30 Sept 2019

So Sorry, Your Karma Ran Over Your Dogma

The consequences and costs inexorably pile up, and neither Inquisitions to silence heretics nor virtue-signaling one's loyalty will stop the trajectory over the cliff...
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith: When dogmas lose their grip on believers, they collapse in spectacular fashion.
Karma covers a lot of ground, but it boils down to consequences: consequences not just from your actions but from your convictions, schemes, obsessions, and yes, dogmas.
The reason why Karma runs over Dogma is that nobody clinging to a dogma sees themselves as dogmatic. The true believer never sees their conviction as dogma, but as Revealed Truth, as self-evident, a view that is buttressed by all the other True Believers who surround the believer, reinforcing their conviction and soothing any nagging doubts by mocking, "debunking" or marginalizing heretics and critics.

How Many Cultural Marxist Feminist SJWs Does It Take To Totally Fuck Up An Entire Nation? Ask Ultra Feminist Sweden

The Idiocy of Feminism, Diversity and Multiculturalism ~ Sweden's Dopey Marxist Eggheads Wake Up to Hellscape They Created
By Mike Walsh: Making the headlines are ‘media appointed intellectuals’ who when ethno-nationalists were ringing the migrant invasion alarm bells were fast asleep or dismissing patriots as ‘racists’.
The latest to grab the headlines is Swedish hack Janne Josefsson. He now says ‘Despite talks of integration at all levels of government, man-made segregation has only gotten worse in Sweden.’ (Really? Jumping on the populist bandwagon)
Sweden is often referred to as multi-cultural but what politicians have created is an apartheid state. (the elite have woken up, people do prefer their own kind). He adds ‘The more the country derails, the more desperate and populist the rulers become in their rhetoric.’
“We call it multiculturalism, but in fact, we have created social, economic and human apartheid in Sweden."

R.I.P. Saher ‘Awadallah ‘Othman - Born Lived And Died In Gaza Mega-Concentration Camp For Indigenous Gentiles

Saher was born in the Rafah section of the southern part of the Jewish Israel regime's Gaza Mega-Concentration Camp for indigenous Gentiles, near 'The Apartheid Wall'.
September 27th, 2019: Saher ‘Awadallah Jaber ‘Othman, 20, was shot and killed by Jewish Death Force Green Shirts IDF in Gaza Mega-Concentration Camp while participating in the 76th Great March of Return protest. He was declared dead in al-Shifa concentration camp hospital approximately three hours after he was shot with an exploding bullet in the chest.
In addition, Jewish IDF Green Shirts maimed another 86 Gentile inmates at the peaceful protests along Gaza Mega-Concentration Camp's massive concrete 'Apartheid Wall'. Mostly men and boys murdered and maimed as usual, but also including: 22 little children, 4 female paramedics, 5 male paramedics and 2 disabiled people.
Of the injured, 40 were shot with live exploding bullets while Jewish Green Shirts escalated their attacks against medical personnel, who are supposed to be respected under international humanitarian law, wounding 9 paramedics, including a female paramedic deemed to be in very critical condition.

Trump-Zelensky 'Mutual Admiration Society' Telephone Conversation - Declassified By Order Of The [US] President

Trump “Ukraine Scandal” Is Another Hoax
PCR: I have read the transcription of Trump’s telephone conversation with Zelensky.  There is no “constitutional violation” or any other issue.  More false news from the presstitutes and the sordid Democrats.  Read it for yourself:
Declassified by order of the President’ September 24, 2019
SUBJECT: Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
PARTICIPANTS: President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
Notetakers: The White House Situation Room
DATE, TIME AND PLACE: July 25, 2019, 9:03 – 9:33 a.m. EDT Residence
The President: Congratulations on a great victory. We all watched from the United States and you did a terrific job. The way you came from behind, somebody who wasn’t given much of a chance, and you ended up winning easily. It’s a fantastic achievement. Congratulations.
President Zelenskyy: You are absolutely right Mr. Presideht.

