28 Feb 2019

First US West Coast Showing Of Censored Al Jazeera Film On The Jewish Apartheid Israel Lobby

'Explicit, inside details about Lobby activities. In one part a lobby official discusses their contacts with the Associated Press, Reuters, Buzz Feed, and Wall Street Journal, and their ability to change news headlines.'
First West Coast showing of Censored Al Jazeera Film on the Israel LobbyIAK: The suppressed Al Jazeera documentary on the Israel Lobby in the U.S. will be shown in Berkeley, California:
Berkeley Central Library – 3rd floor meeting room Mon, March 4, 6-7:30 pm 2090 Kittredge St. (at Shattuck) Berkeley, CA 94704
Al Jazeera produced an explosive documentary about the Israel Lobby in the United States, in which an undercover reporter secretly filmed lobby activities around the country, including at UC Davis and Stanford.
The film documents how pro-Israel nonprofit organizations in the U.S. worked directly with a foreign government to manipulate Americans. It also reveals Israel’s projects to spy on Americans.
The documentary was never released after Israel partisans from the U.S. convinced Al Jazeera not to broadcast it.
However, the attempt to prevent Americans from viewing the film failed when it was leaked. It contains explicit, inside details about Lobby activities.

Feminism 1 ~ Free Speech 0 ~ University Of Winchester

By : Professor Eric Anderson had arranged for Mike Buchanan (Justice for Men & Boys) and William Collins (Illustrated Empathy Gap) to deliver talks at his place of work, the University of Winchester U.K., this Friday (1/3/19).
Mike’s talk was billed as ‘Equal Rights for Men & Women’ and William Collins’: ‘Gender in History: Myth and Reality’.
Not only was official permission obtained but Professor Anderson had informed the Feminist Society on campus, as well as the Conservative Society, the leaders of which both expressed interest in seeing the events go ahead.
Unfortunately, the day before yesterday (Tuesday, 26/2/19) a Change.org petition was created to ‘Prevent Men’s Rights Activists from coming to Winchester University’.

African Refugees In Apartheid Israel Treated Like Infiltrators

Thousands of asylum seekers from Darfur – most of whom have been in Israel for years – still hold visas that treat them like “infiltrators, with insulting sanctions, instead of recognizing them as refugees.” Interior Minister Arye Dery has decided to keep them that way, at least until after the Israeli elections in April.
African refugees in Israel treated like infiltratorsHolot Detention Center, which was closed in March 2018 to free up funds for deporting more people, according to Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu.

By Lee Yaron: Interior Minister Arye Dery decided last week not to grant asylum seekers from Darfur a temporary resident’s visa, which would make them eligible for social benefits. Dery’s decision flies in the face of the appeals tribunal, which directed that they be given this status, and the Jerusalem District Court, which recommended that a special policy be formulated for asylum seekers who have been waiting years for a decision on their applications.
Dery said he made the decision, among other reasons, because of the upcoming election, even though such a decision is supported to be based on criteria determined by the United Nations convention on refugees.

Why The ‘Left’ Is Dead In The Water

It seems that there is not much left of the Left and what remains has nothing to do with ‘Left.’
By Gilad Atzmon: Contemporary  ‘Left’ politics is detached from its natural constituency, working people. The so called ‘Left’ is basically a symbolic identifier for ‘Guardian readers’  a critical expression attributed to middle class people who, for some reason, claim to know what is good for the working class. How did this happen to the Left? Why was it derailed and by whom?
Hierarchy is one answer. The capitalist and the corporate worlds operate on an intensely hierarchical basis. The path to leadership within a bank, management of a globally trading company or even high command in the military is of an evolutionary nature. Such power is acquired by a challenging climb within an increasingly  demanding system. It is all about the survival of the fittest. Every step entails new challenges. Failure at any step could easily result in a setback or even a career end. In the old good days, the Left also operated on a hierarchical system. There was a long challenging path from the local workers’ union to the national party. But the Left is hierarchical no more.
'Instead of fighting for manufacturing and jobs, the Left has embraced the highly divisive identitarian battle.'

Feeling Good In A Red Pill World #7 Gratefulness

Men Are Good!: An odd but helpful prescription for feeling good can be found in gratefulness.

Alex Jones With Joe Rogan

"Why can't you hear what Alex Jones has to say?"

