31 Mar 2019

Anti-Establishment Comedian Crushes Ukrainian Presidential Contenders In Exit Polls

Anti-establishment comedian who played accidental president on TV could lead the country after April run-off...
By Tyler Durden: A popular comedian seen as "soft" on Russia and who said he would actually sit down with Vladimir Putin to talk peace looks to upset Ukrainian politics, as he's significantly leading in exit polls during Sunday's presidential elections in Ukraine.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who incidentally played the president on TV as part of his comedy career has according to exit polls cited by the BBC received 30.4% of the vote, with current president Petro Poroshenko second with 17.8%.
"I'm very happy but this is not the final result," Zelenskiy told the BBC moments after after the exit polls were announced, while incumbent Poroshenko, who has led Ukraine since the February 2014 Maidan conflict that toppled former pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, described the forecast of his defeat as a "harsh lesson".

How Much Pro Genocidal Jewish Apartheid Israel Regime MONEY Politicians Attacking Ilhan Omar Received

"It's all about the Benjamins!"
Matt Orfalea: How Much Money Israel Lobby Gave Politicians Attacking Ilhan Omar? I got kind of obsessive and looked up exactly how much $ each politician attacking Omar's comments about the Israel lobby has received from pro-Israel sources. Thanks for watching!

American Soldiers Aren't Dying For Our Freedom In Syria, Iraq And Afghanistan - They're Dying For Nothing

No mother wants to think that her child died in vain. But, as two more Americans die in Afghanistan this week, we need to face the truth.
By Jerrod A Laber: President Trump has promised repeatedly to end “endless wars,” during both his campaign and his tenure so far in office. Despite this rhetoric, endless — and, frankly, pointless —wars are, sadly, still the American norm.
Two more Americans were just killed in Afghanistan — a war that the Trump administration realises needs to end, but seems in no hurry to actually do so. In December 2018, Trump announced that all US troops would be withdrawn from Syria, only to later rescind that declaration in favour of a small force of 400 to 1,000 troops to stay behind indefinitely, complementing the more than 5,000 troops in Iraq, who are there to satiate the administration’s obsession with Iran.
Soldiers who were children when the Afghanistan war began are dying. It’s well past time to bring all of our troops from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq home.

Western Culture Has Died A Politically Correct Death

'Your sons will learn that they should “step aside” to give more space and power to females. Your daughters, if white, will learn that they must defer to members of racial minorities.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: It is amazing the power that politically correct kooks have acquired over language, art, and literature. It is a sign that the West is culturally dead.  
When high museums rename paintings because some emotional weakling declares the name to be offensive, it becomes obvious that the custodians of Western culture have lost their belief in Western culture. 
When universities cover up murials because of a claim they are offensive to people whose presence on the campus is miniscule if present at all, you know that learning is no longer the purpose of the university.  
When a people are afraid to use the words and terms of their forefathers, you know they have been intimidated to abandon even their own language and ways of speaking.  
Western culture today consists of pornography, sexual deviants, whinning whimps devestated by mere words, self-hatred, and craven cowards afraid to stand up for themselves against the onslaught of hate directed toward them by political correctness freaks.

"Mums Make A Porno"

"Here's a porno mum made guaranteed not to make you feel insecure, or inadequate."
Said Bearing.

The Deification Of Females

By : The deification of women has never been more evident in our society after a recent uproar over a photo of a female footballer was published online here in Melbourne, Australia. ...The photo featured a young woman, Tayla Harris, frozen in action as she kicked a goal during a clash in the AFWL. 
A few trolls online made sexually explicit comments about her open legs and pose. ...These comments led to an explosion of outrage rarely seen even in this radically left leaning, feminist society. It was nauseating to be hearing or reading about this issue on a daily basis with no-one, other than a handful of male ex footballers quietly muttering that they too were exposed to endless denigration of their appearance, their ability and even death threats, without so much as a ripple of reaction from the media.

Russia Defies US Threats Over Venezuela

The Real News Network: Trump insists Russia 'get out' of Venezuela; Vijay Prashad says Russia is protecting its own economic interests, billions in outstanding loans

Yield Curve Inverts

Max and Stacy discuss how the yield curve inverting normally signals a recession, but the service sector is booming. Meanwhile, the budget deficit is exploding as the government free for all ratchets up. Max also interviews Nomi Prins of NomiPrins.com and author of ‘Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World’, and they discuss indications from the US central bank that negative interest rates may be on the cards in the event of a downturn.

Why Is ‘Cultural Marxism’ So Offensive?

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: Earlier this week former Brexit minister Suella Braverman referred to ‘Cultural Marxism’ in a speech. All hell broke loose immediately. The former minister was attacked by the usual Jewish and Zionist pressure groups, ranging from The Board of Deputies (BOD) to Hope not Hate to the usual compromised Labour politicians.  However, unlike our caricature of an opposition leader who grovels on demand, Mrs Braverman kept her dignity intact. She didn’t see any point to retract, apologise or promise not to repeat the phrase as the BOD demanded.
One may wonder why ‘Cultural Marxism’ is so offensive to some?
Because ‘Cultural Marxism’ is obviously truthful and precise in its capacity to encapsulate a crucial and disastrous transition in the evolvement of 20th century Left thinking.
As opposed to traditional Marxism that theorizes over the necessary condition toward social change by means of class struggle, ‘Cultural Marxism’ aims to introduce a change by cultural shift. At a certain stage some (neo) marxists and socialists were clever and honest enough to accept that the revolution wasn’t going to happen. The working class couldn’t be bothered and even if they could, they were too busy attending their jobs. The revolution had to be facilitated by different means.

The END Of Russiagate!

Lee Camp: We're being suppressed by major social media platforms. The best way to keep track of our content is to join our email list by texting “REDACTED” to 444-999.

U.S. Subverts Peace And Israel By Affirming Land Grabs

By Hussein Ibish: That departure from U.S. and international norms will weaken both Israeli and Arab incentives to seek peace.
By rebooting American expectations, the Trump administration is revising Israeli calculations.
For Israeli annexationists, the sky is now the limit.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is surrounded by people in his own Likud party and among his coalition partners who favor annexing parts of the West Bank, notably the areas on the western side of a separation wall built since 2002 along with major settlement blocs and the Jordan River valley.
Last year, Likud endorsed the de facto annexation of many Israeli settlements. So did the Knesset before being restrained by cooler heads, including Netanyahu himself.
Whoever wins the upcoming Israeli election, the drive towards annexation in the West Bank is likely to pick up speed. What argument is left against it?
Until now, that argument was decisively made by history and international law.
In the early 1980s, Israel effectively annexed first East Jerusalem and then the Golan Heights, which it had seized from Syria in the 1967 war. The administration of President Ronald Reagan pushed back, joining the rest of the international community in rejecting those claims and upholding the principal enshrined in the United Nations charter of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war.

Jusqu'Au Bout - Jimmy Jay Remix

La Rime Métisse
English subtitles available, just click!

Why The UN World 'Happiness' Report Is A Load Of Nonsense

No, Finland is not the happiest place on Earth.
By Jon Hellevig: The Finnish government has been basking in media glory as the country was declared the world’s happiest nation second year in a row in the recently published UN World Happiness Report. But it isn’t. Despite the clickbait title, the study did not even measure happiness.
What they actually attempted to study was how satisfied people are with their present life conditions. You don’t need to be an Einstein to understand that that’s relative; relative to your past experience, relative to your expectations. If you think as many do “Could be worse” you would reply “It’s good, it’s OK.” This then is recorded as satisfaction. If you feel bad but are brainwashed to think that your country is the best of all possible countries you might also give high marks to the country. That’s what the Finns do. Really, what the UN report boils down to is a study of how satisfied people are with how things are organized in their country.

Not happiness but satisfaction with how the country is governed

You would think that when one wants to determine whether a person is happy or not, one would put that question to the person.

US Child Protective Service Created A Gestapo Police State

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: My generation and that of our children grew up without Child Protective Service (CPS).  We stand up very well compared to subsequent generations.  
Child Protective Services is an extremely intrusive government agency that would not have been tolerated.  The power of this police agency trumps parental rights and responsibilities.  The agency is an important part of the destruction of liberty that I have witnessed over my lifetime.  
The Gestapo power that the state now wields over parents is a creation of “child advocates” who believe that it is the function of government to protect children from parents.  One consequence has been to erode parental control and to effectively end it in the case of rebellious children who respond to punishment by calling CPS and reporting their parents.   CPS has powerful incentives to seize children as it justifies the agency’s existance and brings a federal payment for each child seized. 
There are reports that many of the seized children end up in the hands of pedophiles, but governments seldom want to hear that they are doing harm rather than good.
Why has child safety changed so much over my lifetime that children need a police agency to protect them?  Why could I and my 5 year old classmates walk alone to our neighborhood schools, for example, but such a thing is unthinkable today.