What Men Want Most: Honest, Frank Discussion In Medieval France

In our age of demonizing men’s sexuality, men perceiving an attractive woman to be attractive is nearly unthinkable. The male gaze has been disparaged and punished to the point of death. Men inducing women to love (“seducing them”) has also been thoroughly criminalized. Men’s perceptions and feelings, however, have not always been so harshly repressed. In the relatively liberal and tolerant circumstances of medieval Europe, men even discussed what they want most physically from a woman.
The man trobairitz Sifre shared a woman’s love with another man, probably her husband. He asked his professional colleague Mir Bernart which half of the woman he should seek. Mir Bernart compassionately responded:
Sifre, I think you’re fortunate
to have asked me for advice,
and I’ll give you the best of that,
because I’ve thought deeply of desired service.

A Different View Of Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is a frontman for a manipulation of the energy industry in order to produce a shortage of energy that cannot be filled by “clean energy,” thereby resulting in a sharp energy price rise benefiting the owners of oil, gas, and coal. 'National Currency Rapist' the Jew Soros is behind this manipulation.
Greta Thunberg is being exploited. Read and decide for yourself:
#Greta Thunberg is a decoy, Fossil Free-groups funded by billionaires who also fund Big Oil.
The Jew Soros 'The National Currency Rapist' and co. are manipulating Oil
By Hanne Nabintu Herland: The public child abuse in using Greta Thunberg to push the Fossil Free campaign to end investments in oil and gas world-wide, has far wealthier sponsors than local Swedish businessmen such as Ingmar Renzhog and Bo Thorén. The billion dollar climate-change industry is hyped up for a reason.
"Soros investments in oil and gas far overshadow his investment in #FossilFree eco-environmental groups. He is not the only leftwing billionaire donating to end oil, and at the same time investing heavily in oil and gas."

29 Sept 2019

Misandric Feminist Paola Diana v Egalitarian Mike Buchanan

By Mike Buchanan: Three days ago I was in the studios of RTTV (Russia Today TV) near Westminster for a live discussion with Paola Diana, an Italian feminist based in the UK, on the issue of the (deeply feminist) French government targeting toys in a battle against early gender stereotyping. I was in a darkened room with a technician, and two strong lights bearing down on me. I had no sight (only audio links) of the British interviewer in the Moscow studio, nor of Paola Diana. The video has just been released on the RTTV channel.

New Book Destroys Myth Of Unified Russian Resistance To German National Socialist Workers Party AKA 'The Nazis'

MANY Russians Supported Hitler And Hated The Jewish Run Stalin Regime That Recently Orchestrated The Murder Of Over 100,000,000 One Hundred Millions Of Christians
By Øystein Rygg Haanæs: To put it briefly: Ethnic Russians were much less loyal to the Jewish run Soviet regime in their encounters with the German occupiers than historians have lead us to believe up to now. This is the story told by UiO researcher Johannes Due Enstad, who has recently published a book about the German occupation of Northwest Russia during World War 2.
That the Germans opened the Christian churches closed by the savage Jewish Bolshevik was well received by a religious peasantry with wholesome Greco-Roman Christian ethics. Source: The Russian state archive for film and photo documentation, 3/261/5.
After World War II the Jews running the Soviet Union created a grandiose history of how all the inhabitants of the Soviet Union were loyal to the regime and formed a common front against the Germans workers in the “Great Patriotic War”. ...It has been common knowledge for a long time that this is an untrue story,

Agenda 21 In Action: No Motherhood, No People

As George Orwell correctly stated: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: It is paradoxical that feminism together with other ideological movements has destroyed the natural feminism of women and turned them into sexual items. The 19-year old who intends to get her tubes tied is turning herself into a pure sexual commodity ( https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/08/02/the-turn-against-motherhood/ ). That women are transitioning themselves into sex dolls is a paradoxical result after decades of feminist propaganda that reduced the sexual relationship between men and women from a loving relationship to “men’s use of women’s bodies.” The feminists have now achieved what they decried.
Feminism has not liberated women.  It has liberated women from woman’s role.  The kind of stable committed relationships that men and women formerly had are difficult to find today except in the oldest generation.
As The Saker recently wrote, we are experiencing “the gradual irrelevance of an entire civilization,” one that has been emptied of its history, foundational purpose, integrity, spirituality, and moral conscience.  It is doubtful after decades of anti-male propaganda that the relationship between men and women can be restored.  Thus has the family been undermined.