The Talk That Never Was

'Perhaps this audience is too sophisticated to believe this, but there is a widespread impression that, in history
- say one hundred years ago or more -
boys were educated but girls were not.'
By MRA-UK: I had been invited to give a talk at Winchester University on 1st March 2019 by the Professor of Masculinities there, Eric Anderson. I believe that proper permission had been obtained, but in the event there was a student-led petition against it. The result was that Eric was put under a lot of stress over the matter so that I and the other invited speaker (Mike Buchanan) volunteered to pull out from concern over Eric. I am in the habit of scripting my talks. The script is the content of this post. Hence, this is verbatim what I was intending to deliver at Winchester; nothing has been omitted and nothing added. The embedded Figures would have been shown via Powerpoint. All sources are given at the end.
Gender in History: Myth and Reality
The subject of my talk is gender issues in history. I wish to explode a few myths that seem to have taken root in the popular perception. My apologies in advance if this is old news to you.

27 Feb 2019

Campus Truth Blitz About The Rape Scare Campaign

Bettina Arndt pulls off an attack on the Sydney University rape scare campaign by blitzing the campus with flyers telling the truth about this dangerous move to target male students.

Tulsi Gabbard: US Peace Candidate?

RT: Is America ready for a real antiwar candidate? Clearly the political establishment and the media aren’t. Criticism of presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard and anyone else who questions foreign policy orthodoxies is swift and unrelenting. Fighting for peace has never been so difficult.

USA: "Ashamed" Cohen Tells House Oversight Committee That Donald Trump Is A "Racist, Conman, Cheat"

"He [Donald Trump] is capable of behaving kindly, but he is not kind. He is capable of committing acts of generosity, but he is not generous. He is capable of being loyal, but he is fundamentally disloyal..."

Would You Rather Have Sex With A Feminist, A Sex Doll, Or A Potato?

...Oxford Men’s Rights Action survey asked men.
Our thanks to the good men at Oxford Men’s Rights Action for conducting a groundbreaking survey into men’s preferences for sex with (a) feminists, (b) sex dolls, (c) potatoes. More men opted for the feminist options, than we would have expected. Preferences below:
4% – Kate Smurthwaite – feminist “comedian”.

96% – A sex doll

The feminist below is Laurie Penny,
who does something at The New Statesman.

Victory For The Chagos Islanders

When declassified British Foreign Office files were discovered, the full sordid story was laid bare.
By John Pilger: The International Court of Justice in The Hague has handed down a momentous judgement that says Britain's colonial authority over the Chagos Islands is no longer legal. John Pilger, whose 2004 film, Stealing a Nation, alerted much of the world to the plight of the islanders, tells their story here.
You can watch Stealing a Nation here.

There are times when one tragedy tells us how a whole system works behind its democratic façade and helps us understand how much of the world is run for the benefit of the powerful and how governments often justify their actions with lies.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the British Government of Harold Wilson expelled the entire population of the Chagos Islands, a British crown colony in the Indian Ocean, to make way for an American military base on Diego Garcia, the largest island. In high secrecy, the Americans offered a discounted Polaris nuclear submarine as payment for use of the islands.

Terry Crews

"The day someone squeezed my balls."
By :
I was six years old.
I was in a hospital room in the children’s ward of Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, in a bed, after a surgery.
I was the only patient in the room at the time.
My dad was on his way in to see me, but had not yet arrived.
The nurse entered on the right.
She checked my temperature.
She left.
A man entered.
He wore a white coat like a doctor.  He moved quickly and quietly to the left side of my bed. To this day, if I had to, I could pick him out in a line up. I will never forget his face: wire framed glasses, beard, moustache, small round face, slight build, thin, five and a half feet tall, eyes darting left and right before they settled on me.
“I need to check,” he whispered.
He lifted the bed sheets, and put his left hand under my robes and began to fondle my penis and testicles.
His own right hand was in what appeared to be his pocket.
Then he groaned.

Final Steps Of The Multipolar Revolution: Containing The US In Europe

'The United States has in the last three decades brought chaos and destruction to large parts of Europe, in spite of the common myth that the old continent has basked in the post-WWII peace of the American-led world order.'
Authored by Federico Pieraccini: We discussed in the previous article how China and Russia are using diplomatic, economic and military means in areas like Asia and the Middle East to contain the belligerence and chaos unleashed by the United States. In this analysis, we will examine the extent to which this strategy is working in Europe. In the next and final article, we will look at the consequences of the “America First” doctrine in relation to South America and the Monroe Doctrine.
The United States has in the last three decades brought chaos and destruction to large parts of Europe, in spite of the common myth that the old continent has basked in the post-WWII peace of the American-led world order. This falsehood is fueled by European politicians devoted to the European Union and eager to justify and praise the European project. But history shows that the United States fueled or directed devastating wars on the European continent

A Test Of Your Support For Free Speech

If you don't support free speech for those you disagree with, then you don't support free speech.