29 Mar 2019

Braving Jewish Bullets One Year On

Nearly 200 protesters have been murdered by the Zionist Jews since the Great March of Return began in March 2018.
Atia Younis has attended almost all of the weekly protests in Gaza since they began 12 months ago. 
By Sarah Algherbawi: Atia Younis has been a regular participant in Gaza’s Great March of Return since it began on 30 March last year.
He has attended all but one of the protests held each Friday. The sole time Younis missed a demonstration was in July – after he inhaled tear gas sprayed by Israeli forces. Being exposed to this chemical weapon left the 67-year-old unwell for a week, during which time he endured muscle spasms.
The incident was frightening.
Younis had brought 14 of his grandsons with him to a tent erected about 500 meters from the fence separating Gaza and Israel.

The Shame Of America: Russia Gate Hoax & Lame-Stream Media Lies

'American treachery and deceitfulness is now on display for all the nations to watch. It is such a shame and a demonstration of the decay of justice in America.'
Are we nothing but conmen, eager to lie and defame one another, publicly displaying to the rest of the world the lack of national responsibility and accountability that permeates the current American establishment and especially the Democratic party?
As it turns out, the whole Russia Gate and Russian Collusion story was a hoax that the lame-stream media so willingly spread into all the corners of the world, writes historian and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Herland at US based WND.

75 Years After D-Day, It's Time For Germany To Liberate Itself From The US

Germany is being pressurized to act against its own economic interests – and put those of US business first.
By Neil Clark: Wolfgang Kubicki, deputy leader of the opposition Free Democrats (FDP), called last week for the US Ambassador to Germany to be expelled for acting like a “high commissioner of an occupying power.” And it isn’t hyperbole.
We're coming up in a few months time to the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, which began the liberation of western Europe by Allied forces from the Nazis. Who would have thought that in 2019, we'd have a high ranking German politician from a party, known for its strong support of the Atlantic Alliance, calling for the American Ambassador to his country to be booted out for interfering in his country's affairs?
Last week, Ambassador Grenell criticized Germany's military spending plans within NATO as insufficient - echoing President Trump's calls for European NATO members to spend more on defense.

The Slogan That Unleashed This Hell

"The attempt to turn every subjectively felt personal issue into a collective cause with a collective action has hatched a brutal form of identity politics that has generated no end to social conflict, with vast carnage along the way."
Authored by Jeffrey Tucker: In 1969, the salad days of New Left activism, a writer named Carol Hanisch penned an essay that the editor called “The Personal Is Political.” She was seeking to explain the ethos of the women’s therapy sessions she was running. The point was not to improve psychological well being. The point was “political therapy;” that is to motivate people to political action. The idea is that one’s own grievances ought to be turned into political action. “There are no personal solutions at this time,” she wrote. “There is only collective action for a collective solution.”
Let’s leave aside the case for or against her brand of politics.

The MHRM Is A Tradcon Trojan Horse

By : The MHRM is a tradcon Trojan horse? This is what feminists would like everyone to believe.
A common misrepresentation of the Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) is that we are simply trad-cons attempting to turn back the “progress” made by women over the last century. According to Hope Not Hate’s 2019 ‘State of Hate’ report, “Improvements in gender equality in recent years, and the feminist campaigns propelling them forward, have been met by resistance and opposition in parts of society”.
In their estimation, we use a “human rights framework” to push for revocation of women’s liberties – wanting women to be essentially barefoot, pregnant and back in the kitchen
Bill Whittle said that “conservatism is the conservation of liberal values” and he was right. Our modern Western societies are inherently liberal, enshrining principles such as: liberty, justice, equality, individualism and meritocracy. The MHRM can generally be characterised as having gratitude to the traditional liberal system for taking us as far as it has and building such a great civilisation – so we don’t want to smash it.

