The Real Economic Problem Is Not The Closedown

'An economic system that enriches the rentier class by converting as much of personal income as possible to the service of debt is an economic system that is dead in the water.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: What do we make of it all? I just read an article in the New York Times that reports that President Trump lied and hid from the public the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic .  On the other side, I encounter endless Internet rage that Covid-19 is a hoax, that New York city’s hospitals  are empty and no one has died.  It is nothing but a Rothchild-Rockefeller-Bill Gates plot. Perhaps the most stunningly inconsistant claim of all is that it is a bioweapon that is so harmless that there should have been no lockdown.  Why make a harmless bioweapon?  
Where one stands on the closedown depends on where one stands on other issues.  If you are a libertarian, you oppose the closedown because it interferes with your freedom and keeps useless old people alive who cost you payroll tax dollars.  It you are a Trump-hater like the New York Times you blame trump for understating the threat and not closing down soon enough.

Elizabeth 'Hottie' Hobson

'She calls herself an anti-feminist Gender Equality Activist' We call her “Hottie Hobson”.
By Mike Buchanan, J4MB: Our thanks to Tom Caulfield, our Technical Director, for the above picture, taken in the pool room of The Patriarchy Council HQ in London in 2019. Elizabeth (“Eli”) is seated on one of the 10 pool tables, this would be inadvisable for the average feminist, for obvious reasons. Eli is one of a number of beautiful Men’s Rights Activists Tom has photographed in recent years.

Self-Actualization And The Red Pill

By Peter Wright: As a society we often talk about men’s duties and responsibilities, or alternatively their failures to man-up and adequately serve women and society. But we rarely talk about men’s needs for health and safety, and rarely encourage them to carve out some self-actualized living.
Abraham Maslow’s model of human needs is depicted as a series of hierarchical levels on a pyramid. At the base are what he calls the deficiency needs (D-needs) which must be fulfilled before moving up to enjoy the higher needs. Any absence in deficiency needs, such as social belonging or having enough to eat, creates a sense of deprivation that motivates people to seek satisfaction of those needs.
D-needs are comprised of the lower four of the following levels of need: Physiological, safety, belonging, and self-esteem.


DoctorRandomercam: Lauren and I are many miles socially distant, so I've started 3D printing my own army of Laurens. You could have prevented this, oh foolhardy world. Now your end is nigh. This content is NOT SUITABLE for the emotionally undeveloped, e.g. Children, Political Partisans, Mainstream Journalists, Silicon Valley Tech Bosses and CHINA. May not be recommended for pregnant women. Please consult your GP to find out if all of this is doing you any favours.