25 Sept 2018

Does Media Run America? Does Misandry Extend To Jesus?

"Look for witnesses, false witnesses, just crucify the guy you hate. They did it to Jesus Christ you know!"
Said Ex-Jew Nathanael.

The Histrionic Woman Defence - No Right To Reply

The C.O.C.K. Fairy: The media have made a claim in a court of law that they don't need to concern themselves with the truth as long as they're reporting the opinion of a woman. Links below.

Kavanaugh Breaks Silence v Me Too: "I'm Not Going Anywhere"... And I Was A Virgin In High School

By Tyler Durden: Breaking his public silence for first time since the hearings last month, Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, appeared alongside his wife, on Fox News Channel's "The Story with Martha MacCallum" tonight to address the sexual misconduct allegations that have put his confirmation at risk of unraveling. 
As we detailed earlier, Brett Kavanaugh defied his accusers on Monday when he said, in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), that he will "not be intimidated into withdrawing" his Supreme Court nomination and staunchly denied the accusations, calling them a "grotesque and obvious character assassination" and "a coordinated effort" to drive him out on the nomination
Ahead of tonight's interview, President Trump tweeted about the interview and reiterated that "this is an outstanding family who must be treated fairly!"

Wynnere And Wastoure: Reject Gender Subordination To Be A Winner

: Wynnere and Wastoure {Winner and Waster}, an alliterative Middle English poem written in the 1350s, features the personifications Winner and Waster in debate. Their debate encompasses husbands’ gender subordination to their wives under the delusions of courtly love. In the Middle Ages, shrewd men recognized that gyno-idolatry is not only a sin, but also a waste.
Winner pitied those men who, like Waster, allowed their wives to dictate their spending. The situation hints of domestic violence against husbands:
“Now,” said Winner to Waster, “I wonder in my heart
at these poor, penniless men that buy precious furs,
saddles of silk, circled with sumptuous rings,
lest they anger their wives, whose wills they must follow.
You sell wood after wood in only a short time,
both the oak and the ash, and all that grows there.