Dead Unicorns

Max and Stacy discuss Jawad Mian’s thread on Silicon Valley’s endgame, where free money from the central bank has made piles of cash freely available for any enterprise, no matter how much money it is burning. In this world of too much cash, the scarce asset became ‘growth’ which has forced money into the riskiest long-duration asset – venture backed companies. In the second half, Max interviews Michael Pento of PentoPort.com about permanent QE, negative rates, and “flowless” rallies.

28 Mar 2019

Theatre Review: Feminist Show Queen Cunt Is A Modern TRIUMPH To Empower Both Women And Men

By :
Express caption: Reminiscent of Monty Python: the actors’ portrayal of members of the Justice for Men and Boys Party (Image: Tilly May Photography)

Express caption: Surreal: the stage was well and truly painted ‘hairy and fleshy pink’ (Image: Tilly May Photography)

Mahatma Gandhi once wrote: First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.
Feminists – being considerably slower than normal women – are clearly still on the second stage.

"At First We Didn't Believe It": Fast-Melting Greenland Glacier Starts Growing Again In Massive U-Turn

"We had pretty much assumed that Jakobshavn would just keep going on as it had over the last 20 years."
By Tyler Durden: A large and fast-melting glacier in Greenland is growing again, according to a new NASA study. The Jakobshavn (YA-cob-shawv-en) glacier on Greenland's west coast had reportedly been retreating by around 1.8 miles and thinning by nearly 130 feet annually in 2012.

May 30, 2012, photo shows an iceberg in or just outside the Ilulissat fjord that likely calved from the Jakobshavn glacier in west Greenland. (Ian Joughin/Associated Press)

UK MP And MRA Philip Davies Interviewed On MGM And More

"You're the only person I've seen who advocates for real equality." Brian Martinez - Honey Badger Brigade
"I just believe that everybody should be treated equally irrespective of their sex, their religion, their race, their sexuality, all these things should be completely irrelevant." Philip Davies MP

Indirect Activism - And Its Harm On Male Progress

By : When you think of activism, you think of two things: civil rights and individual virtue. The goal of civil rights is to offer political, financial, and social equality for a group of people who are disadvantaged. Individual virtue puts value on personal accomplishments. The two of these strategies are commonplace terminologies in the world of egalitarianism. However, there are two separate strategies that should be used to describe men’s issues: direct vs indirect activism. This strategical divide is a confirmation of what level of action you prefer to take in the face of injustice. This piece talks in great detail about indirect activism and its contrast to direct activism.
Feminists claim that the goal of their movement is to fight for equality of the sexes. And they even go as far as to claim that the movement helps both men and women. Men, however, are very skeptical of this notion. And they have every right to be. Starting with the obvious elephant in the room — the goddam title of their movement. Continuing with their nonchalant attitude (and dismissive victim-blaming responses) towards male suffering (Why Can’t We Hate Men?, drinking male tears, men’s rights are nothing, A Scary Time). Ending with their lazy and inconsistent patriarchy narrative — which implies that men receive all the benefits in society, while women are always on the losing end.

Continuing Coups, Kremlin Kontrol & Copyright Crackdown

"Deep state grand chessboard update.
Russia-gate is WMD times a million."

Believe-The-Victim Justice Forces UWA Student Out Of College

Bettina Arndt talks to a Perth student kicked out of college following allegations which were never investigated. The college followed a "believe-the-victim" protocol where the young man was denied legal rights and never given a proper hearing.

I Broke My Own Rule: Captain Marvel Review

"It's Watchable, but very meh and
comfortably among the worse films."
Computing Forever

27 Mar 2019

Apartheid: “I Will Never Stop Speaking Out” Khalida Jarrar

By Jaclynn Ashly: Khalida Jarrar leaned back in her chair, legs crossed, and puffed on a cigarette.
She was sitting in a quiet and spacious living room in her home in central Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, where the lawmaker has only recently returned after being released from a 20-month stint in Israeli prison.
Despite being held for almost two years, she was never charged with a crime.
The prominent leftist lawmaker and civil society figure who was in charge of the Palestinian Legislative Council’s prisoners committee when the parliament was still nominally active broke into a deep-throated chuckle when asked whether she was worried that Israel might arrest her again.
“Why do all of you [journalists] ask me that?” she queried, before answering herself.
“This question is for the occupation, I think,” she said, her hands gesturing with a lit cigarette between her fingers. “Will the occupation continue demolishing Palestinian homes? Do they plan to continue denying us our rights of national determination?”

