25 Jan 2020

Belmarsh Prison Inmates Prove More Ethical Than Entire Western Empire

'As it turns out, Assange was in fact rescued from the cruelty of this globe-sprawling empire by the concerted protests of high-security prison inmates.'
By Caitlin Johnstone: In some refreshingly good news about Julian Assange, WikiLeaks is reporting that its founder has finally been moved out of solitary confinement to a different wing in Belmarsh Prison where he can have normal social interactions with 40 other inmates.
This fantastic news lifts a huge weight from the chests of those of us who’ve been protesting Assange’s cruel and unusual treatment at the hands of an international alliance of governments bent on making a draconian public example of a journalist whose publications exposed US war crimes. Solitary confinement is a form of torture, and a UN Special Rapporteur has confirmed that Assange shows clear symptoms that he is a victim of psychological torture caused by his persecution from coordinated efforts by Washington, London, Stockholm, Canberra and Quito.
So what caused this shift in Assange’s treatment?

56 Million Chinese On Lockdown As Virus Spreads To Australia, Malaysia, USA

  • 1438 Cases Worldwide
  • 42 Deaths
  • 18 Chinese cities - 56 million people - quarantined
  • US and Russia planning evacuation of citizens from Wuhan
  • Australia and Malaysia join the list of global nations with CoV cases
*  *  *
By Tyler Durden: As we move into Saturday evening on the ground in Wuhan, it's becoming increasingly obvious to the broader global community that China's government has failed to contain this viral outbreak.
Chinese authorities expanded the travel restrictions on Saturday to cover 56 million Chinese, Al Jazeera reports. At least 18 cities in central Hubei are now dealing with at least some level of travel restrictions.

One Last Thing About The Phoney Wage Gap

'There are so many men out their being economically exploited, but it has been twisted around to make those poor exploited men appear like selfish rogues.'
By Marcus Holden: I’m so so sick of hearing about this fictional wage gap. People, including some MRA’s have this wage thing wrong. Its not about the earning of money, but the SPENDING.
Money has no power whatsoever, until it is being handed over at the cash register… so the spending of money is a privilege. To earn the money is a LIABILITY!'
Women do most of the spending, not just groceries, but clothes, cars … everything. They are the privileged ones! The people who are doing the earning (and not spending), are the exploited ones.
Lets reverse it, and imagine how it would be presented to us. The feminists would be saying that the working women are exploited. They’d say we women are pushed out the door at 6am by our lazy husbands, only to return 11 hrs later exhausted.