Court Orders French #MeToo Founder To Pay Damages For Defamation

"Expose your pig" proponent is a real bitch concludes French court.
EuroNews: A Paris court on Wednesday ordered the woman behind France's answer to the #MeToo campaign to pay thousands of euros in damages for defaming the man she had accused of sexual harassment in a viral Twitter post.
Sandra Muller, a French journalist who coined the viral hashtag #balancetonporc ("expose your pig") to describe the alleged harassment, slammed the anti-#BelieveAllWomen verdict as "incomprehensible" and urged women to continue to speak out.
In a closely watched civil suit, the court ruled against Muller and ordered her to pay 15,000 euros ($16,500) in damages to French TV executive Eric Brion who she had accused of making sexually lewd remarks at a party, according to the ruling seen by AFP.
She was also ordered to pay 5,000 euros in legal fees to Brion, to delete the tweet, and to publish the court ruling on her Twitter account and in two press outlets.

The #MeToo Backlash

‘I’m not going to hire you, I’m not
going to send you travelling, I’m
going to exclude you from outings’
Harvard Business Review: In the fall of 2017, when the New York Times and other lame-stream media began reporting on widespread sexual harassment and assault by mostly powerful Jewish male entertainment figures and starkly so, many people were heartened. The conventional wisdom was that bringing the issue to light and punishing those responsible would have a deterrent effect. Leanne Atwater, a management professor at the University of Houston, had a different response. “Most of the reaction to #MeToo was celebratory; it assumed women were really going to benefit,” she says. But she and her research colleagues were skeptical. “We said, ‘We aren’t sure this is going to go as positively as people think—there may be some fallout.’”
In early 2018 the group began a study to determine whether their fears were founded.

Do You Feel Obligated To Help Women? Why Take The Risk?

Independent Man: Do you feel obligated to help strangers? Where do you draw the line? Women?

28 Sept 2019

Terrorist Jewish Neo-Colonialists & IDF Israeli Death Force Caught Committing 204 Human Rights Violations Last Week

The Palestinian Center for Human rights documented 204 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by Jewish IDF and Neo-colonialists in the occupied Palestinian territory during the week of September 19-25, 2019
(This is a typical week, and yet BBC, NPR, PBS, the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. don’t report this reality
to the British, or the Americans)
Israeli forces & settlers commit 204 human rights violations in past week
Jewish police rounded up 16-year-old Mohamed Abul-Hems as he was walking home from school in Issawiya. From Palestine Live PLus, Sept 21, 2019 
Via IMEMC: As part of the Jewish violations of the right to life and bodily integrity, Jewish Israeli death forces IDF wounded 125 Palestinian civilians in the Gaza and the West Bank concentration camps. In the Gaza concentration camp, 112 Gentile civilians [i.e. mostly disposable men, less important than women and children who get their own number...] were wounded, including 39 children [told you so], 2 women, 2 paramedics and a journalist [invariably men described by their job title, because slavery's all men are worth in 2019] at the Great March of Return.

Islam Is Right About Women - Says Popular UK Jew

What is wrong with pointing out that Islam got
the basic analysis between men and women correct?

Colonizing Mars Is No Longer A Dream

Authored by Irina Slav: The idea of colonizing Mars left the sphere of speculation a long time ago, and it’s taking long strides towards a reality. In fact, scientists are now at the stage of devising ways to make a Mars colony self-sufficient. According to one recent study, this self-sufficiency will depend on insects and high-calorie crops grown in tunnels.
Food, it appears, will be the biggest challenge, according to planetary scientist Kevin Cannon, who spoke to Space.com about the work he and his colleagues from the University of Central Florida are doing on Mars colonization.
The idea of colonizing Mars centers around making this colony self-sufficient rather than reliant on imports. While energy can be sourced locally—using solar installations and nuclear reactors, apparently—food would be more difficult to grow locally. Luckily for the future Mars settlers, technology has advanced sufficiently to make lab-grown meat one possibility. Not so luckily, insects will also have to be part of the menu.
"Bugs are the way to go, if people can
get over the gross factor," Cannon told Space.com.

Cheap Money & Other Bad Ideas - Mr & Mrs Keiser With Kim Dotcom + JP Morgan Banksters Charged With Racketeering

Max and Stacy look at the cheap money fueling dumb investments and bad ideas, like Help to Buy, which the UK public accounts committee has found did not cause homes to become more affordable . . . exactly as Keiser Report had warned. In the second half, Max talks to #KimDotcom about his new platform K.im and the role of #bitcoin’s second layer technologies including Liquid and Lightning Network. They talk about copyright, deplatforming and online monopolization.

Possessive Women

By : It was a hot late-summer afternoon at the ballpark and I was thirsty, but I was tired of beer (never thought I’d say that).  Then I happened upon a beverage vendor selling an attention-getting concoction called BuzzBallz. It was packaged in a plastic container that approximated the size and appearance of a baseball. The Texas Rangers logo (one of the product’s “proud partners”) was also displayed.  Hardly enough to slake one’s thirst, but at 15% alcohol by volume, this pre-mixed cocktail offered roughly three times the buzz of a beer for the same price.
I selected the Pineapple Colada Chiller and took a closer look at the container while I indulged.  Included were the obligatory government warning about the risk of alcoholic beverages, the deposit paid for the container in certain states (15¢ in Vermont!), the kosher seal of approval, the bar code, etc.  Then I noticed something out of the ordinary.  Right below the “Please Drink Responsibly” plea was “WOMEN OWNED.”

Kamila Shamsie: Yet Another Anti-Apartheid BDS Proponent Punished For Following Her Conscience - By Zio-Shill Fags

Renowned author and BDS Hero Kamila Shamsie won a prestigious literary award in Germany. Then a right wing website dug up “dirt” – that Shamsie happens to be super cool and supports BDS for Justice! – and just like that, the unscrupulous Jewish lobby had the award rescinded.
Born in Karachi, Pakistan, Kamila Shamsie studied creative writing in the US before moving to the UK in 2007. Her position on BDS (boycotting Jewish Israel over its many daily human rights violations) caused her literary award to be rescinded.
By Kathryn Shihadah: Last week, the German town of Dortmund got it exactly wrong.

Cashless Welfare Card - Honest 'Australien' Government Ad

thejuicemedia: The Australien Government has made an ad about the Cashless Welfare Card, and it's surprisingly honest and informative!

27 Sept 2019

Twitter’s New Censorship: Hiding Replies

"The incentive is for them to do what they're doing and so we have to make these things public utilities. ...You're actually tearing our community apart!" Suggests Jimmy Dore.

Sugar Baby Feminism - Stefan Molyneux

Feminism is leading directly to 1 in 10 college girls (at least) becoming functional prostitutes - called "sugar babies" because I suppose they have cavities. Stefan Molyneux, Host of Freedomain, explains the terrible realities behind this ghastly trend among young women - and how to escape this humiliating trap!

Breaking The Lame-Stream Media Blackout On The Imprisonment Of Hero Journalist Julian Assange

'[Assange has been] deliberately exposed, for a period of several years, to progressively [more] severe forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological torture.'
By Mnar Muhawesh: The role of journalism in a democracy is publishing information that holds the powerful to account — the kind of information that empowers the public to become more engaged citizens in their communities so that we can vote in representatives that work in the interest of “we the people.”
There is perhaps no better example of watchdog journalism that holds the powerful to account and exposes their corruption than that of WikiLeaks, which exposed to the world evidence of widespread war crimes the U.S. military was committing in Iraq, including the killing of two Reuters journalists; showed that the U.S. government and large corporations were using private intelligence agencies to spy on activists and protesters; and revealed how the military hid tortured Guantanamo Bay prisoners from Red Cross inspectors.

