4 Jan 2018

A Tale Of Two Americas: Where The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Go To Jail

Authored by John Whitehead: This is the tale of two Americas, where the rich get richer and the poor go to jail.
Aided and abetted by the likes of Attorney General Jeff Sessions—a man who wouldn’t recognize the Constitution if it smacked him in the face—the American dream has become the American scheme: the rich are getting richer and more powerful, while anyone who doesn’t belong to the power elite gets poorer and more powerless to do anything about the nation’s steady slide towards fascism, authoritarianism and a profit-driven police state.
Not content to merely pander to law enforcement and add to its military largesse with weaponry and equipment designed for war, Sessions has made a concerted effort to expand the police state’s power to search, strip, seize, raid, steal from, arrest and jail Americans for any infraction, no matter how insignificant.
Now Sessions has given state courts the green light to resume their practice of jailing individuals who are unable to pay the hefty fines imposed by the American police state. In doing so, Sessions has once again shown himself to be not only a shill for the Deep State but an enemy of the people.
First, some background on debtors’ prisons, which jail people who cannot afford to pay the exorbitant fines imposed on them by courts and other government agencies. ...Congress banned debtors’ prisons in 1833.

American Pro-Abortion Student Defends Infanticide - Killing A 2-Year-Old Toddler Is OK Because “It Can’t Communicate”

By Steven Ertelt: A pro-abortion student has been filmed on video defending infanticide, saying there is nothing wrong with killing a two-year-old baby. The student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville bragged about his support for infanticide up to two years of age.
The video, provided to LifeNews by Students for Life of America, shows a pro-abortion student defending his position in favor of ending the lives of unborn children.
During the video, the student also defends infanticide and says that there’s nothing wrong with killing newborn babies because they are not capable of taking care of themselves or holding an intellectual conversation. The twisted logic claims that because babies are not on the same level as someone old enough to feed and clothe themselves and to carry on a conversation that apparently their life is somehow less valuable.
That is the same contorted and twisted logic that abortion advocates use to defend abortion. Supposedly because unborn babies are something less than capable adult human beings their lives have no value. It is the same kind of logic that also persecutes the elderly and disabled and says that their lives have less value because they are supposedly less capable.

British Anti Witch-Hunt Group Expelled Half Its Supporters

'Zionism is just one symptom of Jewish choseness.'
By Gilad Atzmon: When you think that British 'Left' has reached rock bottom you wake up to learn that this political comedy act has no limits.
We learned today that the ‘anti witch-hunt’ labour group LAW (Labour Against the Witch-hunt ) has expelled half of its members over ‘anti-Semitism.’
Times of Israel reports today that LAW has cut ties to Socialist Fight because of the views of its members. Socialist Fight is accused of being “supportive of controversial Israeli-born author Gilad Atzmon.”
Needless to mention that I am thrilled by all of that. I enjoy being supported by proper radical left groups; people who adhere to universal principles of equality and human brotherhood. Despite the fact that in my entire life, I have never been a member of any political body or party, I can clearly see that my writing is now making a change.
If you are wondering what it is that I am saying that pushes LAW leaders Jackie Walker and Tony Greenstein, two self identified (political) Jews, over the edge, to the point that they themselves have decided to act, in the open, as witch hunters, I will provide a brief answer.
I argue that if Israel defines itself as a Jewish State we must ask who are the Jews, what is Jewishness and what is Judaism.

Jewish State Israel Shooting Gaza Protesters In The Head

By Hamza Abu Eltarabesh: Sometimes you have to put horrific images at the back of your mind.
During Israel’s 51-day attack on Gaza in the summer of 2014, I saw tens of dead bodies. The worst thing I witnessed was the targeting of a car about 10 meters from where I was standing. I could see its driver take his last breath before he died.
At that moment, my whole body went cold. For several days, I could not think of anything but that appalling scene. I was unable to sleep for about a week.
Events moved fast that summer. I tried my best to forget about the incident and to get on with my life.
More than three years have passed. And despite my efforts to put that experience behind me, I know that the mental scars it left have not healed. Like so many other people in Gaza, I am vulnerable.
That was proven on 8 December last, when protesters in Gaza expressed their rage at Donald Trump’s announcement two days earlier that the US would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Mahmoud al-Masri was among the protesters killed by Israeli troops that day.

All Is Not Quiet On The Syrian Front: US Training Proxies For Another War For The Jewish State

By Alex Gorka: This is a classic example of flip-flop policy. In November, the US promised Turkey to stop arming Kurdish militias in Syria after the Islamic State was routed. Brett McGurk, the US Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to Defeat Islamic State, explained that after the urban fighting in Raqqa was over "adjustments in the level of military support" would be made. "We had to give some equipment – and it's limited, extremely limited – all of which was very transparent to our NATO ally, Turkey," he said during a special briefing on December 21. In June, the US told Turkey it would take back weapons supplied to the Kurdish the People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia in northern Syria after the defeat of Islamic State.
But sophisticated weapons will continue to be sent to Syria in 2018, including thousands of anti-tank rocket launchers, heat seeking missiles and rocket launchers. The list of weaponry and equipment was prepared by US Department of Defense as part of the 2018 defense budget and signed by Trump of Dec. 12.
It includes more than 300 non-tactical vehicles, 60 nonstandard vehicles, and 30 earth-moving vehicles to assist with the construction of outposts or operations staging areas. The US defense spending bill for 2018 ("Justification for FY 2018 Overseas Contingency Operations / Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund") includes providing weapons worth $393 million to US 'partners' in Syria.

A Criminal Investigation

By MRA-UK: One of the things I promised in “Rape – Part 1” was a compilation of case histories of false accusations. I’m working on it, though it’s doing unfortunate things to my psyche. It’s proving to be a bigger task than I anticipated – there’s so darned many cases. So, I’m breaking off from that endeavour for a while to bring you just one case. It’s quite recent, the full facts emerged only in 2017, though it’s origin goes back to 2014.
Many, many times in compiling my list of false rape accusation cases I have thought “my God, that was surely the worst yet”. Here’s one of those. Whilst we can all enjoy getting mightily indignant about malicious false accusers, there are times when the alleged victim does need protecting – and I don’t mean from the alleged rapist. I mean from the police and the CPS – and from false “friends”. Can I be prosecuted for suggesting that the actions of the police and the CPS drove this young woman to kill herself?
Hannah Stubbs, 22, then a student at university, accused Elgan Varney, 33, of rape in 2014. After making the allegation she became depressed and ultimately killed herself in August 2015. There had been no charge brought against Mr Varney up until that time, and he was only charged with rape in April 2016. Mr Varney was “removed from his attempts at education”, to quote his defence counsel. In March 2017 the CPS announced they were dropping the prosecution because there was no realistic prospect of gaining a conviction.