13 Jun 2018

Angelina Jolie Ordered To Give Father's Rights Champion Brad Pitt Access To Kids Or Risk Losing 'Primary' Custody

New rules: The Superior Court of Los Angeles County determined that 'not having a relationship with their father' would be 'harmful' By Heather Waugh: [Self-centered feminist] Angelina Jolie is being asked to give estranged husband [father's rights champion/standard loving dad] Brad Pitt access to their kids amid the duo's ongoing divorce negotiations.
Jolie, 43, who has primary physical custody of their six children, has been told by a judge that she must let Pitt, 54, see the kids regularly while she films Maleficent 2 in the UK this summer.
According to court documents obtained by DailyMail.com, the Superior Court of Los Angeles County determined that 'not having a relationship with their father' would be 'harmful' to Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and twins Vivienne and Knox, nine.
The court believes the kids are safe with Pitt and that it's critical each of the kids have a healthy and strong relationship with both parents.

American Mass Media And Punditry Remain A Dishonest, Militaristic Embarrassment

By Michale Krieger: When it comes to U.S. presidents, experience has taught me to always assume the worst. Irrespective of what the winning candidate said on the campaign trail, a few things tend to happen once they’re sworn into office. To name a few, we almost always end up with a further expansion of the imperial presidency, more pointless wars, growth in the surveillance state and continued unaccountable pillaging by Wall Street. The worst trends and elements of society tend to grow no matter who sits in the oval office.
As such, I’m genuinely heartened by those rare occasions when a U.S. president tries to reduce geopolitical tensions and prioritize peace. This isn’t to say such attempts will work out perfectly, or work at all, but in a world in which a hammer-focused American foreign policy tends to see every situation as a nail, attempts at peace should at the very least be supported by those who claim to care about such things.
Nevertheless, here in America we’ve encouraged and rewarded a peculiar class of people who tend to cluster within specialized niches of the imperial economy, namely the mass media and think tanks often funded by military contractors and foreign dictatorships. While these types always cheer U.S. overseas belligerence, nothing gets them clutching their pearls more fiercely than Donald Trump doing something reasonable.

U.S. Presidents Signed Secret Agreements With Jewish Apartheid State Israel To Cover Up Their Nuclear Weapons

The Forward reports today that U.S. presidents have signed secret documents that “Israelis saw as an American commitment not to ask them to give up their undeclared nuclear arsenal.”
According to its website, the Forward is “the most influential nationwide Jewish media outlet today.”
When Helen Thomas asked President Obama at his first presidential press conference whether any country in the Middle East had nuclear weapons, he evaded the question (video here). Finally in 2015, in a move ignored by most U.S. media, the Pentagon finally publicly admitted that Israel has nuclear weapons.
While the Israel lobby promotes fears about a possible Iranian nuclear program (U.S, intelligence agencies have found no evidence that this exists), U.S. media and politicans turn a blind eye to Israel. Numerous groups have tried to raise the issue.
An American thinktank, Institute for Research: Middle East Policies (IRMEP) has filed a “39-page federal lawsuit challenging the secrecy of a gag order that forbids all U.S. government agency employees and contractors from discussing Israel’s nuclear weapons program.”

Europe Too Brainwashed To Normalize Relations With Russia

'Remember, just one man - George Soros - was able to collapse the British pound. Today Washington can organize concerted action against currencies by coordinating attacks by the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England, and the Japanese central bank.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Judging from statements made by G-7 leaders at the recent meeting, President Trump’s application of US sanctions to Europe and disregard of European interests, just as Washington dismisses every country’s interests except Israel’s, has not caused Europeans to disassociate from Washington’s hostility to Russia.
The prime minister of England [right] said that the G7 “agreed to stand ready to take further restrictive measures against Russia if necessary.” The American puppet in France, Macron, falsely accused Russia, the only country trying to enforce the Minsk agreement, of violating the Minsk agreement. The French president also falsely accused Russia of invading Ukraine and annexing Crimea, despite the fact that Russian forces have been present in Crimea for years under a 50-year lease that provides Crimea as a Russian naval base. As the French president surely knows, all Russia did was to accept an unanimous vote of Crimeans to return to Russia.

Youngsters "Mainly Young Men" “Disabled For Life” By Jewish State Israel’s Shoot-To-Cripple Policy In Gaza

The number of dead is outrageous; the number injured – especially gunshot victims, and particularly victims of “butterfly bullets” – is unconscionable. These young protesters will need multiple, complex surgeries (or amputation) and intensive rehabilitation, in a region where medical facilities and staff are already stretched beyond their limits. We can only hope for an authentic investigation via the UN Human Rights Council. 
By Stuart Littlewood: Writing in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), the head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Gaza, Dr Nafiz Abu-Shaban, reports that the death and injury toll by sniper fire, as at 18 May, was 117 dead, including 13 children, and 12,271 injured, of whom 6,760 had been admitted to hospital, including 3,598 with bullet wounds. The numbers will be considerably higher by now.
Worse still, according to Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) who operate in Gaza, the Israelis have been using ammunition that causes fist-sized wounds of “unusual severity”.
Gazans did all the dying and
the Israeli soldiers did all the killing

Feminism's Goal Has Always Been Destruction Of The Family

Ewan Jones: Rod gives a talk at Speakers' corner on 10th June 2018. He discusses how Feminism's goal has always been the destruction of the family. He goes onto state that Western society is becoming more nihilistic because of the promotion of feminism and other cultural Marxist narratives.