21 Apr 2020

What if…?

'What if we are being bamboozled? 
...What if we are so busy being obedient little sheep that we will wake up too late?'
Kimberly Brady, MD: What if…? What if the number of Coronavirus cases is not accurate and is actually exaggerated by many times? What if the estimates are based on a flawed computer model? What if the developer of the model has so admitted? What if the death certificates are being modified to show more Coronavirus related deaths than actually exist? What if people who were already dying of serious conditions like heart disease or diabetes or COPD are now being counted as Coronavirus deaths because of the supposed presence of Coronavirus at the time of death? What if hospitals are assuming people have Coronavirus just because they exhibit one or more symptoms, like a cough or fever, even though no actual lab testing is performed (presumptive diagnosis)?
What if the CDC is as wrong about this virus as they were about Swine flu in 1976, or since then the Bird flu, or HIV or SARS or MERS? What if the Swine Flu Vaccine injured more people than the Swine Flu itself and the program had to be stopped? What if you found out that Fauci had very large financial ties to the Pharma agenda to provide vaccines, and that is why he is not mentioning any possible way to treat the flu except vaccines? What if Fauci has close financial connections to Bill (the computer and vaccine salesman) Gates? What if natural immunity from a virus entering your system through the throat is far superior to a synthetic chemical cocktail called a vaccine shot into your body with a needle?

Gender Matters: Professor Janice Fiamengo With J4MB's Mike Buchanan & Elizabeth Hobson

J4MB: Until her recent retirement, Janice Fiamengo was a Professor of English at the University of Ottawa. During the later years of her academic career she was one of the tiny minority of academics who publicly challenge feminism and feminists. She’s perhaps best known in the men’s rights movement for her video series The Fiamengo File, produced by Steve BrulĂ©.

Closedown v No Closedown

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Every country with the exception of Sweden found it necessary to close down at least part of the economy in order to prevent the highly infectious virus from overwhelming their medical care systems. The exponential rate of infection together with a lack of sufficient health resources obviously meant an overwhelmed system that would be unable to provide care for those suffering from other illnesses and deadly conditions, such as heart attacks.
The need to reduce the caseload was also influenced by the uncertainty of treatment.  It has been only through experimentation that health care professionals have found some successful treatments and learned that ventilators were causing deaths.  Knowledge about the virus and its attack on vital organs is still emerging. The long incubation period and the fact that people can spread the virus without themselves having symptoms makes the virus far more challenging than flu, with which it is often mistakenly compared.  The fact that people of all ages and health conditions have died from the virus, or from inappropriate treatment and prior conditions, and the impossibility of knowing in advance the severity of any person’s case produces a situation that can easily explode out of control.
The policy of isolation and social distancing has worked.  It has reduced the infection rate to a manageable one in most places.

Sweden v COVID-19: Why "Herd Immunity" Matters & Why Lockdown Doesn't Really Work

...with typically Swedish bluntness, Giesecke explains flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as lockdown, that Covid-19 is a 'mild disease' similar to the flu, & the Imperial College paper was 'not very good'

Is Amnesia A Symptom Of Covid-19?

'In 2017-18 America was subject to an alarming health situation far more dangerous than the current coronavirus. But not many in America knew about it. It wasn’t a news item. It is not that we forgot, we never knew. We lived through it despite the fact that it was far more severe than the current crisis.'
By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: I ask because just three years ago the USA experienced one of its most severe influenza outbreaks in recent memory. I am talking about the 2017-18 influenza that according to  The  American Centers of Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)  was associated with “45 million illnesses, 21 million medical visits, 810,000 hospitalizations.” By September 2018 CNN announced that as many as 80.000 were dead for reasons  associated with the outbreak.