12 Aug 2018

Clinton Foundation Tax Return Shows It's A Scam

It took 486 people, plus $126.1 million in wages and expenses to give away $5.1 million
These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014.

The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website!

You can get the latest tax return on any charitable organization!  (link below)

Total revenue (line 12)  ……………….$177,804,612.00
Total grants to charity (line 13) ………..$5,160,385.00  (that’s less than 3%)
Total expenses of………………………… $91,281,145.00
expenses include: salaries (line 15)….$34,838,106.00
fund raising fees (line 16a) ……….$850,803.00
other expenses (line 17) …..$50,431,851.00
They list 486 employees (line 5)!

It took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION WHICH IS LESS THAN 3% OF TOTAL REVENUES!

Free-Speech Monopoly - The Game Is Rigged

Ben Garrison: In early America many cities had ‘town squares’ in which citizens could stand on soapboxes and shout out various messages. Our First Amendment protects such speech.
The Internet is today’s town square. The soapboxes are social media.
The Deep State and the left are intertwined with Silicon Valley. The CIA helped Google and Facebook get started. Why? To make it easier to spy on people. Over time, millions gravitated toward Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Conservative and Libertarian voices became very strong and that alarmed the Deep State. So they began demonetizing conservatives. Then they shadow-banned them. Now they are deleting them outright.
For many years, Alex Jones reached millions with his journalism and rants. His tirades helped wake people up. He yelled at us about the Deep State, including the corrupt security agencies, the Bohemian Grove, the CFR, the Bilderbergs, fluoride in our water, the lies about 9-11, and yes, even Sandy Hook.

Can The System Be Unrigged?

Max and Stacy discuss Potemkin regulators in the UK and economists like Paul Krugman arguing on behalf of Potemkin money for the world. Money that doesn’t actually provide a stable store of value on which to build a world economy. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Michael Krieger about Jeff Bezos’s billions. Can the system be unrigged at this point in time or is bitcoin the only viable solution for the individual? They also discuss Trump’s trade wars.