5-Year-Old White Boy Gets #MeToo'd

No words.
"It's just depressing."
Said 6oodfella.

Corporate Media's Demonization Of White People Engineering Growing Number Of Racial Attacks On Whites

On July 4th in 65% Black Memphis, 40+ Blacks Throw Fireworks at White Families, Viciously Attack White Family Who Asked Them to Stop

By Paul Kersey: You know the drill by now. Right? The whole concept of the so-called “double standard.”
If this had been scores of white people throwing fireworks at black families trying in vain to peacefully enjoy Fourth of July fireworks, then when confronted about the Independence Day assault viciously attacked by dozens of whites, media outlets from across the globe would spend days promoting this racial assault.
But in 65 percent black Memphis, when scores of blacks throw fireworks at white families (including white children), and a white mother confronts them for their callous actions only to have her family viciously assaulted, the story barely makes headlines in the city.
Dozens of blacks took turns attacking Hailey Railey, a white mother, and her white boyfriend.
The lack of media attention to this story is what we’ve dubbed “the standard”:

26 Sept 2019

"Make India Great Again:" Lockheed Martin Offshores F-16 Production From US To India

By Tyler Durden: A breaking report from Reuters indicates that Lockheed Martin is offshoring part of its F-16 combat jet production from the US to India. This completely goes against President Trump's 'America First' policy.
It's unclear how much of the F-16 production plant in Greenville, South Carolina, will be transferred to India, nevertheless, how many jobs will be lost, in Lockheed Martin's apparent betrayal of "Making America Great Again."
A senior executive told Reuters on Thursday that F-16 wing production will begin in 2020 at a facility in southern India.
Lockheed sold out American workers and the great people of South Carolina so that it could win a contract, worth more than $15 billion to supply the Indian Air Force with 114 combat planes. To sweeten the deal, Lockheed offered to shift production to India, which would only enrich shareholders.

Sign The Petition: No Aid To Israel While Jewish Israeli Scammers Bilk Americans/The World

Scam alert: our “ally” Jewish Israel has been bilking Americans for at least a decade – while taking our aid money. It’s time to blow the whistle.
Israel is supposedly America’s “close ally,” but while it takes $10 million in aid per day, it is knowingly allowing American citizens to be ruined, their life savings stolen by fraudulent Israeli companies.
Israel-based financial scammers have been cheating Americans and others out of billions of dollars, causing ruin to individuals and families, and resulting in at least one suicide.

What "Climate Justice" Really Means

'...sounds similar to another famous weasel term, namely social justice... “non-market approaches” are the only ones deemed worthy of being taken into consideration.'
Authored by Kai Weiss: According to the organizers of the global climate strike — the biggest in history — more than four million people went to the streets on Friday to demand more drastic action in the fight against global warming. 250,000 protested only in New York City, 330,000 in Australia, and perhaps most impressively, a full 1.4 million in Germany. If it wasn’t before, the environmental activism, led by the 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg, has become a global mass movement. Throughout the West, the “Green Wave” has been picking up steam politically as well, with Green New Deals being planned on both sides of the Atlantic and environmental parties surging ever further in the polls.
With this many people heading to the streets and so many being worried of the coming climate crises, it seems to be just a matter of time until politicians would react, fearing a massive loss of voters.

Trump Is Making Jewish Israel And Saudi Arabia Great

Whatever you thought of Trump during the campaign - laudable as it was - his Presidency has been nothing more than a cop out to Zionist and Gulf Arab interests, often to the detriment of the working class Americans he was supposedly elected to serve.
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Ever since Donald Trump took office, he has done everything he could do to enable, empower, enrich, exalt, enhance, enlarge, extol and excuse the two biggest terror states in the world:  Israel and Saudi Arabia.
He has provided hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of foreign aid and military hardware and munitions to both Saudi Arabia and Israel.
He has defended and assisted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's genocides—and acts of persecution—against virtually the entire Palestinian population. To give you some perspective, Netanyahu and his Zionist predecessors have murdered over 5 million Palestinians. And they could not have accomplished this horrific Palestinian holocaust without America’s—including Donald Trump’s—help.
'For all intents and purposes, the U.S. military is little more than a proxy army for Israel.'

At The Intersection Of Skepticism And #Believe Women - Interview With David Silverman

Karen Straughan: In April of 2018, David Silverman was fired from his position as president of American Atheists. Within days, it emerged that he'd been accused by two women, one the wife of a prominent atheist, of sexual misconduct. No investigation ensued either prior to or following David's firing, and the allegations were allowed to publicly stand as fact. David maintains his innocence, and after more than a year of withdrawal and quiet coping, is determined to clear his name and recover his reputation.

The Brexit Battle Shows Democracy Is Only Allowed When The Regime Likes The Outcome

At the same time, bizarrely, Johnson's moves in parliament have been credited as being "undemocratic" or even a "coup." This charge comes even though Johnson had attempted to call an early election, but was denied...
Authored by Ryan McMaken: The United Kingdom's Supreme Court ruled "illegal" a parliamentary tactic used by PM Boris Johnson to ensure Brexit would be carried out on October 31, more than six months after Brexit was supposed to take effect.
While the court wasn't ruling on Brexit, per se, the context of the situation makes it clear the ruling is really just the latest move from the UK's political class designed to postpone Brexit yet again.
Given the history of EU-related referenda in Europe, we can already guess how the situation will play out. British voters will either be asked to vote again on Brexit - so that this time, they can get it "right" - or the Brexit agreement will be constructed in such a way that Brexit will be a British exit in name only.

World Coup Has Begun - The Empire Strikes Back Everywhere

“I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.” - Darth Vader, “The Empire Strikes Back”
Authored by Tom Luongo: You know I think there are no coincidences in politics. Everything happens on a particular schedule. So when I see a day as crazy as today I have to ask the question, “Why this, why now?” 
Look at the headlines and you’ll see what I’m talking about. All of these things happened since I woke up at 7:30am Monday  morning in Florida:
  1. The British Supreme Court just arrogated unprecedented power to itself by inserting itself into any dispute between the Government and Parliament. This upends more than 300 years of constitutional process.
  2. The Democrats have announced they will pursue impeachment charges against President Trump because an unverified, hearsay whistleblower made a complaint about a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski. Impeachment odds soared overnight as someone was tipped off about the Democrats’ plan.

A Jewish Boot Stamping On An American Face Forever

Jewish-American anti-Zionist Jeff Blankfort exposes the influence and control of Jews and Zionists over American foreign policy and the press.
Pro-Israel Neo-Con-Artists Abound In Washington And They’re Calling the Shots
“I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.”
Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu - Ha’aretz.
By Jeff Blankfort: It is not uncommon, of course, to be labeled “anti-Semitic” for calling attention to the inordinate power of the Israel Lobby over our political processes or suggesting that the Iraq War was launched on Israel’s behalf. The last place that I would expect to find such an allegation, however, was on the CounterPunch website to which I have contributed a number of articles on the subject over the years.

25 Sept 2019

Mattel Launches New Line Of "Gender Neutral" Dolls

“This is all about social engineering,”
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Toy maker Mattel has announced it is launching a new line of “gender neutral” dolls, prompting some critics to accuse the company of trying to socially engineer children.
“Kids can customize the new dolls with long or short hair, pants or skirts, or both. The dolls come in six different skin tones,” reports Fox Business.
Kim Culmone, senior vice president of Mattel Fashion Doll Design, said the dolls were being released because “kids don’t want their toys dictated by gender norms.”
“Toys are a reflection of culture and as the world continues to celebrate the positive impact of inclusivity, we felt it was time to create a doll line free of labels,” she said.

Neo-Colonialist Jewish Israel Death Force IDF Outdoes Itself In Another Week Of Horrific Jewish Violence Toward Gentiles

September, Week 3: lame-stream media does not cover the scores of “small” stories of Palestinian loss of freedom, property, life, and hope.
IMEMC brings the stories to us daily.
Below are many of the headlines from the past week.
Last Wednesday, Jewish Israeli Death Forces chopped down more than 100 Gentile-owned olive trees in the village of Burqin. No reason was given for the destruction. Clearly the Jews won't rest until all indigenous Gentiles are wiped out.
Invasions, attacks, interrogations, injuries, abductions, including little children and toddlers are the norm:

Multiculturalism Brings Us “The Knockout Game”

By Paul Kersey: His name is John Weed, yet another white victim of the black “knockout game” (documented by Colin Flaherty in his excellent book and by Paul Kersey in Their Lives Matter Too, a work dedicated to those white individuals murdered by blacks). [Sheriff identifies man killed at Great Frederick Fair; additional charges possible, Fredrick News-Post, September 23, 2019] 
Investigators from the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office will meet with the Frederick County State Attorney’s office Monday morning to discuss any possible additional charges stemming from an alleged assault that occurred Friday evening at The Great Frederick Fair. 
Sheriff Chuck Jenkins identified the victim Monday morning as 59-year-old John Weed from Mount Airy. He was attacked Friday and died Saturday afternoon after being flown to R. Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, The Frederick News-Post previously reported.

Children Murdered By US Weapons In Yemen Every Year ~ A Refinery Blows Up And America Suddenly Pays Attention

By Anthony Harwood: It's like the start of a bad joke.
What's the difference between 10,000 people being killed in air strikes and a bunch of missiles taking out an oil processing facility for a few days? ...The answer is no laughing matter.
The difference is that only the one which threatens the markets will "not be tolerated" by the Trump administration.
For more than four years, the people of Yemen have been relentlessly bombed back to the Dark Ages by a Saudi Arabia-led coalition, reckless, to put it charitably, about where its aircraft drop their payloads.
Forty-seven fishermen here, 137 funeral mourners there, a 20-strong wedding party and, in one year alone, 443 children.

Four hundred and forty three children.

Great Day For Zion ~ Shagging UK 'Doggy Style' For Eternity

"In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act" - George Orwell
By Gilad Atzmon: At the moment, the Jewish State is experiencing growing political instability while exploring its ability to defy Netanyahu’s alleged criminality and his racial incitements against Arabs, while at the same time, the UK has been reduced into a dutiful Israeli remote colony.
Two day ago, the Lobby scored three significant victories that are indicative of Britain’s descent into an Orwellian dystopia. It is now an unfit habitat for intellectuals, artists and humanists and their exodus has begun.
'Britain has allowed itself to be reduced to an Israeli colony, even to the point that Britain willingly sacrifices any of its most sacred values when asked to do so by a single right wing ethnic lobby that is largely committed to foreign interests.'

Recovering From The Red Pill Rage

By : In the popular 1999 science fiction film, The Matrix, the choice of taking a red pill or a blue pill symbolized the difference between accepting life as it is or remaining oblivious to reality. Over time, the metaphor has been adopted by the modern men’s liberation movement to distinguish between those who understand the harm that women do to men and those who don’t want to know.
In essence, being “red pill aware” means a man understands the nature of females and their instinctual behavior. He can peer through the fog of romantic love and marriage – the “blue pill world” – and see that intimate relationships often leave men in bad shape, undermining much of what they hold dear. In many cases, a sudden awareness evolves into something darker – “red pill rage” – reflecting the anger a man feels after realizing that the world works in a different way than he’s long been told.
Unfortunately, this notion of having been led down the garden path into circumstances and ways of life that were against their own interests has also led some to react – and overreact.

24 Sept 2019

Pakistan Threatened India With Nuclear War And No One Noticed

A nuclear-armed state threatened another nuclear armed-state with nuclear war and no one's talking about it...
Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi: In a recent interview with Al-Jazeera, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan made some controversial statements regarding the use of nuclear weapons against India.
First, Khan started off by saying he was anti-war—a “pacifist.” He then developed his stance, stating that “when two nuclear-armed countries fight, if they fight a conventional war, there is every possibility that it is going to end up into nuclear war.” However, this scenario, as Khan described, is “the unthinkable.”
Khan went on to say: 
“If say Pakistan, God forbid, we are fighting a conventional war, we are losing, and if a country is stuck between the choice; either you surrender or you fight ‘til death for your freedom, I know Pakistanis will fight to death for their freedom.

Jewish Neo-Colonialism: When Will Dad Come Home?

Marwa al-Sultan with her daughter Mira and two sons. A poster of her late husband Tamer is seen behind them. Abed Zagout
By Sarah Algherbawi: Two-year-old Mira al-Sultan keeps asking when her dad will come home. Sadly, her father is dead, but Mira’s mother can’t yet find a way of explaining that to her.
Tamer – Mira’s father – left Gaza in April this year. The pharmacist was hoping to build a new life for his family in Europe to escape the Jews.
After traveling by land to Turkey, Tamer boarded a crowded ship bound for Greece. Once he arrived in Greece, he embarked on a circuitous journey to avoid being stopped by border police.
From Greece, Tamer made his way through Albania and Serbia, mainly on foot. His plan was to eventually arrive in Belgium, via the former Yugoslavia and then Italy and France.
On 11 August, Tamer phoned his wife Marwa. “He told me that he would enter the woods of Bosnia and Herzegovina and would need six days to reach Croatia,” Marwa said. “That was the last time I heard his voice.”
While walking through Bosnian woodland, Tamer injured his arm. Because the wound was not tended to quickly enough, he became seriously ill.
A few days later Tamer’s family was notified by a Bosnian hospital that he had died from blood poisoning. He was aged 38.

The Use Of Low-IQ Troops In Wars

A presentation and reading by Hamilton Gregory, author of "McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam." Because so many college students were avoiding military service during the Vietnam War, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara lowered mental standards to induct 354,000 low-IQ men. they were known as McNamara's "Moron Corps.” Their death toll in combat was appalling. Gregory indicates at the end of his talk that the situation didn’t really change. The same practice is taking place nowadays.

The Supermassive Black Hole At The Center Of Our Galaxy Just Got Extremely Hungry

'The black hole is consuming more interstellar material, including stars, planets, dust, gas, and asteroids.'
Authored by Jake Anderson: Scientists believe there is a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy named Sagittarius A*. This black hole is 26,000 light-years from the Earth and approximately 4 million times the mass of the Sun.

While Sgr A* has always been thought of as a quiet, relatively modest black hole, new observations show a recent burst of unprecedented activity suggesting it is on a sudden feeding frenzy. 
The observations comes from a research team at the UCLA Galactic Center Group, which published their work in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Using the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii and the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, the team gathered 13,000 images of the accretion disk area of the black hole.

Support The Australian Government’s Family Law Enquiry

By : Bring it on, Prime Minister. When ScoMo was campaigning in the last election, he promised to stand up for the Quiet Australians whose voices are often silenced by noisy minority groups. Last week, with the announcement of a new parliamentary inquiry into our Family Court, he invited that silent majority to be well and truly heard. Boy, are the feminists fuming.
I’ve been doing various media interviews about this. Here’s one from Perth radio 6PR
He’s attracted their wrath by setting terms of reference for this inquiry which echo widespread community concerns about pronounced anti-male bias in the family court system, particularly regarding false accusations of violence being used to give women an unfair advantage in court battles. A woman requires no evidence that violence has actually occurred to obtain a violence order and remove her partner from their home, denying him contact with his children. Her allegation that she fears violence could occur is sufficient, or her claim that she’s been emotionally, psychologically or financially abused.
A few months ago I was contacted by a retired chief inspector of police who wanted to speak out about the outrageous racket that has developed around these false violence accusations, with police required to “believe the victim” and turf men out of their homes, men they know are most likely innocent.