27 Apr 2020

Corona Crisis: A Viral Episode Or A Half-Life Nightmare*

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon:
Herd Immunity Ratio
As an intellectual exercise let’s think of an imaginary state, “State A.” Our fictional State A is devastated that 100 of its citizens are infected with Covid-19. For this exercise, we accept that these 100 citizens are representative of State A‘s demography, classes, ethnicities and so on. Apparently, State A’s nightmare is just the beginning because out of its 100 Covid-19 carriers, not one survives the next three weeks.
Let’s now imagine another case, we will call “State B.” State B is similar to state A in terms of its size, population, geography, climate, culture, ethnicity, nutrition, etc. In State B 100 citizens also tested positive for Covid-19. Following the experience of State A, State B braces itself for the possibility that all its infected citizens may perish but then for reasons that are not yet clear to us, no one in state B dies. And if this is not different enough, hardly any of the 100 develop any symptoms.

Show Me The EVIDENCE ! ~ Was Coronavirus Deliberately Spread In Wuhan By The USA? ~ Is Kim Jung Un Dead?

"Don't tell me that they [US military] wouldn't do such a thing, because they have done such a thing." Said George Galloway.

Whisteblowing ER Docs Urge "Open Up Society Now" Because "Lockdowns Are Weakening Our Immune Systems"

'COVID-19 came here earlier than previously believed, is more ubiquitous, and ultimately for the general population less deadly than we thought.'
Authored by Edward Peter Stringham: Dr. Daniel W. Erickson of Bakersfield, California, is a former emergency-room physician who co-owns, with his partner Dr. Artin Massih, Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield.
They are experienced medical professionals who have 40 years of hands-on experience in dealing with viruses and respiratory infections.