Jussie Smollett Allowed To Walk Free But Not Manning or Assange

'The Zionist Jew George Soros helped Kim Foxx with a $408,000 political donation “that supported Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office prosecuted—and dropped—the Jussie Smollett case.” ...As far as I can tell, George Soros is an operative against all white societies.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The black actor, Justin Smollett, who staged and falsely reported to the Chicago police an attack on him by white supremacist Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats who allegedly put a rope around his neck, was arrested on 16 felony accounts carrying 48 years in prison for making a false report that no doubt stirred more hatred of white people and Trump among the black and always gullible liberal/progressive/left communities.
According to reports, Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff, Tina Tchen who is also a close friend with the wife of former Obama official and currently Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, intervened in behalf of Smollett with the Chicago prosecutor, Kim Foxx, who dropped all charges. 
The Obama regime’s protection of a black criminal has enraged the Chicago Police who are demanding a federal investigation into Cook County’s top prosecutor for dismissing the case after being contacted by Michelle Obama’s aide.

Boncompagno Of Signa Used Ars Dictaminis To Debunk Courtly Love

In relatively enlightened medieval Europe, both children and adults were intellectually capable of quickly distinguishing between girls and boys in common practice. Neither children nor adults were compelled as a matter of public education to affirm elaborate, contradictory doctrine about the arbitrariness of gender (“the social construction of gender”) and the essential importance of gender identity, as determined by whatever a person declares at a given time under prevailing administrative rules about making and changing gender declarations enforced by laws against persons refusing to recognize the validity of such essential gender declarations. Medieval European culture wasn’t, however, a perfect model of rationality. The most damaging medieval failure of reason was the still-celebrated, twelfth-century elaboration of oppressive, unfruitful doctrines of courtly love. Boncompagno of Signa, a well-educated twelfth-century rhetor at the University of Bologna, sought to dispel medieval ignorance and irrationality with eloquent Latin and stunning performances. Writing authoritative forms for the art of letter-writing (ars dictaminis), Boncompagno ridiculed men-abasing doctrines of courtly love.

The Flowless Rally

Max and Stacy discuss the ‘flowless rally’ in stock markets, as corporations continue their share buyback frenzy while ordinary investors stay away. They also discuss how the era of cheap money exposes the truth that nobody knows how monetary policy works. Max interviews Alasdair Macleod of GoldMoney.com about negative interest rates, QE for China, and the dire state of the European economy.

26 Mar 2019

Zionist Jews Attack MOJO: Jazz Clubs Are Being Terrorized By Labour Politicians - Enough Is Enough!

By Gilad Atzmon: I read in the news that the Labour Party has a problem with anti-Semitism, but I can confirm that Labour politicians all over Britain are actually working 24/7, mounting pressure on Jazz clubs and venues that host my performances in a desperate attempt to appease one foreign Lobby.
In December it was Islington Council leader Richard Watts  (Labour) who acquiesced to a Likud UK’s director and banned me from playing a Christmas concert with the legendary Blockheads.  I will reiterate: a Labour politician surrendered to the ridiculous demands of a Zionist lobby actor who happens to be associated with a regime that is notorious for being racist and some say, crypto-fascist. Islington Council spent £136, 000 on legal fees attempting to justify its insane act. But as it seems, insanity is contagious within the current party environment. However, the Blockheads concert was a great success and apparently one Santa Claus managed to emulate my style perfectly well. Everyone was happy, except the local Labour Council.

Malaysia’s PM Says “Israel Is A Criminal State" & 60 Human Rights Groups Seek Boycott + Trump's Golan Heights BS

"Palestinians are all enemy combatants, ...the mothers should go as should the physical homes in which they raised the little snakes, otherwise more little snakes [i.e. Palestinian babies] will be raised there." Said the feminist Jewish Israeli minister for active injustice. "Palestinians are beasts, they are not human!" Said the Jewish deputy Israeli minister for religious genocide.

