22 Jan 2018

Norman Finkelstein On The Many Jewish State Lies Perpetuated About Gaza

The “Big Lie” about Gaza Is That The Palestinians Have Been the Aggressors
Democracy Now!: Extended interview with scholar Norman Finkelstein, author of the new book, “Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom.” The book has just been published as Israel is facing a possible International Criminal Court war crimes probe over its 2014 assault on Gaza, which killed more than 2,100 Palestinians, including over 500 children.

Message From Your Male Feminist Ally

 I'm so proud of the women who marched at the Women's March.
The future is female. Hillary 2020. Hit me up on Tinder.

"In Corbyn’s Orwellian Parallel Universe We Are All Equal, But Some [Females & Non-Whites] Are More Equal Than Others"

By Simon Walters: Radical feminist Jeremy Corbyn faced a race row last night for making white people pay more than ethnic minorities to hear him deliver his pro-Zionist land theft and misandric propaganda.
The dispute erupted over a decision by Labour chiefs to charge black and ethnic minority activists £10 less per ticket than white activists to attend a rally next month.
Tory MPs last night accused 'all women shortlists' radical feminist Labour of sexism and racism and said it was further evidence that the party had not only abandoned all men, but all white working class people too.
Labour officials defended their racist decision to make white party members pay £40 to attend the East Midlands Labour gathering in Loughborough on February 17.
In contrast, the charge for black and minority ethnic (BAME) members is £30. 
A Labour spokesman said: ‘The basic price of a conference pass is the same for all members but, at the request of our [racist] East Midlands Regional Board, the party will subsidise part of the cost of this year’s conference pass for BAME members to encourage attendance and improve representation.’
Conservative vice-chairman James Cleverly said: ‘Discriminating against people based on the colour of their skin is totally wrong and Mr Corbyn must end this practice now.’

The Unmaking Of Albert Schultz

Diana Davison: Don't be complicit in this charade of “social justice.” Speak up because, if you don't, you will be the next Albert Schultz.

The Slow Rise Of #MeToo Sexual Panic

By : The current hysteria surrounding sexual abuse of women, otherwise known as the #MeToo movement, has been a long time in the making. Fantasies of a ‘rape culture’ were first generated within radical feminist circles in the 1970s, who pressed the idea relentlessly into the imaginations of a wider public. Its zealous promotion led to an increased culture of ‘belief,’ and the fateful commandment listen and believe.
As with all mass hysterical movements that went before it, such as false memory syndrome of the 1990s, or the Salem Witch Trials, there were people who predicted its rise.
As a matter of historical interest, one of those documenting the rise of the current hysteria was Dr. Gerald Schoenewolf, when in 1991 he delivered a talk titled The Feminist Myth About Sexual Abuse to the Psychohistory Association. When delivering the paper he decided not to take questions after the presentation. Some feminists in the audience, who had only attended the talk to knock the piece down, began yelling their displeasure and treating him like it was sexist to read a presentation and not allow a question and answer or discussion period.

Daily Sabah: Interview With Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon In an interview with Daily Sabah's editor Burak Altun digging into  the current crisis in the Middle East
Burak Altun: Mr Atzmon, you are one of the most gifted jazz musicians around. In addition, you  are actively engaged in peace in the Middle East and criticize the state of Israel  within that context. I can see two separate identities here - you are a musician and a political activist. At the social and political level, you complain about identity politics in the West. What is it all about?
Gilad Atzmon: To start with, you are very kind in your description of me, but let me correct you. I am not a political activist, I have never been involved in politics and I prefer to stay away from the so called activist community. The reason is simple. Activists always know the answers. I am a philosopher. My task is refining the questions. I can easily live in peace with more than one answer and even with competing and contradicting  answers. 
However, let me address your question regarding identity politics. In the world in which I grew up the role of the political and especially Left politics was to point at that which unites us. Our left icons insisted that it didn’t matter whether one is a Muslim, Black, Jew or Woman, we were all united against the mammonites, those capitalist plunderers in the City. But this has  changed. At a certain stage the Left decided to embrace new tactics. We were taught how to speak ‘as a’: as a woman, as a Jew, as a Black, as a gay and so on. Instead of being united we were set up to fight each other. In this New Left/progressive universe, we the people are divided by our biology yet the global market is united in its war against us the people, against humanity and humanism.

Dalal Lulah & Amir Abdul-Hamid Abu Mosa'ed

If Americans Knew: Another Palestinian death the Feminist Western Zio-Lame-Stream Media ignored, this one is a little girl. Please share this 1-minute video so Dalal Lulah's needless death at the hands of the Zionist Jews won't be forgotten.

Feminism Has Become #FirstWorldProblems To The Infinite Power

Raging Golden Eagle: Now they are complaining about doing "all the work" when they literally just use some apps to delegate their work to other people... How can we parody these people anymore, they already make themselves out to be such jokes!

Jewish Israel's War On Africans And All Non-Jews Today

David Sheen: 72-minute slideshow about Israel's treatment of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers, given at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.