28 May 2018

2018/1984: In The UK... You're Not Allowed To Talk About It. About What? Don't Ask!

"I am in a country that is not free... I feel jealous as hell of you guys in America. You don't know how lucky you are." — Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad), YouTuber with around a million subscribers.

"I am trying to recall a legal case where someone was convicted of a 'crime' which cannot be reported on." — Gerald Batten, UKIP member of the European Parliament.

"UKIP Peer Malcolm Lord Pearson has written to Home Secretary Sajid Javid today saying: if Tommy is murdered or injured in prison he and others will mount a private prosecution against Mr Javid as an accessory, or for misconduct in public office." — Gerald Batten.
On Friday, British free-speech activist and Islam critic Tommy Robinson was acting as a responsible citizen journalist -- reporting live on camera from outside a Leeds courtroom where several Muslims were being tried for child rape -- when he was set upon by several police officers. In the space of the next few hours, a judge tried, convicted, and sentenced him to 13 months in jail -- and also issued a gag order, demanding a total news blackout on the case in the British news media.

First Woman To Join Infantry Regiment Since Defence Chiefs Lifted Ban On Females Serving In Combat Units Quits After TWO WEEKS, Admitting She Underestimated 18-Week Course

Via Mike P, J4MB: Quelle surprise. The end of the piece:
Call sign 'bouncy bouncy' is understood to have been one of just three women who applied to join the RAF Regiment and the only one considered fit enough [J4MB emphasis. Considered fit enough by who, and on what grounds? The person is evidently utterly incompetent, given the woman threw the towel in after just two weeks into an 18-week course.] to start the course at RAF Honington alongside 44 men.
A source at the base said: ‘Even though she was way off the pace of most of the men, [J4MB emphasis] she gained a lot of people’s respect. She tried her best [J4MB: “Trying your best” will be the critical success factor in the next war Britain fights, hopefully] and was honest enough to admit the course was too tough for her. [J4MB: “Honest enough to admit”. What alternative did she have? Denying the bleedin’ obvious?]

George Galloway's Clash With Jewish Caller Over Tommy Robinson

"You're a Jew who lives in Israel, prove your statement that hundreds of thousands of white girls
have been raped by Muslim men!"
George spoke to Dougie, who attempted to put the question to George as to why pro-Zionist Robinson had been present at Leeds Crown Court.

Jews DO Control The Lame Stream Media

Jews Can Speak Truthfully About Jewish Power
But Goyim And Shiksas Cannot
By Manny Friedman, Times Of IsRealHell: We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll.
We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which  was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do.
But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”
Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’.

Hildebert Of Lavardin Described Mary Of Egypt’s Appreciation Of Men

Saint Mary of Egypt has been honored around the Mediterranean and beyond from the seventh century to the present. The early Latin life of Mary of Egypt indicates that she raped a boatload of men. A medieval Spanish poetic version of her life recounts that she incited considerable violence against men. But the great French theologian and poet Hildebart of Lavardin, writing about the year 1100, described Mary of Egypt as giving gifts to men who had sex with her. Saint Mary of Egypt thus deserves to be recognized as a leading woman in the pursuit of fundamental gender equality for men. Saint Mary of EgyptAccording to the medieval Spanish life of Mary of Egypt, she was an extraordinarily beautiful woman. That account, drawing upon an earlier account, declares:
From her time on
no one else so beautiful was born;
neither queen nor countess,
no other like her has been seen.
She had round ears,
white as ewe’s milk.
Black eyes and eyebrows,
a brow white to the hairline.
Her face was tinted with color
like a rose in flower;
her mouth beautiful and well-proportioned.
Her gaze was very beautiful.

America’s Fifth Column Will Destroy Russia

This is the lecture I would have given if I had been able to accept the invitation to address the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia this weekend.
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Executive Summary:  From the standpoint of Russia’s dilemma, this is an important column.  Putin’s partial impotence via-a-vis Washington is due to the grip that neoliberal economics exercises over the Russian government. Putin cannot break with the West, because he believes that Russian economic development is dependent on Russia’s integration within the Western economy. That is what neoliberal economics tells the Russian economic and financial establishment. 
Everyone should understand that I am not a pro-Russian anti-American.  I am anti-war, especially nuclear war.  My concern is that the inability of the Russian government to put its foot down is due to its belief that Russian development, despite all the talk about the Eurasian partnership and the Silk Road, is dependent on being integrated with the West. This totally erroneous belief prevents the Russian government from any decisive break with the West. Consequently, Putin continues to accept provocations in order to avoid a decisive break that would cut Russia off from the West.  In Washington and the UK this is interpreted as a lack of resolve on Putin’s part and encourages an escalation in provocations that will intensify until Russia’s only option is surrender or war.
If the Russian government did not believe that it needed the West, the government could give stronger responses to provocations that would make clear that there are limits to what Russia will tolerate. It would also make Europe aware that its existence hangs in the balance.

"He's A Political Prisoner Whose Life Is In Clear And Pressing Danger": Tommy Robinson Offered Asylum By German MP

By Tyler Durden: A German member of Parliament (MP) has offered British activist Tommy Robinson political asylum following his arrest on Friday for suspicion of breaching the peace while livestreaming outside the trial of a child grooming gang.  
Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner, whose life is in clear and pressing danger. We have to do everything we can to make sure he is granted political asylum,” said the office of conservative German MP Petr Bystron in a Saturday statement provided to the Gateway Pundit's Cassandra Fairbanks.
“As we know, German asylum laws are applied very liberally. Since 2012, 1.8 million mostly economic migrants have come to Germany under these asylum laws, even though they were not actually persecuted politically,” said Bystron, who himself came to Germany as a political refugee from Communism when he was 16.
The statement continued on to say that Robinson is an actual victim of political persecution and that he is appealing to the German Federal Government, the German Foreign Office, the European Union and all human rights organizations