26 Feb 2019

Hasbara: The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam

By Philip Giraldi: In his novel 1984 George Orwell invented the expression “newspeak” to describe the ambiguous or deliberately misleading use of language to make political propaganda and narrow the “thought options” of those who are on the receiving end. In the context of today’s political discourse, or what passes for the same, it would be interesting to know what George would think of the saturation use of “anti-Semitism” as something like a tactical discussion stopper, employed to end all dispute while also condemning those accused of the crime as somehow outside the pale, monsters who are consigned forever to derision and obscurity.
The Israelis and, to be sure, many diaspora Jews know exactly how the expression has been weaponized. Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni explained how it is done “Anti-Semitic”…”its a trick, we always use it.”

Why The Political Is Dead

'In a society that has replaced production with consumption, the bond/conflict between the factory owner and the worker belongs to nostalgia.'
By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: In the good old days when the terms Left and Right meant something the distinction between the two was clear. The Left believed that the resources and wealth of the state ought to be shared equitably. The Right’s position was that since only a few people in society are capable of handling capital properly, transforming prosperity into more prosperity, those few should be given a free hand and be taxed lightly to enable them to make the state more prosperous.
Noticeably, both of these viewpoints were both patriotic and intended to benefit the nation state and its citizens.  The Left wanted equality for the good of all. The Right maintained that Laissez-faire policies actually benefited the working class as well as the rich. Metaphorically we can think of the state’s wealth as a cake. The Left believed that the cake should be sliced equally to provide each member of society an equal portion, while the Right contended that if those who know how to make money enjoy a relatively free ride, the cake would actually get bigger and that working people would be among the first to benefit as their portion expands.
The theories of both Left and Right were meaningful within the political context of a capitalist manufacturing society. Industrial society produced the wealth that made the debate between ‘equality’ and ‘Laissez-faire’ relevant.  But the West is hardly productive anymore.

Permanent QE ~ Century Of War

Max and Stacy discuss the impossibility of endless war under hard money and ask whether the millions of deaths made possible with easy inflationary money could be spared under a bitcoin or gold standard. In the second half, Max talks to Michael Pento of PentoPort.com about the Fed promising permanent QE as a ‘normal’ policy tool, no longer just ‘for emergencies.’

Chosenness: Inhuman Jewish Israel Regime Stops Gentile Parents Joining Seriously Ill Children During Treatment

'Ola’s efficiency proved no match for Israel’s cruel bureaucracy.'
By Sarah Algherbawi: Ola al-Waheidi acted quickly when she heard that her 9-year-old daughter Mais had leukemia.
Having a parent at a child’s side is hugely important during convalescence. Mahmoud Ajour APA images
Within a few days of learning about the diagnosis in early December, Ola had undertaken the paperwork required for Mais to receive medical treatment outside Gaza. Yet Ola’s efficiency proved no match for Israel’s cruel bureaucracy.
Ola was soon informed that she may not accompany her daughter through Erez, the military checkpoint separating Gaza and Israel. Mais would have to travel without her parents for treatment.
The family then had to give the Israeli military various names, requesting that someone on the list should accompany Mais. Israel rejected most of the suggestions, before deciding that Balqis al-Waheidi, a 72-year-old distant relative with diabetes and rheumatism, may travel with the child.
Mais was granted permission to travel on 10 December. When they reached Erez that day, Ola had still not told her daughter about the arrangements.
“I didn’t know how to tell her that I wouldn’t be with her,” said Ola. “She was holding my hand the whole way, telling me to not leave her.”

Hooters: ICMI19 Celebrating Gainful Employment For Women

By :
Just a note to confirm that plans are underway for a trip to a nearby branch of Hooters for hosts, speakers and attendees of ICMI19, in support of women’s employment.

Chosenness: Inhuman Anti-Semitic Jewish Israel Says “No” To Clean Running Water For Semitic Palestinian Villages

Israel says “No” to clean running water for Palestinian villagesWhile illegal, unauthorized Jewish Israeli settlements nearby enjoy full access to water, twelve Palestinian villages lose their water supply as Israeli forces systematically destroy their EU-donated water system.
On February 13, 2019, Jewish Israeli death forces IDF arrived near the village of a-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills. The forces used excavating equipment to unearth and destroy stretch of pipe, which was laid just months ago and supplied water to over 1,000 Palestinians. Residents say that without the system, “water has become every family’s largest expense.”
By Amira Hass: The dream that came true, in the form of a two-inch water line, was too good to be true. For about six months, 12 Palestinian West Bank villages in the South Hebron Hills enjoyed clean running water. That was until February 13, when staff from the Israeli Civil Administration, accompanied by soldiers and Border Police and a couple of bulldozers, arrived.

