11 Nov 2017

The 7 Biggest Lies Of Feminism

Barbara4u2c: The most extensive video on feminism I've ever done. This included numerous days of research, reading and writing. So here it finally is.

Join Us In London To March For Men - London, 19th Nov, International Mens Day 2017

Messages for Men: Join us as we peacefully March For Men in London on International Men’s Day 2017. Meet at 12 pm Sunday 19th November at Trafalgar Square. We will be marching past the Royal Courts of Justice and on to Parliament Square where we will be releasing purple balloons with messages about men and boys attached- purple is our colour theme so feel free to include it in your outfit for the day!

Balfour Declaration, History And Concealment

Gilad Atzmon: In this talk Atzmon elaborates on that which the historicity of Balfour is set to conceal -- a century of Jewish political hegemony in Britain and beyond.

The Brave New World Of Trial By Lame-Stream Media

The world outside Westminster is once again looking on astonished as Parliament lurches into another bout of deep irrelevance by conducting a witch-hunt against its elected members for acts of flirtation and banter.
Rape and sexual abuse are terrible crimes, of course, and must be taken seriously and referred to the police and the courts. However most of the claims against almost entirely male MPs seem trivial, if not ridiculous, to most people outside the political bubble by comparison with the grooming and rape of white girls by gangs, often of Pakistani background – revealed in one serious case review after another, the latest being last weekend. Yet in the case of ‘Pestminster’ there has been no proven illegal activity, and it is unlikely that any cases will end up before the courts.

Trump Proves That Anti-Feminism Isn’t Enough

By Paul Elam: In the interest of fairness and intellectual honesty, I am going to have to say some unkind words about Donald Trump. At the very least about his new tax plan.
As regulars here know, I have been quick to point out when Trump has gotten things right. I lauded him for giving political correctness the swift kick in its genderless crotch it so totally deserved. I was ecstatic recently when he did away with the Deal Colleague Letter and all the sexual assault witch hunts it created. And I have barely had a chance to do my happy dance when I recently caught up with the news that he will appoint Penny Nance as his ambassador-at-large for global women’s issues. Nance has been trashing feminists and the butthurt political arm of the LGBTQ community for quite some time.
And yes, I know full well that Nance is from the neosimp, cuckservative wing of modern politics. I’m not fooled for a moment into thinking she gives a rat’s ass about men. Still, since Trump isn’t going to nominate Karen Straughan or Alison Tieman to the position, so I’ll enjoy Nance’s appointment for the pure spectacle of it, anticipating she will create a feminist purgatory and fill it with fresh souls.

Even To Offer Circumcision Of Children Is Unethical

Bonobo3D: Erin Mcardle & her son Frantisek demonstrated with the Bloodstained Men and Their Friends for an end to male genital mutilation at the AAP Conference in Chicago.