The Great Fraud Of National Zionism

National Zionism is the rising political ideology of the West, and that presents a major risk for our entire planet.
There is no doubt that the 9/11 false flag (now even admitted (by direct implication) by NIST!) was a watershed, a seminal event in our history. While millions (or even billions) watched in horror as the twin towers burned, a small group of Mossad agents stood nearby and danced in overwhelming joy. Why exactly were these Israelis dancing? Surely there was more than just Schadenfreude in this spontaneous expression of euphoria? Considering that these three dancing Israelis were just the tip of a much bigger iceberg, we can rest assured that there were many more folks dancing in joy that day, especially in Israel.
Why were these Mossad agents so blissful? The answer is obvious: 9/11 put the following notions front and center of the concerns of most people in the US:

US Lawmakers Forced To Sign Pledge To Support Apartheid Jewish Israel Regime - Cynthia McKinney

If Americans Knew: Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney says every candidate for Congress has to sign a pledge to vote for supporting the military superiority of Israel. "Every candidate for Congress at that time had a pledge. They were given a pledge to sign ... that had Jerusalem as the capital city," McKinney said in an interview with Press TV on Sunday. "You make a commitment that you would vote to support the military superiority of Israel that the economic assistant that Israel wants that you would vote to provide that," she added.

The Rise Of Feminist Comedy ... LOL

Behold the rise of feminist comedy.....
"Vaginas, vaginas, vaginas!"
Enjoy! Love Sugar.T xox

Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Is Not The Disease, He Is A Symptom

"There are those who despise blacks, detest foreigners, exploit the weak and look down their noses at the whole world – and not because of Netanyahu. There are those who believe they are the chosen people and therefore deserve everything. ...There are those who think that after the Holocaust, they are permitted to do anything.

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: In a recent thought-provoking article Gideon Levy, probably one of the last genuine Israeli voices for peace, claims that “It is not Netanyahu who is responsible for Israeli ‘racism, extreme nationalism, divisiveness, incitement, hatred, anxiety and corruption.’” Behind Netanyahu, Levy says, there’s a nation of voters and other elected officials that aren’t very different from their leader.
“Simply put, the people are the problem... There are those who have hated Arabs long before Netanyahu.

Rule Of Marital Common Property: Husband Partly Owns Wife’s Fart

At suppertime in medieval France, Hubert heard a noise after his wife Jehannette had bent over to pick up a pile of sheets. He suspiciously inquired about that noise.
She claimed to know nothing. Then he detected a foul smell. His suspicion confirmed, he accused her of farting. She said that she didn’t do it. Then she turned on him with the hoary proverb: “The one who smelt it, dealt it {Qui premier l’a sentu, l’a faict}.”
The couple became embroiled in a bitter dispute. Hubert insisted that she farted, she dealt it, and he smelled it. Jehannette denied it. She called him a liar. She announced that she would take her husband to family court immediately and make him eat his words if she had to die doing it. Jehannette was a strong, independent woman — the sort of woman that girls today are taught to idealize.
A lawyer quickly appeared to work both sides of the dispute. Wife Jehannette told the lawyer the facts of the case:

25 Mar 2019

Now We Will Find Out If Trump Is Really The President Or Merely A Figurehead

'We can conclude that the fact that such filth as Mueller, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, and Clapper were at the top of US intelligence and criminal investigation is conclusive proof that the US government is a criminal organization.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: What can we conclude from the utter and total failure of the Russiagate “investigation” to find any evidence of “Russian collusion”?
We can conclude that it was a hoax cooked up by an utterly corrupt and immoral military/security complex determined to protect its $1,000 billion annual budget and the power that goes with it from the loss of its Russian enemy to normalized relations.
We can conclude that Hillary’s DNC was partner to this crime and that scum like Jarrold Nadler and Adam Schiff have destroyed the reputation and credibility of the Democratic Party.
We can conclude that the US media is devoid of all integrity, morality, and truthfulness and has forever discredited itself as a source of objective and accurate information.
We can conclude that a corrupt military/security complex and Democratic Party were so determined to serve their own narrow self-interests that they were willing to subject the entirety of the world to a higher risk of nuclear war.