US Lawmakers Bully Ireland Over Move To Ban Jewish Apartheid Israel Regime’s Goods

“A brazen effort by a major power to interfere with the democratic process in Ireland, something which should be of great concern to every Irish politician.”
By Ciaran Tierney: A grouping of US politicians has threatened Ireland with economic repercussions if it bans goods from Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Peter King (right), seen here with Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and US President Donald Trump, is trying to prevent the Dublin authorities from banning Israel’s settlement goods. Aaron P. Bernstein Reuters
Both houses in the Irish parliament, the Oireachtas, have approved a bill to outlaw Israel’s settlement exports during the past few months. Ten US lawmakers have reacted to the moves by warning that a ban could have “potentially severe implications” for the country.
In a letter to Irish political leaders, the 10 members of Congress suggested that some corporations investing in Ireland would be violating US export regulations if the Dublin authorities enforced a ban on Israel’s settlement goods.

Champions Of Virtue

Independent Man: The Male Champions of Change are leading the virtue signaling on pay equality in Sports.

University Of Winchester: Mike Buchanan And William Collins To Give Talks, 1 March

By Mike Buchanan, J4MB: Professor Eric Anderson is a gay American sociologist and sexologist, specializing in adolescent men’s gender and sexualities. He holds the position of Professor of Masculinities, Sexualities and Sport at the University of Winchester. He has a husband and two sons. He gave a memorable talk at the last conference, titled A non-feminist approach to Masculinities.
William Collins and I will be giving talks to Eric’s students (and others – feminists and conservatives at the university have been invited to attend) in Studio 2, The Stripe Building, in the University of Winchester, on 1 March, 11:00 – 13:00. There will be time for Q&As.
William’s talk is titled, “Gender in History: Myth and Reality”, mine is titled, “Equal Rights for Men & Women”. Elizabeth Hobson will be joining us, but not giving a talk, because William and I are evil patriarchs, and are refusing to let her speak.
Please email me (mike@j4mb.org.uk) if you’d like to attend our talks. Few spaces will be available, so don’t leave it too long.

Jewish Israeli Death Forces Launch Surprise Military Drill Simulating Genocide In Gaza Concentration Camp

By Tyler Durden: The Jewish Israeli Death Forces (IDF) launched a three-day terror drill along the Gaza Strip border simulating various military manoeuvres, including a full-blown genocide in the coastal enclave, the IDF indicated in a statement Sunday.
The field training exercise, which will measure the operational readiness of IDF terrorists for various combat scenarios “especially in the Gaza Strip” concentration camp, will include infantry units, artillery, armoured personnel carriers, main battle tanks, and aircraft, the statement read.
The exercise will also include armoured personnel carriers and helicopters moving large numbers of troops to different regions, live-fire exercises, and aerial bombing raids.
Though a surprise announcement, the IDF said the drill had been planned for some time as part of its regular training schedule.
“We emphasise that the exercise was planned as part of the training program and is intended to maintain the readiness and readiness of the forces,” the IDF statement said.
The drill comes amid an increase of protests at the Gaza concentration camp fence.

50/50 Gender Push

Barbara4u2c: It's not good enough if it's not 50/50 amirite?

Financial Terrorism And The Blockchain

Max and Stacy discuss evil corporations finally gets their coin, JPM coin. A game of coins. "There's Jamie Dimon in a pit of his own faeces holding up his e-coin."

P-Hacking, Normalcy Bias, Fraud: The Crisis Of Science

Corbett: In recent years, the public has gradually discovered that there is a crisis in science. But what is the problem? And how bad is it, really? Today on The Corbett Report we shine a spotlight on the series of interrelated crises that are exposing the way institutional science is practiced today, and what it means for an increasingly science-dependent society.

MGM: Circumcision Regret + NO Circumcision NO Regret

Bonobo3D: Cherie Ward describes witnessing her first son's "circumcision" and why she would never make that mistake again. Now she speaks up for the human rights of all children. Filmed in Spring Hill Florida, Day 13 of the Bloodstained Men & Their Friends Gulf Coast Tour, November 2, 2018.

