2 Dec 2017

How Did America Get Unaccountable Police With Absolute Power Over US Citizens?

Constitutional attorney John Whitehead describes
the insecurity of the American citizen.
By John W. Whitehead: Nervous About Traffic Stops? I Am. You Should Be, Too
We’ve all been there before.
You’re driving along and you see a pair of flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror. Whether or not you’ve done anything wrong, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach.
You’ve read enough news stories, seen enough headlines, and lived in the American police state long enough to be anxious about any encounter with a cop that takes place on the side of the road.
For better or worse, from the moment you’re pulled over, you’re at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to “serve and protect.”
This is what I call “blank check policing,” in which the police get to call all of the shots.
So if you’re nervous about traffic stops, you have every reason to be.
Trying to predict the outcome of any encounter with the police is a bit like playing Russian roulette: most of the time you will emerge relatively unscathed, although decidedly poorer and less secure about your rights, but there’s always the chance that an encounter will turn deadly.

Israel Is At The Centre Of The Flynn-Kushner Affair!

Reported by Gilad Atzmon: The NY Times reports this evening that “Mr. Flynn has also admitted lying to the F.B.I. about asking Russia and several other countries for help in thwarting an Obama administration foreign policy decision to permit the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution condemning Israel for building settlements in Palestinian territory. Russia nevertheless declined to delay or veto the measure, which the Security Council passed despite lobbying by Israel and the objections from the Trump transition team.
Some commentators have raised the question of whether such efforts by Mr. Flynn and the Trump transition team to lobby foreign governments in ways that conflicted with the official policy of the United States under the Obama administration before they took power were a violation of the Logan Act. That is a 1799 law that bars private citizens from interfering with diplomatic relations between the United States and foreign governments. But this statute has raised constitutional concerns and is generally considered a dead letter, meaning it remains on the books but is defunct.”
The Israeli press also admits the Israeli involvement. It points at Jared Kushner direct responsibility.

Russia-Gate Turns Out To Be Israel-Gate - Imagine My Lack Of Shock

"An Israeli settlement is a Jewish colony, it annexes land, it is a place where only Jews can live only Jews can enter, it is an ethnic state, because Zionism is a fascist ideology with a mythological rationalisation. They think god is a real estate agent and they can just take land from people hold it by force and have the Israeli Death Force stand there and guard it." Said Ryan Dawson.

Your Right To Hear Jordan Peterson

johntheother: The SJWs, Academics, Media talking heads, Journalists, bloggers and politicians attacking Dr Jordan Peterson are attacking YOUR right to hear him - or to hear any opinion besides theirs.

The Nakba - Let's Support The Campaign Against Antisemitism

Say No to Antisemitism!
By Gilad Atzmon: The 1948 Nakba (catastrophe) occurred when more than 700,000  indigenous  Palestinians (semites) were ethnically cleansed from their land, homes, villages and cities by the newly born Jewish State.  During the Nakba, many Palestinian villages were massacred. Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were wiped out while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished.  The Nakba was fuelled by a crude racist agenda, namely Zionism. Seven decades later millions of Palestinians are living in refugee camps in Palestine, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

We Can’t Attack North Korea. It’s Against the Law

Those inclined to scoff at the idea that the U.N. or international law could restrain the U.S. from using its military might haven’t really understood the situation.
By Responding to North Korea’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile that could threaten the United States' mainland, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a press release: “Diplomatic options remain viable and open, for now.”
At an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said while the U.S. does not seek war, “if war comes, make no mistake, the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed.”
But diplomacy is not just viable, as Tillerson says; it’s legally required by the Charter of the United Nations, which, as a treaty ratified by the United States, is the law of the land under the Constitution. This dimension of the North Korean crisis is not getting the attention it deserves.
The charter prohibits the threat or use of force except when authorized by the U.N. Security Council or in self-defense against an armed attack. The Security Council is intensively addressing the crisis, including in Wednesday’s meeting, and it’s significant that it has not seen fit to authorize the use of force.

Atef Al Maqousi

If Americans Knew: Palestinian deaths are largely ignored by US media. We want people to learn about these human beings. Atef al Maqousi died on Nov. 8th.

Mangina Of The Year Awards 2017: Accepting Nominations!

Raging Golden Eagle: It's once again time for the greatest award show on earth! Will Pierre Trudeau's Wife's son be able to hold on to the title and become the first successful defending champion, or will he be dethroned by a newcomer? That's all up to you! I'm accepting nominations here in the comments section through the end of the year.

UN General Assembly Calls On 'Worse Than Apartheid' Israeli Occupation To Withdraw From Syrian Golan

Manar/R.Raslan/Mazen: New York, SANA-UN General Assembly on Thursday called on the Israeli occupation to withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan into the line of June 4th, 1967 in line with UN Security council relevant resolutions.
The Assembly adopted a resolution entitled “the Syrian Golan,” submitted to it under the title “the State in the Middle East.”
The Assembly condemned Israel’s non-abidance by UNSC resolution No.497 issued in 1981, affirming that Israel’s decision, released on December 14th, 1981, to impose its laws and administration on Golan is null and void.
Earlier, Acting ChargĂ© d’affaires of Syria’s permanent delegation to the UN Munzer Munzer said  that Israel still ignores international resolutions and refuses to give back the occupied Syrian Golan to Syria.
Munzer added that the Israeli occupation authorities are going on in their repressive policies in the occupied Syrian Golan and are preventing its citizens from building their homes on their lands inherited from their ancestors.
“Syria reiterates that its sovereignty on the occupied Golan is not subject to any negotiation or abandonment and does not fall by prescription,” Munzer stressed.