25 Jun 2018

Sarah Sanders, Red Hen, & Social Engineering By The US

Authored by Kurt Nimmo: This will be seriously politically incorrect.
The management at Red Hen, the Virginia restaurant that booted Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has all the right in the world to deny service to any person it does not want patronizing its business. 
It is illegal in many states to do this, especially based in skin color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it so. 
Three jurisdictions forbid discrimination based on political affiliation - Washington DC, Seattle, and the Virgin Islands. 
According to the Law & Crime website, if “establishments in D.C. take a cue from [Red Hen], they could be held in violation of D.C. Code Section 2-1402.31, which bars discriminatory actions against people in whole or in part due to characteristics including race, religion, nationality, sex, age, and more, including political affiliation. Violations can result in punishments including court-ordered corrective action or monetary penalties.”
If you own a restaurant or any other “public accommodation” in DC, you cannot “discriminate” against people holding political opinions you disagree with. You are bound by law to serve Ku Klux Klan members and Antifa terrorists alike. 
It was Thomas Jefferson who said the only moral commercial transaction is one truly voluntary on the part of the buyer and the seller.

Zionism: Deconstructing The Power Paradigm + Triple Blockade: Jewish Attack On Gaza, Free Speech, Democracy

Moderator: Kevin Barrett
Kevin Barrett – Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Judeophobia: Let’s Define Our Terms - 1:30
Philip Giraldi – How Jewish Power Sustains the Israel Narrative - 25:45
Gilad Atzmon – Truth, Truthfulness, and Palestine - 40:35
Alan Sabrosky – The Impact of Zionist Influence in the U.S.- 1:07:05
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel – Talpiot and Unit 8200: The Global Cyber Agenda for Kill-Switch Domination--2:03:15
Q & A from our online audience by email -- 2:54:01

Jewish Israeli Death Forces 'IDF' Supporting Their Creation 'ISIS' In Eastern Syria Hit Iraqi Anti-ISIS Militias - 20-50 Dead

By ISIS remains a threat in eastern Syria. It holds a stretch of land on the eastern bank of the Euphrates which the US has appropriated for itself and the Kurdish-dominated SDF coalition yet refuses to clear. The group also has numerous hiding places in the desert to the west of river which due to its vastness and lack of infrastructure is difficult to control.
June 8-10 ISIS fighters came out of these desert bases in a raiding counter-offensive. In the surprise attack it was able to take over part of the outskirts of the city of Abu Kamal which lies on the Syrian side of the border with Iraq, but were then forced to fall back.
According to Americans, Jewish State of Israel jets, drones or missiles flew over 500 kilometers all the way to the other side of Syria to make themselves an air force for ISIS
Involved in repelling the ISIS were not just the Syrian army and local tribes organized in the NDF militia units, but also volunteer Iraqi militias of Kata’ib Hezbollah. Since this week this Syrian-Iraqi coalition has a new enemy.
On the night from June 17 to 18 air strikes hit Syrian military bases at Abu Kamal. They killed 22 Kata’ib Hezbollah fighters and an unknown number of Syrians. The Syrians first accused the Americans of hitting them — this was logical since the US hit the Syrian army in eastern Syria four times in May-June 2017, twice in February 2018, and again in April 2018.

How The US, Under Obama 'The Baby Bomber', Created Europe's Refugee Crisis

Authored by Eric Zuesse: The current US President, Donald Trump, claimed on June 18th, that Germany’s leadership, and the leadership in other EU nations, caused the refugee-crisis that Europe is facing:  
“The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
The US Government is clearly lying about this.
The US Government itself caused this crisis that Europeans are struggling to deal with. Would the crisis even exist, at all, if the US had not invaded and tried to overthrow (and in some instances actually overthrown) the governments in Libya, Syria, and elsewhere — the places from which these refugees are escaping?
The US Government, and a few of its allies in Europe (the ones who actually therefore really do share in some of the authentic blame for this crisis) caused this war and government-overthrow, etc., but Germany’s Government wasn’t among them, nor were many of the others in Europe.

Assad: Syria To Take Control Of Manbij By Force

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says Damascus will take control of the country’s north BY FORCE if forces backed by the Jewish Israel, US and Turkey refuse to surrender. In an interview with a Russian TV channel, Assad said fighting with US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces is not the best option for Damascus. He, however, stressed that fighting is the ONLY way to get control of the country. He was referring to the northern town of Manbij where S-D-F forces hold some territory. Meanwhile, the Syrian president said his country will not accept any fund from foreign countries to rebuild Syria. Assad said Syria has enough strength to do so and if it does not have the money, it will ask its friends for help.

Life In The World's Largest Concentration Camp 'Gaza'

Norman Finkelstein, Scholar & Author of “Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom,” discusses the Gaza concentration camp run and supposted by the overwhelming majority of world Jewry, its people the indigenous Palestinians and its future.