24 Feb 2019

Complete Western Media Blackout! Paris Week 15

WeAreChange: The latest breaking news on what is going on in Paris France for week 15 of sustained resistance against the establishment.

No One Trusts The US Government, Not Even The American People

By Dr Paul Craig Roberts: Atlantic Bridge, a German front organization set up by Washington to propagandize Germans to serve Washington, has failed in the job.  The latest survey conducted by the front group shows that 85% of Germans are alienated from the US.  The front group’s chairman acknowledged “the great lost of trust in the United States.”  By a margin of two to one, Germans see China as a more reliable partner for Germany than the US.  https://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=de&to=en&refd=www.microsofttranslator.com&rr=UC&a=https://www.atlantik-bruecke.org/vertrauen-in-der-krise/ 
Americans have come to the same conclusion about the US government as have Germans.  The latest Gallup Poll reveals that Americans regard America’s top problem to be the US government.  Twice as many respondents regard the US government to be the top problem than regard immigration, and Americans see Washington to be six times the problem that health care is.  https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2019/02/23/americans-call-their-government-americas-top-problem.html 
As many have concluded, the United States is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy ruled by monied private interest groups.  http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/america-is-one-dollar-one-vote-not-really-one-person-one-vote/ 
There has clearly been a revolution in America.  An aristocracy has overthrown the people. Democracy is dead.  We live in the Oligarchy United Against the People.

Poll Shows Germans Stunningly Anti-US-Government

By Eric ZUESSE: On February 8th, the NATO-supporting Atlantik-Bruecke, or Atlantic Bridge, issued their poll, "Vertrauen in der Krise” or "Trust During the Crisis”, and it finds, from scientifically sampling 2,500 Germans, that there is very little trust or confidence in US leadership, and that there is less dis-trust both of Russian and of Chinese leadership than of American. 
Atlantic Bridge was founded by NATO and the Council on Foreign Relations in 1952 in order to make Germans hostile toward the Soviet Union, and favorable toward the United States. It was the prototype for America’s Atlantic Council, which became founded in 1961 — the same year as Eisenhower’s Farewell Address warning against the rise of the “military-industrial complex.”
It was created in order to propagandize for higher US military spending to strengthen NATO.

Chivalry In The Raw

By : With all the hubbub surrounding the distaff Captain Marvel movie, it’s worth remembering that attendance is not compulsory.  You do have alternatives.  Consider the movie Arctic.  There’s only one man in the movie and his situation is extraordinary.  Yet he represents all men.
The man in question is Overgård (played by Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen), and he is in a heap of trouble.  His cargo plane has crashed above the Arctic Circle.  The good news is he survived, the bad news is he’s stranded.  He’s scratched out a large “SOS” that can be seen from above but it hasn’t been spotted yet.  Given the ubiquitous ice and snow, dehydration is not a problem.  Ice fishing provides him with protein, fish oil, and whatever other nutrients one gets from fish.  Though death is not imminent, his life is decidedly unpleasant – his toes appear to be in the early stages of frostbite.
Overgård didn’t choose to be a plane crash survivor, but given Mads Mikkelsen’s stoic, stolid persona, he appears well equipped to rough it.  If anybody can survive this situation, it’s Overgård.  We assume he is a bachelor, as we never see him take out any pictures of a wife or family.
When the movie begins, we don’t know how long Overgård has been there.  We know it’s been long enough to develop a routine.  Every day he checks his trot lines and takes his catch back to the downed plane’s fuselage, which provides him shelter from the elements.

We're Living In 'The Groundhog Show'

In which our leaders make the same mistakes over & over...
Authored by Chris Martenson: It's said that truth mirrors fiction. I'm finding this to be the case more and more these days. Take the 1993 comedy Groundhog Day. Bill Murray wakes up each day to relieve the exact same daily circumstances and interpersonal interactions. He relives the same day, February 2, over and over again.
No matter what he does, the repetitive cycle won't break.  He goes to sleep, wakes up to his alarm, and it's the morning of Feb 2 again.
Likewise, in The Truman Show, Jim Carrey lives in a simulated environment where everybody's an actor in a popular TV show except him.  For him, it’s his real life.  But although he doesn't realise it, everything around him is completely scripted and fake.
If merge these two movies together, they perfectly describe the world in which we live today.  Welcome to Groundhog Day meets The Truman Show.   Let’s call this mash-up The Groundhog Show.
In this composite story you, the plucky central character, wake up every day in a world where the same mistakes are made over and over again by our so-called "leaders".