You Might Need

Written By Amy True. Filmed by Amy True.
Produced By Faulty Clicks Mixed & Matered at Supersonic HQ

"The British Parliament Has Betrayed The British People"

George Galloway: The terrorist attack on two mosques in New Zealand stunned the country. Brenton Tarrant, the man charged in relation to the massacre in which 50 people were killed, has appeared Christchurch District Court. New Zealand's deputy prime minister says Tarrant will spend the rest of his life in isolation in prison and called for solidarity to eradicate "hate-filled ideologies".

Father's & Children's Rights: Final Victory For Vladek Filler!

'The only irony remaining is that the only person to yet apologize to Filler is Judge Woodcock, a man who’s never wronged him. ...He stands as a beacon of hope to every innocent person who must confront and fight judicial systems that sometimes seem Kafkaesque.'
By Call it Everyman’s “Shawshank Redemption.”  Vladek Filler has won again (Bangor Daily News, 3/16/19).  His victory is now complete.  On March 12, federal Judge John Woodcock issued his ruling awarding Filler $1.77 million in damages for his illegal and immoral persecution by various authorities of the cities of Gouldsboro and Ellsworth, and Hancock and Washington counties.  (The award is against a single person, Linda Gleason.  Filler previously settled out of court with other defendants.)  Perhaps more important than that award though was this statement in open court by Judge Woodcock:
And this is really, from a judicial perspective, it’s just appalling. I can’t say how sorry I am to you that you had such a terrible experience with the criminal justice system in this country and in this state. There’s no excuse for what happened to you.

Abelard’s Advice To His Son Astralabe & Trimalchio’s Fortunata

Adam, Samson, yes, David and Solomon —
a woman deceived them all. Who now would be safe?

{ Adam, Samsonem, si David, si Salomonem
femina decepit, quis modo tutus erit? } [1]
With loving concern, fathers bravely counsel their sons about women. Peter Abelard, the husband of the great twelfth-century woman philosopher and religious leader Heloise of the Paraclete, wrote a long and frank poem of advice to their son Astralabe. Yet the life of the wealthy, first-century Roman merchant and estate owner Gaius Pompeius Trimalchio Maecenatianus shows difficulties in implementing Abelard’s advice to his son Astralabe.
Abelard warned Astralabe about marrying a wealthy woman. Marrying a wealthy woman is typically advantageous to a man. A husband’s oppressive gender burden of working to earn money for his wife and children typically becomes less weighty if the husband has a wealthy wife.

24 Mar 2019

Let The Book Burning Begin - Jordan Peterson Edition

Independent Man: Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules For Life has been withdrawn from New Zealand based Whitcoulls Bookstores.

#LockHerUp + MGTOW Best Letter To Women - Tom Leykis

California Police THOT Patrol with Pimp Hand
The pimp hand was deployed by the cops to shut her up.
Sit back and grab some popcorn.

Netanyahu Isn’t The Problem - The Jewish Israeli People Are

“The apartheid did not start with him and will not end with his departure; it probably won’t even be dented. One of the most racist nations in the world cannot complain about its prime minister’s racism.”
Jewish supremacist Zio-fascist supporters of IDF's Elor Azaria, charged with manslaughter after he shot a wounded Palestinian alleged attacker as he lay on the ground in Hebron in 2016 [Reuters] 
By Gideon Levy: It’s not Prime Minister Benjamin 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu, or at least not just him. One cannot blame one person, influential and powerful as he may be, for every evil, as his opponents and enemies do. The racism, extreme nationalism, divisiveness, incitement, hatred, anxiety and corruption is all because of Netanyahu, they say.

Trump Koshers The Seizure Of The Golan Heights

By Eve Mykytyn: On Thursday President Trump announced that the United States should recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967 and effectively annexed it in 1981. The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal characterized Trump’s move as a favor to Netanyahu who is facing a challenge for reelection and Netanyahu called it a “Purim miracle.”
Despite any boost this may give to Netanyahu’s reelection, the effort to persuade Trump to endorse Israel’s claim to Golan began well before Netanyahu’s campaign and  was described by Israeli Intelligence Minister Israel Katz as “topping the agenda” in US/Israeli diplomatic talks in May 2018.
Trump’s announcement contravenes the 1981 UN resolution passed in reaction to the annexation and co-written by the United States,  that: “The Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.”