14 May 2018

Not Penelope: Sailor’s Wife Claims God Provided Him With A Son

According to an early fifteenth-century Roman account, a very poor sailor in search of earnings on the seas was away from his young wife for five years. He returned home to find his dilapidated house had been repaired, beautified, and enlarged. He asked his wife how these improvements had come about. She declared:

By the grace of God, who gives help to all.
{ omnibus fert opem, Dei gratiam affuisse. }
He then went into their bedroom. There he saw an elegant bed and other new furniture that he couldn’t have afforded to buy. He asked his wife how she had gotten this new furniture. She again declared that it was by the grace of God.
Then a little boy of over three years old appeared and clung affectionately to the sailor’s wife. He asked his wife whose child the boy was. She said that he was her child. The sailor-husband, much simpler than Odysseus, didn’t understand:

Can We Blame The Banksters? Spoiler Alert: Yes!

Authored by Ann Pettifor: At a Rethinking Economics conference in Oslo last month I pointed out that western politicians and economists are repeating policy errors of the 1930s. The pattern of a global financial crash, followed by austerity in Europe and the UK, led in those years to the rise of populism, authoritarianism and ultimately fascism. The scale of economic and political failures and missteps led in turn to a catastrophic world war. 
Today that pattern – of a global financial crash, austerity and a rise in political populism and authoritarianism – is evident in both Europe and the US. And talk of war has risen to the top of the US political agenda. Why have we not learnt lessons from the past? 
The “fount and matrix” (to quote Karl Polanyi) of the international financial system prior to its collapse in 1929, was the self-regulating market. The gold standard was the policy by which the private finance sector, backed by economists, central bankers and policy-makers, sought to extend the domesticmarket system to the international sphere – beyond the reach of regulatory democracy. In the event, the 1929 stock market crash put an end to the delusional aspirations of Haute Finance: namely that financiers could detach their activities from democratic, accountable political oversight.

How To Have A Normal Relationship With A Woman - Part 2

"Normal is fucked up beyond all recognition!
...We've got to think out of the dysfunctional box."
Said Paul Elam.

Commission For A White House Council On Boys And Men Q&A #1

Men Are Good!: This is an interview I did with Warren Farrell about his new book. It was actually the first Q&A for Warren's site for his commission to seek a White House Council for Boys and Men. That site has excerpts from his book, my books and others. Interesting place. Check it out.

Telling The Truth In The West Is Now A Crime

Stephen Lendman worries that Ecuador is being pressured by US & UK to hand over Julian Assange.
Ecuador to Expel Assange from its London Embassy?
By Stephen Lendman: In August 2012, Ecuador granted WikiLeaks founder, director and editor-in-chief Julian Assange asylum in its London embassy – granting him citizenship in December 2017. He’s been there since June 2012.
If he steps out of the embassy, Washington wants him arrested and extradited to America.
Whistleblowers exposing government wrongdoing are endangered in the US. Anyone exposing its high crimes and/or other dirty secrets is vulnerable.
Challenging the nation’s policies, no matter how heinous, risks severe punishment.
As CIA director, neocon extremist Mike Pompeo falsely accused Assange of causing “great harm to our nation’s national security.”
He lied calling WikiLeaks “a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia.”
In 2012, a secret grand jury convened. A sealed indictment followed, allegedly accusing Assange of spying under the long ago outdated 1917 Espionage Act, enacted shortly after America’s entry into WW I – used to prosecute, convict and imprison Chelsea Manning.

Penelope Faithful, But Odysseus Afraid To Return Home Poor

a rare bird, a black swanUlysses, also known as Odysseus, had spent ten years in the brutal violence against men of the Trojan War. Many men died fighting for one woman, Helen, who described herself as a “shameless whore.” Ulysses then spent another ten years struggling to return home against hostile seas and sex-starved goddesses.

At home, Ulysses’s wife Penelope refused to forsake her husband even as others were claiming he was dead. She yearned for the warmth of being in bed with him:

The American Dollar Dies In New York - A Satire From Uganda

: Master Dollar the giant magic child, born in 1913 in a suspect federal building in USA, and growing at a pace that made him the largest giant in history, favorite son of Mr. Fed Reserve and Mr. Banksters and the ultimate hope of millions of Neocons, died late afternoon on the 6th of June 2014, during major surgery undertaken to correct massive diminishing influence. 
The cause of Death was a huge gas fire caused by Gazprom and four other accomplices thought to be of Chinese, Brazilian, African and Indian origin. The final autopsy has not been undertaken by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, although the child’s surgeon, Dr. Fed Thief Janet Yellen of Death To The Nation-Hospital, indicated possible cardiac insufficiency.

"The Search Engine Is The Most Powerful Source Of Mind Control Ever Invented..."

'It knows what colors your brain lights up to if I give you a red button or a green button or a yellow button. It knows which words activate your psychology. It knows an unprecedented amount of information about what will manipulate you.'
Authored by Asher Schechter: The opening panel of the Stigler Center’s annual antitrust conference discussed the source of digital platforms’ power and what, if anything, can be done to address the numerous challenges their ability to shape opinions and outcomes present.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai caused a worldwide sensation earlier this week when he unveiled Duplex, an AI-driven digital assistant able to mimic human speech patterns (complete with vocal tics) to such a convincing degree that it managed to have real conversations with ordinary people without them realizing they were actually talking to a robot.
While Google presented Duplex as an exciting technological breakthrough, others saw something else: a system able to deceive people into believing they were talking to a human being, an ethical red flag (and a surefire way to get to robocall hell).