Roger Waters: Hands Off Venezuela Richard Branson! Venezuelans: Trump Wants Our OIL!

Representative Press: This Roger Waters video adds details to show why he’s right on Venezuela and Richard Branson is wrong. See Venezuelans saying they don't want Trump 's agenda for Venezuela.

George Carlin: Men

DoctorRandomercam: (Part 1 of 2) To anyone who likes this guy & won't hear a bad word said of him: I am exactly as sorry as a robotic terminator suckerpunching you in the cerebellum. Awakenings are rude. Deal with it.

23 Feb 2019

War On Venezuela Is Built On A Lie

By John Pilger: In this analysis, John Pilger looks back over the Chavez years in Venezuela, including his own travels with Hugo Chavez, and the current US and European campaign to overthrow Nicolas Maduro in a 'coup by media' and to return Latin America to the 19th and 20th centuries.

Travelling with Hugo Chavez, I soon understood the threat of Venezuela. At a farming co-operative in Lara state, people waited patiently and with good humor in the heat. Jugs of water and melon juice were passed around. A guitar was played; a woman, Katarina, stood and sang with a husky contralto.

"What did her words say?" I asked.

"That we are proud," was the reply.

The applause for her merged with the arrival of Chavez. Under one arm he carried a satchel bursting with books.  He wore his big red shirt and greeted people by name, stopping to listen. What struck me was his capacity to listen.

Anti-Semitism Is Hasbara Cover For A Much Deeper Divide In Britain's Labour Party

Breakaway MPs hope that smearing Corbyn
will obscure the fact that they are remnants
of an old political order bankrupt of ideas
By Jonathan Cook: The announcement by seven MPs from the UK Labour Party on Monday that they were breaking away and creating a new parliamentary faction marked the biggest internal upheaval in a British political party in nearly 40 years, when the SDP split from Labour.
On Wednesday, they were joined by an eighth Labour MP, Joan Ryan, and three Conservative MPs. There are predictions more will follow.
With the UK teetering on the brink of crashing out of the European Union with no deal on Brexit, the founders of the so-called Independent Group made reference to their opposition to Brexit.   
The chief concern cited for the split by the eight Labour MPs, though, was a supposed “anti-semitism crisis” in the party.
'Corbyn, it should be noted, is the first leader of a major British party to explicitly prioritise the rights of Palestinians over Israel’s continuing belligerent occupation of the Palestinian territories.'

An Ocean Of Lies On Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup

Empire Files: On the eve of another US war for oil, Abby Martin debunks the most repeated myths about Venezuela and uncovers how US sanctions are crimes against humanity with UN Investigator and Human Rights Rapporteur Alfred De Zayas.

NPR Reporter Defends One-Sided Report On Ilhan Omar

'Democrats periodically call out conservative lobbies; Republicans do the same for liberal ones. This is considered politics as usual. That’s what Omar did.'
By Alison Weir: In response to an email I sent complaining that NPR had aired a one-sided, slanted report on the Ilhan Omar controversy, reporter Susan Davis replied that their coverage was “fair.” She emailed that the controversy was Omar’s fault, calling it “a self-inflicted PR mess by a sitting member of Congress.”
The report had been aired on NPR’s All Things Considered program, reportedly “the most listened-to, afternoon drive-time, news radio program in the country.”
Let’s look at what constituted Omar’s alleged “self-inflicted PR mess”: she mentioned the influence of a special interest lobby on politicians’ stances.
This is a widely understood reality. Politicians and others frequently discuss the influence of the NRA, the pharmaceutical lobby, and other special interest groups. Democrats periodically call out conservative lobbies; Republicans do the same for liberal ones. This is considered politics as usual.
That’s what Omar did.

Modern Democrats Are Defined By Identity Politics

"...so identity politics is a tactic designed
to prevent conversations dangerous to
the ruling class, obviously.
...Instead of a common American culture, Democrats see only tribes. ...men not a favoured group."
Said Tucker Carlson.

Men’s Rights Music

By : Themes relevant to men’s rights sometimes appear in popular music. Sometimes these are positive themes, inline with our advocacy, but more often they are negative themes – precisely the problems that the men’s rights movement is talking about. Either way they comprise Men’s Rights Music. A few selected examples are presented here. This article is offered as a bit of fun and to get people thinking about the application of misandry in art.
All that she wants (is another baby)
Ace of Base
She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life
There’s always the cats.
She’s the hunter you’re the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you won’t talk forever
It is a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She’s going to get you