31 Dec 2019

Rise Of Jordan Peterson & The Red Pill Movie, Patricia Marcoccia & Cassie Jaye

Rebel Wisdom: Cassie Jaye is the director of the Red Pill Movie, and Patricia Marcossia made 'The Rise of Jordan Peterson'. Both made films about controversial subjects and had run ins with 'cancel culture'. For Cassie Jaye that meant protests around her film about the men's rights movement, Patricia's film 'Rise' had showings cancelled at cinemas in North America. In this three way discussion with Rebel Wisdom's David Fuller, they talk about the similarities and differences between their films, the experience of making them, and the controversy they both encountered when releasing them.

Will ICC Pierce Jewish Israel Regime’s Bubble Of Impunity?

The road to justice in Palestine has had plenty of Jewish checkpoints, roadblocks and other obstacles along the way.
By Maureen Clare Murphy: The latest detour came with this month’s announcement by Fatou Bensouda, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
Bensouda said that she had concluded her preliminary examination on Palestine, now in its fifth year, and was satisfied that requirements to launch a war crimes investigation had been met.
But she also requested that a pre-trial chamber of judges confirm the court’s jurisdiction to investigate alleged war crimes in the occupied West Bank Concentration Camp, including East Jerusalem Concentration Camp, and Gaza Mega Concentration Camp.

2020 Predictions

"2020 should be a whopper!"
Max and Stacy are going to make some predictions for 2020. It could be a year of GIABO: will we see pitchforks and billionaire taxes? And QE and interest rates – will they go negative this year despite booming markets and joy of the top one percent? Also, as Mark Carney said in 2019, ‘the dollar’s days are numbered.’ Will the US dollar keep its position as a settlement layer? Another really interesting question for a prediction is whether or not Trump will be re-elected. And as the tech unicorns start to blow-up, like WeWork and SoftBank, is that going to go away, or is Elon Musk going to take us to Mars, so we’ll all be saved?

Nullify Government Tyranny: In 2020, Harness The Power Of Your Discontent

“The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.” - John Lennon
Authored by John Whitehead: Twenty years into the 21st century, and what do we have to show for it?
Government corruption, tyranny and abuse have propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, and pay-to-play politicians have become the new normal.

Jewish Criminals In Seattle USA Used Secret Drain To Dump Toxic Waste Directly Into The Local Sewer System For Years

'Both the company’s owner and the manager of the plant, who happen to be cousins, have been lying to regulators since at least 2009, according to the indictment. The scheme was discovered in 2018.'
Authored by Emma Fiala: According to a 36-count grand jury indictment, a Jewish owned Seattle company used a hidden drain to dump a highly-corrosive chemical solution directly into the sewer system . 
The King County sewer system eventually reaches the Duwamish Waterway and the Puget Sound.
After “a sensitive sewer flow meter tipped them off to something strange,” agents sent a robot into the sewer to investigate,

30 Dec 2019

Why Christians Only Ever Hear About Attacks On Jews And Not About Retaliations Against Our Shabbos Goy Warring

‘Four out of five people persecuted for their faith are Christians and some 245 million Christians around the globe suffer extreme persecution'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: This morning TV presstitutes were reporting anti-semitic attacks against Orthodox Jews in New York with the implication that Trump was responsible. However, the Forward, a Jewish magazine, which reported the story yesterday wrote that “the majority of the perpetrators of the Brooklyn attacks, and the suspects in Jersey City—who were killed in a shootout with the police—and now Monsey, were not white.” The Forward adds: “Brooklyn attackers are, at least according to demographic trends, extremely unlikely to be Trump supporters.”
Orthodox Jews have a tradition of anti-Zionism, so the attackers, unless they were ignorant, were not aiming at Israel. What the motives were no one seems to know, so the presstitutes assigned the blame to Trump.
Attacks on Jews get the media’s attention, but not the more numerous attacks on white gentiles, Christians, and Christian churches. Could it be that the high level of concern for Jews compared to everyone else contributes to anti-semitism?

George Galloway On Brexit And UK's Political Future

The Grayzone: Anya Parampil speaks with former UK MP George Galloway about Britain's impending exit from the European Union, which Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to execute at the end of January 2020. Anya also asks for Galloway's thoughts on the future of UK politics in light of the Labour Party's devastating loss at the polls in December, asking if party leader Jeremy Corbyn could have managed accusations of anti-semitism and Brexit differently.

Men & Boys Who've Been Sexually Assaulted By Women Share Their Stories

"Take my penis out of your mouth! ...When I was 12, my uncle's wife would have her way with me when he would leave for work!"
Men who have been sexually assaulted by a woman, what's your story?

Privatization Has Resurrected Feudalism In The USA

Update: A reader points out that the US prison population is higher by 21,100 than the combined prison populations of China and India, the two largest countries in terms of population whose combined populations are eight times larger than that of the US. https://prisonstudies.org/highest-to-lowest/prison-population-total?field_region_taxonomy_tid=All
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: America is a country of scandals. The latest scandal is the Jewish multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s use of prison labor call centers to spread the message of his presidential campaign. https://theintercept.com/2019/12/24/mike-bloomberg-2020-prison-labor/ It seems to me that Bloomberg’s attack on the American Constitution is the scandal, not his use of prison labor. Bloomberg wants to repeal the Second Amendment and disarm the American people right at the time that the country is falling apart spiritualy, morally, economically, and politically.
In the not distant past, I reported on the widespread use by major US corporations and the Department of Defense of prison labor. Apple is one such company, and boots and clothing for the military are made by prison labor.

Hindu Nationalists Are Seeking Extreme Far Right Talmudic Style Israelification Of India; They Must Be Stopped

India's new Jewish apartheid Israel regime style citizenship law ignites religious tensions
By Miriam Jackson: Of their quest to refashion India as a Hindu state, Hindutva extremists have positioned themselves on a collision course with the nation’s secular structure. Their aim is at least the reformation of India as an ethno-religious state affording particular rights and privileges to Hindus inside a multi-tier system of citizenship. The mannequin state that they aspire to duplicate is Israel. The Zionist state has turn out to be an aspiration as a lot as an inspiration for far-right nationalists world wide, India included.

29 Dec 2019

Men Who Have Been Abused By Women Share Their Stories

Radio TTS: Men who have left abusive relationships: what's your story?

Jewish Lobby's Wars Ricochet, Jewish Lobby's Censorship Angers: There's A "Latent Sense Of Insecurity" In Germany

Fifty-seven percent of Germans have awoken and say that "increasingly being told what to say and how to behave" is getting on their nerves...
Authored by Judith Bergman: "At least since the events at the Cologne cathedral square on New Year's Eve in 2015 people apparently feel more and more unsafe," said Oliver Malchow, the chairman of one of Germany's two largest police unions. He was referring to the mass sexual assaults committed mainly by Arab and North African men at the Cologne cathedral square on New Year's Eve more than four years ago. Malchow was also referring to new statistics, which show that approximately 640,000 Germans now have licenses for gas pistols -- a large increase since 2014, when around 260,000 people had such a license. A gas pistol fires loud blanks or tear gas cartridges and is only potentially lethal at extremely close range.

CosmicSkeptic Debating Douglas Murray On Gender, Reparations & Extinction Rebellion

"The cost to our society of not being able to think about things seems to me to already be evident." Douglas Murray.

Transgenders Are 58% More Likely To Commit Murder Than Be Murdered ~ Lesbian Couples Are The Most Violent

By Eric Striker: Transmania has taken cultural elites in the English speaking world by storm. Famous left-liberal JK Rowling is currently being hounded on Twitter for "transphobia," chic celebrities are now stating their pronouns, and presidential contender Elizabeth Warren has promised to read the names of transgender martyrs (mostly killed prostituting or in drug deals gone wrong) every year from the White House lawn if elected.  
The transsexual movement's driving myth is that there is an epidemic of murders targeting them for their stated "identities." The controlled press in America and the UK has been the main culprit in building this fictitious narrative, constantly reminding us that 24 trannies were killed in 2019, as if their lives are more special than the 17-18,000 victims of homicide every year.

The Dirty War On The UK NHS: Privatisation, Profits & The Impact On Patients

RT: Journalist and filmmaker John Pilger on his film The Dirty War on the NHS’. He discusses the issue of the film not being allowed to air during the general election and questions the role of OFCOM as a regulator, the negative impact of management consultants, how the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 opened the door to NHS privatisation, how privatisation causes money to be wasted in the NHS despite more funding promises,

O Little Town Of Bethlehem, What Has Become Of Thee?

The Zionist Jews' Apartheid Wall
Bristol City Banksy's interpretation?

28 Dec 2019

Patrisse Cullors And Lowkey - Unscripted

In this discussion, Cullors [Black Lives Matter] and Lowkey [Gentile Lives Matter] share their experiences of activism and protest, dissecting the relations between power and politics in constructing definitions and narratives about those challenging the status quo.

How Controlled Explanations Are Achieved

'The official explanations we are given about even major events, such as the assassination of a President and 9/11, are transparently false.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: In 2014 Progressive Press published a book by a French author, Laurent Guyenot, titled JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State. The book contains much interesting reporting that shows that the official explanations we are given about even major events, such as the assassination of a President and 9/11, are transparently false. Yet, these transparently false explanations are hard to challenge despite all available evidence being against the explanations.
Reviewing such a book is a challenge that I avoided by securing permission to reprint two chapters from the book. One chapter, “Ghost planes,” deals with the mystery of the four allegedly hijacked airliners. No trace of the one that allegedly hit the Pentagon has ever been found, and the many videos of the event remain under lock and key. No trace of the one that allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania has ever been found.

Men Who Have Been Stalked By A Woman Share Their Story

Radio TTS: Men of reddit who were stalked by a woman, what's the story? How was it resolved?

Warmonger Maddow Meltdown: In Defense To OAN Lawsuit

Host Argues Her Words Are Not Facts
By Tyler Durden: Back in September, we reported that TV network OAN had filed a lawsuit against Rachel Maddow for the time the host said that OAN “really, literally is paid Russian propaganda.”
Now, Maddow finds herself having to come up with a defense for her statement in court. And she has also apparently hired Lionel Hutz as her legal adviser.
According to Culttture, her lawyers argued in a recent motion that "…the liberal host was clearly offering up her ‘own unique expression’ of her views to capture what she saw as the ‘ridiculous’ nature of the undisputed facts. Her comment, therefore, is a quintessential statement ‘of rhetorical hyperbole, incapable of being proved true or false."
Oh, it's capable of being proved false, alright. Maddow had previously claimed, on air, about one of OAN's reporters:

2020 War On Journalism Continues ~ FREE Julian Assange!

thejuicemedia: Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400,000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war—the biggest leak of classified military documents in history—sending shockwaves across the Fourth Estate. Rap News marks the occasion by inviting into the studio the former US Secretary of Offense, Donald Rumsfeld. But what starts out as a conventional Rap News interview soon descends into mayhem as the live feed is hijacked by News World Order, eager to spin the record like a disc jockey on crack. Enter Bill O'Really, the champion of Fair & Balanced journalism, dragging us screaming into the No Spine Zone. Only divine intervention can save us now, from a fate worse than death. But beware of imitators; not all is what it seems to be! Join us for a rollercoaster episode of Rap News, featuring a very very special guest appearance.

27 Dec 2019

Children In Need: Statistics ~ England

'The nature of the dominant abuse categories suggests that mothers rather than fathers are the main perpetrators, and moreover that it is abuse by mothers which is mainly leading to the increasing incidence of protection orders.'
Number of children subject to a protection plan by category of abuse
By MRA-UK: This will be a rather flat-footed presentation of salient data relating to children “in need” and “in care”. All the data herein relates to England alone (not the whole of the UK) unless otherwise stated. Data relates to the year ending March 2018, or at 31 March 2018, unless otherwise stated.
Throughout it will be seen that boys outnumber girls in care, in need, and in all their adverse effects.

FBI Confirms Mossad Paedophile Maxwell Jnr. & "Others" Are Under Investigation For Epstein Ties

Sources inside the FBI have confirmed that the bureau is investigating Jewish socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and several other unnamed persons suspected of helping multimillionaire paedophile Jeffrey 'Baby Shiksa Shagger' Epstein recruit and exploit underage Gentile girls.
By Tyler Durden: Maxwell, who reportedly dated Epstein in the early 1990s before settling in to a close friendship with the millionaire, has been MIA since Epstein's July arrest. Soon after, Epstein 'died' while awaiting trial in Manhattan's Metropolitan Correctional Center.
Though this is the first time the FBI has confirmed that it's actively investigating Maxwell, AG Bill Barr's insistence that the case would focus on those who enabled or abetted Epstein led many to suspect that Maxwell would be the next logical target.

Men Share Their Crazy Experiences When They Rejected A Woman

Radio TTS: Men of reddit, we hear all about horror stories about how crazy men can be when rejected, but what's been your crazy experience when you rejected a woman?

‘Blinding The Truth’: Jewish Israel Terror Regime Snipers Target Gaza Mega Concentration Camp Protesters' Eyes

Eyes are a ‘common target’ of Jewish Death Force IDF snipers at Gaza Mega Concentration Camp’s Great March of Return. Gaza’s Ministry of Health reports that IDF Jews have shot 50 Gentile men, women and little children in the eye since the weekly demonstrations began last March, leaving many Gentiles permanently blind, others dead.
Image: Another Gentile child born in Gaza Mega Concentration Camp for Indigenous Gentiles, twelve-year-old Mohammed Al-Najar was shot in his eye by a Jew of the Jewish Israel terror regime [Getty]
By Tareq Hajjaj and Pam Bailey:
Media coverage and social media posts went wild when Palestinian photojournalist Muath Amarneh was blinded in his left eye after he was hit by a rubber bullet while covering a protest in the West Bank Concentration Camp.

Baroness Hale 'The Almighty Vagina' Retires

Baroness Brenda Hale 'The Almighty Vagina', the chief architect behind the pivotal anti-male, anti-child 'Children Act 1989' and one-time feminist academic, will retire on 10th January 2020. 
By MRA-UK: I gave my version of her biography (admittedly partisan) when she was appointed to that role in September 2017. I will not repeat myself though you may be interested in looking back at it. You will, no doubt, be keen to watch her valedictory ceremony and speeches.
I neither mourn nor celebrate her going. If it had not been her, it would have been someone else.
Hale was the first woman President of the Supreme Court, though that is less significant than it might appear given that the Supreme Court, a creation of the Blair/Brown Governments, came into being only in October 2009. The Supreme Court assumed the judicial authority previously enjoyed by the House of Lords.

Abby Martin & Lowkey: A Deeper Look At The UK Election

Abby Martin is joined by Lowkey. They discuss the recent election loss by Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party but go beyond the headlines, discussing the legacy of the British Empire, neoliberal austerity, how the military and intelligence agencies interfered in the elections, the role of Jewish Israel regime and it's billionaire class, and the lessons the Bernie Sanders movement can learn from the left-wing loss.

26 Dec 2019

Annus Horribilis Jewish Kiddy-Fiddlers: Epstine's BFF Prince Andrew Sends Dog Butt Cards ~ Shunned Christmas Day

Authored by Emma Fiala: Prince Andrew just can’t catch a break. Ever since the Duke of York was accused of raping an underage girl and attempted to explain why he remained friends with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein during a disastrous television interview, things haven’t exactly been going his way.
Not only did Prince Andrew step back from public duties for the foreseeable future just days before his mother, Queen Elizabeth, cancelled his 60th birthday party back in November, but the Duke skipped his daughter’s engagement party earlier this month and was just banned from the traditional Christmas church service this year as a result of his numerous shortcomings as a member of the royal family.
The disgraced royal was ordered to not attend the traditional Christmas morning service at a small church on the Sandringham estate along with the rest of his family. Instead he was ordered to attend an earlier service, at 9am.
Andrew was photographed walking en route to the service along with his brother, Prince Charles.

Weekly Report On Jewish Human Rights Violations Against Indigenous Gentiles & Their Children In Occupied Palestinian

'This week, PCHR documented 224 violations of the international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) including against little Gentile children by the Jewish Israel Death Force (IDF) and Jewish Land Thieves in their Mega Concentration Camps for Indigenous Gentiles. This week witnessed an increase of Jewish violations regarding demolition and land theft activities in addition to Jewish Land Thieves’ attacks and incursions.'
Alison Weir: While most Americans were celebrating Christmas, this is what The Jewish regime in occupied Palestine were doing. US politicians give Israel over $10 million per day.

Risus Paschalis For Christmas: Laughing With Sarah, Isaac's Mum

Begin, little boy, to get to know mother with a laugh.
Ten months have brought a mother’s long labor.
Begin, little boy; for whom parents do not laugh,
no god honors at his table, no goddess honors in bed.

{ Incipe, parve puer, risu cognoscere matrem,
matri longa decem tulerunt fastidia menses.
Incipe, parve puer, cui non risere parentes,
nec deus hunc mensa, dea nec dignata cubili est. } [1]
Even at age seventy-four, Sarah was beautiful enough to be a wife for the King of Egypt. But she hadn’t produced any children. Eager for children, Sarah ordered her beta male husband Abraham to have sex with her slave-girl Hagar. Like most beta male husbands, Abraham did what his wife told him to do. He was potent enough at age seventy-five to have a child with Hagar. Sarah then blamed Abraham for the mother Hagar looking down on her. Whatever happens, men get blamed. With the passivity of a mangina who understands his subordination to women, Abraham the mangina told Sarah to do to Hagar whatever she wanted to do. Sarah then kicked Hagar and Hagar’s son Ishmael out of their home. Such is the cruel futility of family life in gynocentric society.

Mary And Joseph's Battle Against The State

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker: The story of Christmas begins with a 90-mile trek in a dangerous world of robbers both private and public and ends with the Jewish elites having the son of god crucified. It was the first imposition of a head tax in that generation, by the tyrannical Caesar Augustus, who ruled the Roman Empire from 27 BC until AD 14.
And you know he had major ego issues. He changed the name of the month Sextillia to name it after himself: August. The calendar still pays him homage.
His major ambition in his reign was to restore a centralized empire. Raising revenue was a major priority of the regime, and this tax was a means of accomplishing that goal. 
Few people give voluntarily to any state. The state must rely on enforcement via coercion, including beatings and imprisonment. A state needs a standard by which to judge compliance, which means that taxation always and everywhere begins with accounting for all the people, their income and jobs. 
It was precisely this with the Edict of Caesar Augustus.

Hungary Axes LGBT Captured Eurovision Song Contest For The Good Of The People’s Mental Health

By Mike Walsh: Hungary has pulled out of the Eurovision Song Contest amid speculation that the annual competition is too queer for the country’s pro-family government. Hungary has not given an official reason for the withdrawal. However, a source at Hungary’s broadcaster, MTVA, reportedly said staff believed the move was about Eurovision’s association with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transvestite (LGBT) decadence and degeneracy.
“I was not surprised. It comes from the institutionalised culture of MTVA,” the anonymous source told a British newspaper in a report published Wednesday. The source said no explanation had been provided internally, but that positive coverage of queers issues was discouraged in the newsroom. The Budapest situated broadcaster declined to reply to questions raised.
Also, the Hungarian website index.hu quoted MTVA sources as speculating that the government thinks Eurovision is too gay to participate in.
When an opposition lawmaker last week asked a government minister why Hungary was withdrawing from Eurovision, he was told that the nation’s broadcaster was responsible for the decision.

Gender: Sophistry, Propaganda, An Exercise In Hostile Framing

By : I am going to ask the reader’s patience—just for a moment.  What we are going to examine is best understood with an example first.  Thus, it is best to keep the “cat in the bag” initially.
Imagine if you heard or read the following as a health alert, or a public service announcement.
“There is a condition that is the greatest source of death in the world.  This condition is chronic, progressive and uniformly fatal.
This condition is killing people all over the world—and most of us don’t even think of it as a problem.”
So far, so good?  Sound pretty familiar?  Let’s continue.
“It is chronic:  once you have it, it keeps going.
It is progressive:  it is characterized by a set of symptoms that worsen over time.
It is uniformly fatal:  all who contract this condition die.  There is currently no cure.  The fatality rate is 100%.”

25 Dec 2019

Great Cover Up Of The Biggest Scandal In American History

The Z Man: Joe diGenova has been talking about the seditious plot to overturn the 2016 election for at least a year, maybe longer. Unlike a lot of the people commenting on this in the mass media, he is not using it to sell books or boost his cable career. He also knows how the FBI and DOJ works from a practical matter. Being knowledgeable makes him a rare guy in the commentariat. Most of the people brought on as experts for the cable chat shows know very little about their alleged areas of expertise.
Regardless, he has been one of the most hawkish people on the Barr investigation, claiming that it is a real investigation with real criminal targets. In this recent radio interview he goes into the details of both the Barr investigation and the ongoing impeachment fiasco.

Wives Predominate In Seeking Divorce: An Unusual Medieval Case

On the British Isles in the seventh century, a husband sought to divorce his wife. Whether this husband suffered abuse from his wife, as Matheolus did in twelfth-century France, isn’t known. What’s clear is that this husband didn’t find God in love with his wife. He thus looked elsewhere:
I want to turn to my God;
I do not want my wife.
Lord, I ask this of you;
I long to serve you alone.
Wife, depart from me!

{ Ad deum meum convertere volo:
uxorem meam ego nolo.
Domine, hoc tibi rogo:
tibi soli servire volo.
Recede a me, uxor! } [1]

The Child That Christmas Forgot: How Would Jesus Fare In The US Police State, Or In Gaza Mega Concentration Camp?

“Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child’s cry, a blazing star hung over a stable, and wise men came with birthday gifts. We haven’t forgotten that night down the centuries. We celebrate it with stars on Christmas trees, with the sound of bells, and with gifts… We forget nobody, adult or child. All the stockings are filled, all that is, except one. And we have even forgotten to hang it up. The stocking for the child born in a manger. It’s his birthday we’re celebrating. Don’t let us ever forget that. Let us ask ourselves what He would wish for most. And then, let each put in his share, loving kindness, warm hearts, and a stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shining gifts that make peace on earth.” - The Bishop’s Wife (1947)
Authored by John Whitehead: The Christmas story of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one.
Image: Dionysus virgin birth 25th December.
Dies and is resurrected 3 days later.
The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled to the little town of Bethlehem so that they could be counted. There being no room for the couple at any of the inns, they stayed in a stable (a barn), where Mary gave birth to a baby boy, Jesus. Warned that the government planned to kill the baby, Jesus’ family fled with him to Egypt until it was safe to return to their native land.
Yet what if Jesus had been born 2,000 years later?

Deep States' Mossad, The CIA, MI6 Implicated In Bugging Of Ecuador Embassy To Spy On The People's Hero Assange

'...Spanish judiciary’s claims that it has obtained an overwhelming amount of documentary and other evidence that demonstrates that Assange is basically telling the truth.'
By Philip Giraldi: The Julian Assange drama drags on. Though he continues to sit in a top security British prison awaiting developments in his expected extradition to the United States, the Spanish High Court has been given permission to interview him. Assange is claiming that the Spanish company contracted with by the Ecuadorean government to do embassy security in London spied on him using both audio and video devices.
The recordings apparently included conversations with Assange’s lawyers outlining his defense strategies, which is an illegal activity under Spanish law. The prosecution has also indicted the company director, former military officer David Morales, on associated criminal charges of bribing a government official and money laundering. Morales has said that he is innocent.

American Heroine Elizabeth Dilling Crusaded Against Jewish Influence In The 30s, 40s And 50s

One day an awakened United States
will emerge from the Jewish chrysalis.
By Mike Walsh: Pennsylvania Avenue will then perhaps be renamed Elizabeth Dilling Avenue. Today, slumbering in their Jewish shroud, few Americans have heard of a lady who should replace the Statue of Liberty.
Elizabeth Dilling (1894 –1966) was a publisher; she headed the Patriotic Research Bureau and was one of the leaders of the Mothers’ Crusade.
The fearless investigator authored several political books emphasizing the connection between Communism and the Jews. Elizabeth Dilling was one of thirty Americans charged with the insurgency in the Great Sedition Trial of 1944.
Raised in Chicago, she was of English and French descent and whilst in her twenties became an avid traveller. During the summer of 1931, she joined friends on a trip to the USSR. The Soviet Union between 1917 and 1922 had been seized by American-backed revolutionary mercenaries.
“reveals the satanic hatred of Christ and Christians responsible for their mass murder, torture and slave labour in all Iron Curtain countries, all of which are ruled by Talmudists’

24 Dec 2019

"#WomenAreTrash" Trends On Twitter

"Hollywood is a feminist cesspool and it's putting it into women's heads that they are actually physically powerful. ...It's just not the case."
Said Akkad.

The Kmart Conundrum For Feminists

'At what point does the realization of the stark and rather dramatic difference in resources devoted to women’s needs in comparison to those specifically targeting men dawn upon any female who regularly shops in these stores?'
By : I would like to take a feminist shopping one day. I think Kmart would be my choice for a peruse of their merchandise. We could both wander off to the clothing sections of the store and see if we can discover any tempting bargains.
We would quickly discover the women’s clothing area because it is impossible to miss. It is simply enormous and almost always placed in a central location in the store.
The men’s section always requires a little more time and effort to locate, but the clothing is always reasonably priced and of a decent quality. The area designated for men is normally situated somewhere at the back of the store and is much smaller than the women’s clothing section.

Jewish Mossad Honeypot Paedophile Epstein "Admitted To Me He Was A Spy"

Ex-Biz Partner Warns "He's Got Prince Andrew Pinned To The Wall"
Authored by Dylan Howard: Steven Hoffenberg was arrested by FBI agents in Arkansas in 1996, after regulators accused him of defrauding investors. The former business partner of Jeffrey Epstein in Towers Financial spent 18 years in jail for the largest Ponzi schemes in history prior to Bernie Madoff’s crimes. But the notorious sex criminal got away scot-free. Why? In a series of new and exclusives conversations, Hoffenberg reveals the real reason he evaded justice in one of America’s largest Ponzi schemes—he was an international spy.
Jewish paedophile Ghislaine Maxwell (right, Epstein's Mossad paedophile honeypot co conspirator) with Gentiles Prince Andrew and the child Virginia Roberts in 2001.
Britain’s Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein’s paedophile pimp Ghislaine Maxwell have joined forces to stonewall investigators and prevent Epstein’s victims from obtaining justice.

Bernie Sanders Says US Must Move On from Just Being Pro-Israel, US Must Be Pro-Truth

MEMO: US Senator Bernie Sanders, a leading candidate to be the Democratic presidential candidate, slammed Jewish Israel Prime Minister Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu as a “racist” yesterday.
According to reports, Senator Sanders (I-Vt.) made the remarks during a Democratic debate amongst 2020 presidential candidates that covered a wide number of issues.
When asked specifically about how he would manage relations with Israel and the Palestinians, Sanders struck a very different tone to many of the Democratic party mainstream.
“Israel has the right not only to exist, but to exist in peace and security,” said Sanders, noting how he had “lived in Israel as a kid” (a reference to his time on a kibbutz), and is “proudly Jewish”.
However, Sanders continued by declaring that what US foreign policy must be about is not just being pro-Israel. We must be pro-Palestinian as well.”
The candidate added some biting criticism of the Israeli premier. “We must understand that right now in Israel we have leadership who has been indicted for bribery, who, in my view, is a racist,” said Sanders, referring to Netanyahu’s corruption charges.

23 Dec 2019

Gentile Girl Fights Cancer Alone At West Bank Concentration Camp Hospital - Jewish Israel Won’t Let Her Parents Join Her

The parents of Gentile children with terminal cancer are among those who are being denied travel permits by the Jewish apartheid Israel regime. Miral Abu Amsha, a little 10-year-old girl suffering from leukemia, is undergoing chemotherapy in a Nablus hospital by herself. And she’s not the only child in that situation.
By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac: The look on Miral’s face says it all: the anguished features of a little girl, a study in pain. There are balloons in the room, dolls on the bed, and a grandmother by her side – but Miral’s face bespeaks suffering. Occasionally, she is on the brink of tears, but holds back in order not to cry in front of strangers. But at some point, she can no longer contain herself and begins to weep. She’s sitting on the bed, the chemo tube attached to her arm, dripping the liquid directly into her vein.
'A portrait of the essence of Jewish Israeli evil.'

This Is America 2020: 10 Examples That Show How Dramatically The U.S. Has Changed

'#1 The ACLU has started a campaign to make tampons available in all men’s restrooms across America…'
Authored by Michael Snyder: One thing that you can count on in life is that things are going to change. And these days the pace of change in America is absolutely breathtaking. Our culture is in the process of being radically transformed, and the direction of that change has not altered very much at all no matter which political party has been in power in Washington. Many of the values that are now embraced by a solid majority of the population run directly counter to the values that once dominated our society, but only a small minority of Americans seem alarmed by that fact. It appears to be exceedingly unlikely that there will be any deviating from the path that our nation has chosen, because at this point the American people seem quite satisfied with the dramatic “progress” that is taking place.
Are we on the right track as a nation?

Dr. Guy Bechor On American Jewry And Its Destiny

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: According to Jewish Israeli academic Guy Bechor the fate of American Jewry is sealed.
In this three years old video Dr. Bechor points at a Jewish progressive ‘conspiracy’ against America, its values and ideals. Bechor reckons that it is just a question of time before American Jews flee to the Israel terror regime. He also insists that the so-called progressive Jews won’t be allowed to seek refuge in the Jewish Israel.

How US Congress & The Banksters Stole Christmas

Authored by Dr. Ron Paul: The bickering over impeachment did not stop the president and Congress from coming together last week to avert a government shutdown by passing a 1.4 trillion dollar spending package.
The bipartisan agreement has something for everyone — a 22 billion dollars increase to bring total spending on militarism to 738 billion dollars, and a 27 billion dollars increase to bring total spending on domestic programs to 632 billion dollars. It also imposes a national ban on selling tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to anyone under 21.
The agreement was split into two bills. Both bills were unveiled last Monday afternoon. The bills passed the House on Tuesday, so only the House leadership and the members of the Appropriations Committee (and their staffs) who helped write the over 2,000-page deal had any idea what was in the bills. But most members voted for the spending bills because they were fearful of backlash over another Christmastime government shutdown. House leadership simply “waived” the rule requiring that all legislation be available at least three days before being voted upon.
The modern practice of funding the government via gigantic omnibus bills that are rushed into law puts the growth of government on autopilot.

Feminism: A Self-Cancelling Project

'The magnitude of feminism’s
ideological incoherence.'
By : One hears a lot of talk about cancel culture these days, but little discussion of how a cultural movement goes about canceling itself. This is especially the case with feminism. The entire program is ruptured by flagrant violations of common sense and manifold contradictions it cannot resolve. One scarcely knows where to start in disentangling the skein of incongruities, mystifications, fallacies, and inconsistencies which comprise its dogma and determine its destructive course in the public domain.
Many of the movement’s disabling contradictions have been abundantly documented in various books, some of the most decisive including Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young’s misandry volumes Spreading Misandry and Legalizing Misandry; William Collins’ The Empathy Gap; Patricia Pearson’s When She Was Bad; Christina Hoff Sommers’ Who Stole Feminism?; Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly’s The Flipside of Feminism; Janice Fiamengo’s Sons of Feminism; Bettina Arndt’s #MenToo, Stephen Baskerville’s The New Politics of Sex; Esther Vilar’s The Manipulated Man; and Megan Fox’s Believe Evidence: The Death of Due Process from Salome to #MeToo to mention only a few.