By The United States military has spent more than $5.6 trillion on conflicts since 2001, more than three times the Pentagon’s actual estimate, according to a new study.
The Department of Defense reported earlier this year that it had spent around $1.5 trillion on conflicts, including putting putting troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, air raids in Syria and Iraq to battle the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) and a drone campaign and raids against extremists in Pakistan.
But that figure appears to underplay the real cost of war for the American taxpayer, at least according to the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University. It puts the total cost at $5.6 billion, or $23,000 per taxpayer.
The Pentagon’s initial estimate put the taxpayer cost at $7,740 per person for the conflicts since the Al-Qaeda-hatched 9/11 attacks in New York that killed almost 3,000 people.
“War costs are more than what we spend in any one year on what’s called the pointy end of the spear,” the study’s author, Neta Crawford, told the Wall Street Journal, which first reported its findings.
“There are all these other costs behind the spear, and there are consequences of using it, that we need to include.”

A Life Worth Living?

Suicide rates in Gaza are rising and young people especially males are particularly vulnerable.
By Hamza Abu Eltarabesh: Tuesday, 29 August, Mohannad Younis swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills and ended his life.
He was only 22 and seemed to have much going for him. A budding author, he had recently completed a series of short stories and just put the finishing touches on a stage play – Escape.
Mohannad was only two months from finishing a postgraduate degree in pharmacy at Al-Azhar University, and was planning to propose to a fellow student at the faculty of medicine.
His suicide, therefore, came as a shock to those who knew him and loved him.
I know. I was his friend. I mourn him. I miss him. And I am angry at what he did.
But Mohannad’s decision to take his life is less unusual than it might once have been in Gaza, where tradition and religion frown upon suicide.
In fact, 2016 saw a spike in the number of suicides and suicide attempts in the Gaza Strip, one that has authorities so worried, Gaza’s Ministry of Health decided to cancel fees for anyone needing treatment after a failed suicide attempt and offer free counseling.

ISIS Defeated In Syria And Iraq - Jewish Owned Lame-Stream Western Corporate Media Ignores It

By Pepe Escobar: Two days ago, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), supported by Russian air power, finally took control of Albu Kamal – the last Daesh base in the Syria/Iraq border.
One week ago, the Iraqi Army and the PMUs reconquered al-Qaim, on their side of the border. Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, the legendary PMU commander, previously had told a small group of us in Baghdad that would happen “in a matter of days”.
It ended up being four – to be exact. The Syrian forces will now be redeployed northwest, towards Idlib, the last “moderate rebel” stronghold of that thing called Syrian Conquest Front, a.k.a. Nusra Front, a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Syria.
The key point is that Syrian and Iraqi forces have met at the border – with defeated Daesh jihadis scurrying around or turned into roadkill.
This is History in the making. And right on cue, VIRTUALLY NOTHING about this REAL ON THE GROUND VICTORY OF A REAL WAR ON TERROR is being covered by Western corporate media.

Debunking Two American Myths

'I am under no illusion about the capability of those who still watch the idiot box to be woken out of their lethargic stupor'
Authored by The Saker: There are two myths which are deeply imprinted in the minds of most US Americans which are extremely dangerous and which can result in a war with Russia.
  • The first myth is the myth of the US military superiority.
  • The second myth is the myth about the US invulnerability.
I believe that it is therefore crucial to debunk these myths before they end up costing us millions of lives and untold suffering.
In my latest piece for the Unz Review I discussed the reasons why the US armed forces are nowhere nearly as advanced as the US propaganda machine would have us believe. And even though the article was a discussion of Russian military technologies I only gave one example, in passing, of Russian military technologies by comparing the T-50 PAKFA to the US F-35 (if you want to truly get a feel for the F-35 disaster, please read this and this). First, I am generally reluctant to focus on weapons systems because I strongly believe that, in the vast majority of real-world wars, tactics are far more important than technologies.

90% Of Homeless People In The UK Are Men

Shelter is a charity campaigning for the homeless. You won’t believe who’s been the charity’s Chief Executive since February
By Mike Buchanan: Well, I don’t know how this didn’t come to our attention before now.
In April 2014 we challenged Polly Neate, then Chief Executive of Women’s Aid, to retract seven lies and misleading statements made in an online discussion by Franki Hackett, a Women’s Aid spokeswoman who later won a Lying Feminist of the Month award for those lies and statements. Our blog piece on the matter is here. Predictably, Neate refused to retract them, or apologise. Regular followers of this blog will be only too aware of the duplicity of Polly Neate and Women’s Aid in downplaying the issue of male victims of domestic violence.
I was vaguely aware that the odious Ms Neate had left Women’s Aid in February, but had heard nothing of her since. It was by chance that today I discovered through a tiny piece in the Times that she’s been Chief Executive of Shelter, a charity campaigning for the homeless, for the past nine months. 90% of the street homeless in the UK are men. You will not be surprised by this page and others on the Shelter website, that the homeless are invariably described as ‘people’, not ‘overwhelmingly men’. What a disgusting thing to do, to appoint a woman who hates men as much as Polly Neate, to lead a charity for the homeless.

"The Messiah Will Return Only When The West Is Destroyed"

"Islam is merely a tool to destroy the Christian West."
For the Jews.

If Only Arrested Saudi Prince Owned Bitcoin

Max and Stacy ask whether or not Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who is currently under Ritz arrest, would have been better off had he owned bitcoin instead of Twitter and Fox. In the second half Max continues his interview with Dr. Michael Hudson, author of Super Imperialism. They recount the history of labor, socialism, Minneapolis and more.