2 Oct 2019

Johnson Releases New Brexit 'Ultimatum' To Europe

"The prime minister has been very clear that if the EU rejects what is a sensible
and balanced deal then we will be
entering the realm of no-deal."
By Tyler Durden: Though most of the details had already leaked out prior to the official release, UK Prime Minister has finally shared his Brexit plan with the public via a letter addressed to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.
Johnson's 6-page proposal rips up the hated Irish Backstop, proposing instead that Northern Ireland remain within the EU single market for certain goods, including agricultural products. Everything else will travel through a system of light touch customs checks on the island of Ireland. The whole system would be subject to a vote of consent by Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland every four years.

How Neo-Colonialist Apartheid Jewish Israel Hasbara Works

Anyone who wants to be a player in Washington DC has to avoid the Jewish Israel hot wire.
Potential critics often self-censor
By Philip M. Giraldi: It is interesting to note how the Israel Lobby is able to manage and contain the commentary of groups in America that might normally be critical of Israeli policies vis-à-vis the United States. A recent article by Professor Andrew Bacevich entitled “President Trump, Please End the American Era in the Middle East” is a good example of how self-censorship by authors works. The piece appeared as one of Bacevich’s regular weekly contributions to The American Conservative website under the rubric “Realism and Restraint.”
The article particularly focused on the foreign policy pronouncements of Bret Stephens, the resident neocon who writes for The New York Times. Stephens, per Bacevich, has been urging constant war in the Middle East and worrying lest “we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the American era in the Middle East.”

Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures

Authored by Mike Shedlock: Climate change alarmists have convinced the public something must be done now. The reports are easily debunked as fraud...

Terrorist Jewish Israel Regime Caught Committing Over 400 Violations Against Gentile Journalists This Year

The Jewish Israel regime is deliberately targeting Gentile journalists in both their Gaza and West Bank Mega-Concentration Camps.
IMEMC:  The Ministry of Information, on the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian journalists, reported that the number of human rights violations, from the beginning of year 2019 to the end of August 2019, totaled 415; this included 82 journalists who were injured while covering the Great Return March, in Gaza Mega-Concentration Camp.
The Ministry pointed out that Palestinian journalists became a central target of terrorist Jewish occupation forces during their coverage of the ongoing demonstration, which began on March 30, 2018, along the eastern "Apartheid Wall" of Gaza Mega-Concentration Camp.