2 Dec 2019

Trump Signs The Preventing Animal Cruelty And Torture Act

PCR: President Trump, God bless him, has signed the legislation preventing animal cruelty and torture. If he would only do the same for humans, such as Julian Assange, Manning, and the victims of the CIA’s many secret torture prisons.

Hitler’s War Crimes v Those Of Churchill & The Americans - Understanding World War II

'When truth-tellers rattle our cages, we get upset over having our comfortable make-believe world disturbed and shout invectives. Rather than condemn the messanger, the more mature response would be to condemn those who lied to us and institutionalized false history into our consciousness.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Third and Final Installment of Ron Unz’s “Understanding World War II” http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-understanding-world-war-ii/
When we want to demonize someone the worst epithet we can think of is to call him a Nazi or compare the person to Hitler, as Hillary Clinton did when she declared Russia’s President Putin “the new Hitler.” This ingrained habit comes from the influence of the massive anti-German World War II propaganda. Revisionist historians who have actually dug up the buried evidence and examined it have made a case that whatever the Nazi crimes, they were rivaled, if not exceeded, by those of Churchill and the Americans.

Gilad Atzmon & Man On Fire Win The 12 December Election!

'The Brits have had enough of foreign Lobby interference with their politics. They are tired of a hostile pressure groups weaponizing anti-Semitism, vandalising their culture and politics and openly defying the Athenian roots at the core of the British value system and its ethos.'
By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: For the last 15 years we have been warning both Brits and Jews of the possibility of serious consequences that might result from the intensive activities of the Jewish Lobby in Britain and beyond. We have written thousands of commentaries about the topic, given endless talks and interviews and I have published the best selling books on Jewish Identity politics in return for which I have received relentless abuse. However, we survive and with just a bit of luck Britain may also survive the present chaos inflicted on it by the Lobby and by its own compromised political establishment.

The UK Jewish Lobby's Matt Hancock MP Tarred & Feathered At Haverhill Hustings

Clueless Jew and Jewish apartheid Lobby asset Matt Hancock MP plays his "I am more passionate about ridding anti-Semitism from our politics" card to a crowd of informed UK citizens who promptly rise out of their seats to heckle him off the stage with howls of laughter and exclamations including "Liar" and Racist!" Bravo the people of Haverhill!

US, Europe Racially Inundated; Now Ruled By Authoritarian Technocrats

By Hunter Wallace: I increasingly see liberalism [rather than democracy] as the problem that ails the West. We never got the chance to vote on countless things like mass immigration, political correctness, multiculturalism, gay marriage, etc. Those key decisions were all made on behalf of the public by our elites. The British voted for BREXIT and Americans voted for Trump’s agenda and look what happened.
The following excerpt comes from Simon Reid-Henry’s book Empire of Democracy, The Remaking of the West Since the Cold War, 1971-2017:
“On a troubled and lonely late-night flight across the country on Air Force One in September 1995, President Clinton “ambled back to the press Cabin,” reported one of the journalists present, and confided to the rest of the press pack that the country seemed to him in something of a “funk”; not down, by a long way, but out of kilter. In Europe as well, admist the new prosperity, there could be no denying the almost palpable sense that public life had somehow lost its soul. Something strange had transpired amid the post-Cold War peace dividend and what seemed to many Westerners, at the height of the 1990s, as the economic boom of ages. Confidence in democracy was not growing stronger; it was ebbing slowly away.