are the sources I have drawn from in my book, adorning myself with their work and often passing it off as my own. I have heard with my own ears the witticisms they have discussed at length and competed over. I have also included excerpts of my own poetry, letters that I have circulated, and records of literary gatherings that I have attended. [2]