28 Dec 2017

How Israel’s Permit Regime Costs Palestinians

By Rod Such: This slim book, only 152 pages long, contains volumes. Although it focuses on a single aspect of the Israeli occupation – the use of permits to control the Palestinian population – Israeli author Yael Berda manages to illuminate the occupation as a whole.
The focus of Living Emergency is even narrower than the “permit regime” implied in the subtitle, as it examines work permits specifically and, in particular, the use of the security threat designation to deny work permits to Palestinians.
Living Emergency: Israel’s Permit Regime in the Occupied West Bank by Yael Berda, Stanford University Press (2017)
Living Emergency conveys a Kafkaesque world imposed on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank who may one day find that a steady construction job in Israel simply evaporates, a work permit denied and a livelihood destroyed by classified rules and secret evidence. Many face a Catch-22, knowing that refusing to become an informer in exchange for a work permit can be considered resistance to the occupation and therefore a security threat in itself.
Berda is an attorney who represented hundreds of Palestinian clients between 2005 and 2007 from her Jerusalem office. Those experiences form the basis of this study of Israel’s “population management” strategies that have also been described by other authors as Israel’s “social engineering” or “matrix of control.”

U.S. Military Massacred Civilians in Somalia

The United States of America’s military led an operation in Somalia's Bariire region that resulted in the death of 10 civilians and at least one child on the 25th of August.
On the 25th of August, the United States of America’s military led an operation in Somalia's Bariire region that resulted in the death of 10 civilians and at least one child on the 25th of August. It was a massacre whose taint on the U.S. forces’ reputation can be compared to the Black Hawk Down incident of 1993. The victims of the operation were farmers and in its wake, hundreds of people in the Somali town of Afgoye protested, demanding justice for those killed. Survivors refused to bury the dead until the Somali government withdrew allegations that they were members of Al-Shabab and paid reparations. This was revealed in a Daily Beast report written by Christina Goldbaum.
Here's what we learnt:
1. U.S. Military Lies About its Operations in Africa

Heaven Forbid! China Sells Oil To North Korea!

RonPaul: A recent US spy satellite photo showing Chinese ships selling oil to North Korean ships in violation of UN Security Council resolutions is supposed to infuriate us.


Max and Stacy discuss the taxphoria causing a stock buying panic at the end of Trump’s first year in office. In the second half, Max interviews Michael Pento of PentoPort.com about whether or not this taxphoria has caused overvaluation in the markets and, if so, can the markets continue to soar higher?

Our Dream Was Over

"A great American disconnect is now in full bloom.
This disconnect can be visualised in our airports
for example where the sheep are degraded, probed, groped and made to know their place which is that
of being targeted as hypothetical terrorists.
All this was concocted and installed by Zionist Jewish politicians and their controllers." Said Ex-Jew Nathanael.

Attack Of The Faux-Intellectuals

Raging Golden Eagle: Drinking game: Take a shot every time he says some variation of the word "morality"

United States And Israel: Re-evaluating A Toxic Relationship

By Zarefah Baroud: In 2014, Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, was shot six times in the back and head by police officer Darren Wilson while fleeing a confrontation in Ferguson, Missouri. The teenager was then left to bleed out in the street. The police officer, who claimed that he feared for his life, was acquitted.

In 2015, Mohammed al-Kasbeh, an unarmed 17-year-old, was shot several times in the back and head by Israeli Colonel Yisrael Shomer while fleeing a checkpoint in Ramallah. He was with a group of other youths who were allegedly throwing stones at an Israeli military vehicle. When the windshield broke, the soldiers exited the vehicle in their gear, fired several shots, then walked up to Mohammed, who was bleeding out on the ground, and proceeded to kick the dying boy. The soldier, who claimed that he feared for his life, was acquitted.  

The world is now looking to the United States and the state of Israel as a tightly bound couple whose mutual commitment is poignantly reflected in the recent gesture made by President Donald Trump and his decision to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem.