26 Nov 2019

Warm-Hearted Medieval Woman Saved Man Dying From Lovesickness

Joy of my life, give yourself to me, for I give myself to you!
Let me be a goddess, you a god — let me be yours, you mine.

{ Vite dulcedo, mihi te da, nam tibi me do!
Sim dea tuque deus: sim tua tuque meus. } [1]
In twelfth-century France, a young man was dying from lovesickness. He moaned:
Alas, extreme sadness now grasps my heart.
What is hidden deep inside bites and binds me.

{ Heu dolor immodicus, mea qui nunc pectora tangit!
Quod latet interius penitus me mordet et angit. } [2]
A gender compassion protrusion disadvantages men. Men’s sufferings typically generate much less concern than women’s sufferings.

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers For Jewish Israel's 'Apartheid Walls'

Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress.
Some attendees of the 2019 WJC gala: Michael Mirilashvili ($3 billion), Moshe Kantor ($4 billion), Henry Kissinger ($180 million), Ron Lauder ($4 billion), Leonard Lauder ($21 billion), Boris Lozhkin ($500 mill), Baron David de Rothschild & Lord Jacob Rothschild (family net worth estimates range from billions up to $700 trillion.) Collage by If Americans Knew
The gathering represented unparallelled power & wealth (and not a little corruption)… martialled on behalf of the Jewish Israel genocidal apartheid terror regime…

CENSORED BY YOUTUBE - "A Jew Coup": Rabid Seditious Jews Orchestrating Trump Impeachment Lynching

TruNews is was on the air! TruNews is was Go[o]d’s answer to [D]evil’s fake news. So Google Censored it!
Rick Wiles presents an in-depth analysis of the Jewish influence that is glaringly evident in the impeachment process of President Donald Trump, using only Jewish publications and websites as confirmation of the conspiracy that abounds in the purge of this administration. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart.