Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Testify: "It Operated As An Unregistered Foreign Agent"

"Less than 1/10th of one-percent of the donors gave 80 percent of the money..."
Authored by Sara Carter: The Clinton Foundation operated as a foreign agent ‘early in its life’ and ‘throughout it’s existence’ and did not operate as a 501c3 charitable foundation as required, and is not entitled to its status as a nonprofit, alleged two highly qualified forensic investigators, accompanied by three other investigators, said in explosive testimony Thursday to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
John Moynihan and Lawerence W. Doyle, both graduates of the Catholic Jesuit College of the Holy Cross and former expert forensic government investigators, gave their shocking testimony before congress based on a nearly two year investigation into the foundation’s work both nationally and internationally. They were assisted by three other highly trained experts in taxation law and financial forensic investigations. The forensic investigators stressed that they obtained all the documentation on the foundation legally and through Freedom of Information Request Acts from the IRS and other agencies.

You Cannot Trust Patreon

Sargon of Akkad: The Great White Saviours of Silicon Valley are actively looking for ways to deplatform anyone who is not politically correct, as Patreon did to me.

Women Think Sexist Men Are Sexier Than Feminist Men

Pixabay: Women like bad boys. At least, that’s the story. And there’s lots of writing and anecdotal experience to back that up. Men frequently complain about being “friendzoned,” the idea being that men who are respectful toward their female interests get placed into the role of friend, rather than potential boyfriend. The “pickup artist” community has embraced this concept, teaching men how to behave in assertive, dominant ways that, allegedly, are more successful with women. Many of these concepts and dynamics themselves have been called sexist and misogynistic, reflecting underlying beliefs that women “owe” men sex. The “incel” community, a group of online males who complain bitterly, violently, and angrily about being “involuntary celibates” attack women for choosing “Alpha males” rather than softer, kinder men. . . like themselves.
Women who admit to liking bad boys—being attracted to men who are assertive or dominant—are sometimes criticized as having “internalized” misogynistic attitudes, or simply as naïve and foolish, failing to recognize or admit that sexism is damaging. During the 2016 presidential campaign, female fans of then-candidate Trump proudly invited their candidate to grab them, following release of tapes of Trump discussing grabbing women without consent. These women were proclaimed traitors to other women, or decried as simply deluded.

A Printing Press On Fire

Max and Stacy discuss the coming debt crisis that Donald Trump says is fine as he won’t be here when it blows. They also look at comments by Ray Dalio, the founder of the biggest hedge fund in the world, who warns that the US dollar might actually look like the Turkish lira in the next 24 months once the sugar high of tax cuts wears off. In the second half, Max interviews Roy Sebag of about the de-dollarization of the world economy which has already begun and why everyone will soon realize that all fiat currencies are just pieces of paper backed by a printing press on fire.