18 Dec 2017

She Knows I’m Red Pill - MGTOW

Hi Everyone Sandman Here, This video is brought to you by a donation from Chris through Patreon. He didn't have a topic but wanted me to dedicate one to him. So Thanks Chris and I thought I'd put your cash to good use by discussing a comment left on my channel by someone named MC recently. Here's what MC has to say and I quoteL "Hey Sandman You are the one who gave me the redpills. I saw a few other channels but none were as clear or as honest with psychoanalysis. Truly when I first started watching I thought maybe you had a few loose screws and you only hated women so I took some of what you said and the rest seemed too much. Especially in responding to guys like this your responses have always been brutal, like a machine.. then the rage set in because i realized it was all true.

Wrongful Convictions Are The New Black

Feminism KEK: “Victim” advocates are not concerned about false allegations against Liam Allan, they want to know why the evidence was even collected in the first place.

Aetas Ovidiana: Friar Labored To Ensure Boy Equipped With Naso

Medieval Latin literature highly valued the classical poetry of Naso, also known as Ovid. In fact, the twelfth and thirteenth centuries have become known among medieval scholars as “the Ovidian Age {Aetas Ovidiana}.”[1] Learned men in the Middle Ages recognized that studying Ovid was vital for intellectually preparing a boy for manhood. Not surprisingly, a Franciscan friar filled with love for neighbor vigorously engaged in erection labor to ensure that a boy became equipped with a nose.
The friar loved a lovely young woman recently married to one of his neighbors. The young woman soon became pregnant. Meeting with her and her husband, the friar prophesied that the child would bring them great unhappiness. The couple pressed to know more, but the friar refused to speak further. Anxious to know the nature of the impending calamity, the woman secretly summoned the friar and begged him to speak. After impressing upon her the necessity of maintaining secrecy, he declared that she would bear a son, but he would be born “without a nose {absque naso}.” According to the friar, not having a nose is “the foulest mark of all on a human face {turpissima omnium in facie hominis nota}.” That indicates how highly Naso was valued in the Middle Ages.
Terrified at the news that her son wouldn’t be equipped with Naso, the lovely young woman begged the friar for a remedy. He consented and explained:

it was necessary to set a certain day for a work of God when he would have sex with her and supplement her husband’s deficiency and add a nose to the child.

Exploring The Truth On German Soil - Holocaust, History & Palestine

By Gilad Atzmon: Following is the talk I delivered in Babylon, Berlin on 14.12.2017. Together with Ken Jebsen, Evelyn Echt Galinski and the organisers (Marxist outlet NRhZ) I have been subject to an insane defamation campaign. Despite being banned by the venue's owner Mr. T. Grossman, I delivered my message and as you could hear, the room was ecstatic. Mr Grossman, on the other hand,  was shamelessly booed off stage. Truth is clearly way more poplular than censorship.     

UK False Rape Case Scandal Is Just ‘Tip Of The Iceberg’

By : A piece by David Brown (Chief News Correspondent) and Alexi Mostrous (Head of Investigations) in yesterday’s Times:

The case of an innocent student put on trial for rape because police withheld evidence is just the “tip of the iceberg”, senior barristers said last night.
Dozens of cases have collapsed in the past three years because of serious police failings over the way they handle evidence, according to an inspection report obtained by The Times.
In one case, a man accused of robbery spent six months in jail before a prosecutor found evidence confirming that he had been robbed by the “victim”, who was a violent drug dealer.
Yesterday The Times revealed that Liam Allan, 22, spent almost two years on bail and was on trial for a series of alleged rapes before police handed over text messages that exonerated him.
Angela Rafferty, QC, chairwoman of the Criminal Bar Association, said yesterday that without the intervention of the barristers in court Mr Allan “would have suffered an appalling miscarriage of justice” because of the failure of police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).
She warned that the failure was “not an isolated incident” and said that police and the CPS may be “unconsciously bias[ed]” towards people who report sex offences.

RIP Mahmoud And Maher

If Americans Knew: Palestinian deaths are largely ignored by Western lame-stream media. We want people to learn about these human beings. Mahmoud al Masri and Maher Atallah were killed December 8th, 2017; attached is a 2-minute video about them.