2 May 2020

Why I No Longer Read Facebook

'See where they plan to ban holocaust  ‘denial’ (revisionist in any way)  videos and offer wikipedia instead.'
By Eve Mykytyn: I don’t know what caused Covid 19 to become our disease du jour. Was it a bat? A natural or laboratory mutation? Not only do I not know, but I don’t believe that Facebook, or the WHO know either. Why not let theories abound? Perhaps free speech means that we trust the people to evaluate the source and sort out the facts for themselves.
The general rule in the US is that no publisher has an obligation to print any particular view: that rule dates from  when ‘publisher’ meant print and print was inexpensive. The founders intentionally strove to open a ‘marketplace of ideas,’ a ‘public square’ with pamphleteers and speeches. Published content was restricted only  by the threat of litigation over libel or defamation which requires publishing material known (or should have known) to be false.

Totalitarianism Doesn't Shock Us Any More

Never in American history have politicians been more powerful than they are now.

Once Upon A Virus

Toppers: The Chinese embassy in France released a video Thursday mocking the United States response to the novel coronavirus with a short animation entitled "Once Upon a Virus." The Chinese embassy in France posted the video to its Twitter account. The video purports that the U.S., represented in the video by a Statue of Liberty figurine, did not heed warnings from the Chinese government that the novel coronavirus was dangerous.

Reopening In Words Only?

'The use of the crisis for agendas such as mass vaccination and police state controls, the absence of agreed effective treatment, and hospital deaths from mistreatment.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The “reopenings” underway in 30 states in the US might be in words only just as the ballyhooed “open” Swedish economy is not open in fact and has been closed by non-participation.  The Swedish Riksbank reports that attendance at cinema, events, and sports is off 90%.  Business at restaurants and cafes is down 70%, and the hotel occupancy rate is a meager 10%.  The overall Swedish economy has declined 11%—more than the current estimate for the US—and consumer confidence surveys have plunged more in Sweden than in Europe as a whole.
In other words, whether an economy is open or not is not up to the government.

New Coronavirus Study Claims Outbreak Will Last Longer Than 2 Years As 2/3rds Of Humanity Infected

"People need to be prepared for possible periodic resurgences of disease over the next two years."
By Tyler Durden: It's been a while since we saw a study projecting an extremely dire endgame for the coronavirus outbreak.
Yet, as the battle over whether to reopen immediately or wait a few more weeks becomes almost universally-partisan, a non-peer-reviewed study out of the midwest projected that the virus could kick around for another 2 years, and that the outbreak won't subside until more than 60% of the global population is immune, Bloomberg reports.
According to the research from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, the coronavirus pandemic is likely to last as long as two years and won’t be controlled until about two-thirds of the world’s population is immune.